
We couldn't have done it without Linus :)

>mfw Linus will die in our lifetime and the Linux kernel will be taken over by GitHub SJW's.

Linus is only 46 years old currently, he's got a good 40-50 more years of work ahead of him.

don't forget to praise stallman for making it useful :(

Yeah of course without Stallman we would never have the great Linux Operating System

>mfw it's still shit after 25 years


He should have come up with a catchier name? Linux just sounds better.

i've found myself calling it GNU plus Linux just by habit now, it catches fine. It's just not as popular to call it by the proper name

I prefer to call it Linux with GNU

>25 years
>Not even 2.5% desktop usage


you cannot use market share to represent the usage of an entirely free operating system.

25 years and people are still trying to crowbar this server software into a wannabe desktop OS.

It's sad that it's gone on this long.

He wanted to call it LiGnux originally.

That's even worse than GNU. Sounds like "lugnut"

It's a bit over 50% now.
Or do the parts of the market it dominates not count?

He should have called it GNULix

I can play WoW and surf the web and everything I would use another OS for. I think it works fine as a desktop OS.

He should have just dropped the retarded recursive acronym and called it Stalinux.

Here's to another 25 years of being awful!

Linus wanted to call it as Freax but the system operator who administered the FTP thought it was retarded and put it up as Linux.

Great job! If not for Linus we'd be running some version of GNU + BSD instead. Lets see which new markets will get dominated in the next 25 years.