Trying to use wget to download Sup Forums threads and convert the links so that I can view threads offline

Trying to use wget to download Sup Forums threads and convert the links so that I can view threads offline.

wget.exe -r -l1 -H -N -nd -erobots=off -E -np -k -P URL

What I am doing wrong?

Pic unrelated

Other urls found in this thread:


You didn't give it a websight to download LOL

Very funny.

wget -r -l1 -H -N -nd -erobots=off -E -np -k -P ./


You have to give it a regular URL, a post number isn't enough. You really think wget just knows Sup Forums?


You know Sup Forums has an API right? And I dunno, wget works fine on Sup Forums for me without all those arguments but I'm not on Winblows.

Sup Forums recognized the url and turned it into a postnumber you imbecile.

wget -r -l1 -H -N -nd -erobots=off -E -np -k -P ./ https : //boards.Sup

here, without the spaces btw https and //

Wget seemed easier to me, so just went with it. I might look into the api, but I doubt it'll be easier than wget to get threads to work offline (if I can get it to do that of course).

Daily reminder to ignore (possibly even hide) all tripfags, especially this edgy faggot.

Don't I know it. The only reason I replied to him was to bump my thread

ya but you're in the minority. just filter me on move on, sperg.

Why would you want to do this?

Why not? I like saving threads. I also want to be able to read the thread after it's dead.

then you should just reconsider your whole life.
fucking ugly

Huh, what do you know, that wget cmd actually worked for this thread.

Interesting, tried with another thread, worked fine. I guess it doesn't work with some threads

File->Print->Save as pdf.

That will only give you the thumbnails

Also no vids.

>rebecca black tech
>go to thread



how to you view a webpage youve downloaded from wget?

>Daily reminder to ignore (possibly even hide) all tripfags, especially this edgy faggot.

This is a trip.

╭∩╮(︶︿︶)╭∩╮ is a name. You should really learn the difference, especially if you're going to complain about them...

Here you go OP
wget Sup -O - | sh

You can't be serious.

looks legit as fuck

> not using dollchan for downloading threads and packing them into neat .tar files