So why aren't you using GNU Social, Sup Forums?

So why aren't you using GNU Social, Sup Forums?
>respects your freedoms
>decentralized (choose your server)
>works as well as any social network like Twitter or Facebook

What's not to like?

Other urls found in this thread:

Does it have a userbase? Is it easy to convert normies to?

I don't even use the social networks my friends do use, why would I use one none of them do?

>4.2.2. The limited reach of hashtags

>Hashtags are somewhat limited in GNU social because your server does not have a complete view of the network. Suppose your server has 10 accounts on it. Obviously it knows about every post that those 10 people make. If each person follows 10 different people on remote servers, that's 100 extra people. All together your server knows about the posts from 110 accounts.

>If you click on a hashtag on your server, it's only ever possible to see posts from those 110 people.

>Note also that hashtags are linked to the server where you posted. If your account is on and you use the tag #newyearseve, anyone who clicks on it will see's list. If somebody on uses the same tag, clicking on that tag will show you's list. These lists might be different because each server has a different view of the network.

>The GNU social federation has lots of benefits but you can see that it makes hashtags a little complicated. Groups are a popular alternative that are more reliable.

Hashtags basically don't work. Freetards fuck up again.

Do they not know how to write a search function? What the fuck does this mean the servers need a complete view of the network? Just have them create a decentralized P2P backend network that individual servers can join to index and query eachother.

It's not like Google needed to replicate the entire internet back in the day to get a decent search algorithm written

Social media is toxic. Forums do communication and communities a whole lot better. Try converting "normies" to it, damn near impossible. but forums just work better than social media, imo.

It's not a bug, it's a feature

sounds like something a CS undergrad did

I already use *diaspora.

So let me get this straight.

People use hashtags to reach a whole network and this is impossible under GNU Social.

I mean, a simple workaround would be to just have a bot account which follows everyone on its server and other servers on as many servers as possible, but why not just implement this into GNU Social itself?

They fucked up the most basic functionality.

Don't server admins have access to everything there?

Is it the same for GNU Social, btw?

>unironically using hashtags
im glad this "feature" is broken

Diaspora is different from gahnoo social. It's closer to twitter.

They probably do. I'm on a pod where literally nobody is serious (except the podmin when he says he wants to commit sudoku), so no content uploaded is worth "having" (no photos, no personal conversations etc. like one would have on fagbook).

Social media is fucking retarded.

t. contrarian hipster faggot

>What's not to like?

the name for starters. "gnusocial" is a stupid name... I mean... "Gahnoo social"??? forrealdoe???

also, this sounds a lot like Diaspora with a new, stupid name. (not that Diaspora was a good name in itself, normies would never figure out how to say it correctly)

Diaspora is shit though.

This means you can only see hashtags from "friends of friends", or "friends of someone on your server" or "people on your server". I have no problem with this.

This seems like the only sensible server to join:

The recommended and most popular one actually cites Karl Marx in its welcome banner.

Has it been cucked by the jew, land whale or SJW movement?. Perhaps all three?.

You think you are too good to respect Karl Marx?

> is not a service, because we're not selling commodities.3
>3 Karl Marx. Capital. Vol. I-III
Why even.

So why hasn't this killed Twitter yet?

There's no point in joining a social network that none of your actual friends use.

>don't waste your vote on third parties

The way U.S. elections work, third parties without the funding and organization and media saturation of the two ruling parties will never have a chance in hell.

At least not with that attitude.

Politics of fear; congratulations you're a scared American citizen

What might work for your apartment condo doesn't scale to 300 million people.

Nope. If you don't have the money and especially the media presence you might as well not exist. Truth hurts.

> fear is necessary to control 300m people


You're just in denial about your fear; there is no truth to what you've said

How else would a reality TV star with no real policy platform who only appeals to the basest, coarsest instincts of a particular section of the population become the GOP's presidential nominee?

People are moronic animals driven by fear.

what the fuck kind of normie uses hashtags anyway

>your server has 10 accounts on it. Obviously it knows about every post that those 10 people make. If each person follows 10 different people on remote servers, that's 100 extra people. All together your server knows about the posts from 110 accounts.
And is this bad ?
You'll still be able to have all your friends and the accounts they follow. That filter all the other shit you probably don't care about.
is right, that's a great feature

>filter all the other shit you probably don't care about
This is not how hashtags are supposed to work retard.

Rational actor economics says otherwise.

>This is not how hashtags are supposed to work retard.
>implying the way they should work is better

>search/post hashtag
>expect everyone to find every post for that hashtag
The funny thing is it's so simple to implement.

That's not what it says though. When individuals let the presumed choices of other individuals influence their decision, they're acting collectively and irrational. Even if they've got their choices prioritized.

What you said

I'd rather use Diaspora

Someone please give me a guide on how to install this.

PHP garbage

You don't know how to use a search engine? You don't need to install anything to use it.

Know that already and wanted something specific?

Try looking for guides for your specific system if you're not running some Debian distribution.