Find a flaw

Find a flaw
Protip: You can't

Broken pinkies

Emacs user who is considering moving to vim here.

The modifier key paradigm used by Emacs would make sense if modern keyboard layouts made sense. But unfortunately for all of us they don't, so vim is better in that regard.

Also the whole “if your task involves modifying text then do your task in Emacs” philosophy used to make sense when you could do pretty much anything in Emacs. But these days there are too many times you have to leave Emacs (e.g. web browsing) for this philosophy to be in any way consistent. Hence, Vim's unix — “do one job and do it well” — philosophy tends to make more sense these days.

Should I take the plunge or just keep hacking Emacs?

it's just a subset of pic related

Stay with Emacs. Emacs 25 is getting a webkit browser.

>Find a flaw
It's key combos are so good that you'll add them to firefox with the firemacs addon, which will render you unable to use other people's computers / editors.

Unless you're writing something in lisp I don't see any reason for it. Just use vim or gedit and you'll miss none of the Michael Bay addons.

There are proper text editors out there like atom, sublime, vscode. We're not in the 90's anymore

I have heard from fellows smarter than I to use Emacs with Vim keybindings.

No, no, no. The success and power of Vim and Emacs is the greatly improved ergonomics! You can edit much faster with less hand strain and without leaving the terminal.

If you know vim then that seems like the best option. If it's your first editor you might as well just use the regular bindings.

free and open memeware

Emacs and Vim have only mediocre C++ syntax highlighting and no proper completion.

KDevelop does a better job at it because it utilizes clang. C++ is so complex that only a C++ compiler can parse and highlight it successfully.

>C++ is so complex that only a C++ compiler can parse and highlight it successfully.
Even then they can't do it efficiently. Parsing C++ source code is an undecidable problem.

I once opened emacs accidentally. I don't know how to quit. HALP!!!

- Sent from my GNU Emacs

why would you want to? It has everything.

The logo's kind of ugly. Great program though.

as a an emacs user

which-func-mode with very large python files. It just hangs so I have to turn that off.

>these days there are too many times you have to leave Emacs
Web browsing generally doesn't involve editing text, Emacs has a damn good web browser and Emacs 25 is getting Webkit and JS

Just install Evil and use Vim in Emacs.

Vim is anti-unix philosophy.

>Vim has spell checking compiled in
>Emacs uses your system's spell checker

>Vim has syntax highlighting compiled in
>Emacs uses an Emacs Lisp package for syntax highlighting

Do one job my ass, Vim is way more feature-bloated than Emacs core.

Are you retarded?

Escape Meta Alt Control Shift

>Emacs 25 is getting Webkit

Twenty years from now (Neo)Vim will get an HTML renderer and vimfags will think it's the greatest shit ever invented.

Just look at built-in terminal emulators and async subprocesses.

Emacs is like Lisp, lots of revolutionary features that everyone else "rediscovers" decades later.

I've got nothing against Emacs getting a browser engine. What's disgusting about it is that they chose WebKit.

Generally Not Used Except by Middle Aged Computer Scientists

>Just look at built-in terminal emulators and async subprocesses.

And its implementation is superior to Emacs's.

When Lua becomes the de-facto language for scripting Vim, there will be no reason for Emacs to exist anymore.

Have I mentioned Elisp is fucking slow?

clang is the best option so far and unlike gcc it has an API for editors.
Emacs and Vim really should use clang for syntax highlighting.

Pic related, probably the best C++ editor right now.