Sup Forumsentlemen with gtx 1070s, do you have Micron vram in your card?

Sup Forumsentlemen with gtx 1070s, do you have Micron vram in your card?
Is it a big deal?

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Why isn't this a bigger deal?

Why would you think it's a big deal? Micron, Hynix, Samsung, Elpida, all good stuff.

oh shit they got micron?

I luh dis micron.

The Samsung vram overclocks far better

meme needs to die

RIP op gpu, almost 100% failure rate for those things in china.

Literally nothing wrong with Micron, gamer child.

hynix or suck dicks

You're a retard who doesn't know shit.

Except there is, you tech-illiterate scumbag.

MSI 1070s fitted with Micron memory are artifacting even at stock speeds. Plenty of people reporting it on various different places, and MSI have officially acknowledged the issue.

Micron/Elpida GDDR5 is notoriously shit in terms of overclocking compared to Samsung/Hynix stuff, dating back years. Every card I've owned with Elpida chips, I've barely been able to touch the memory at all. It's been the case since Kepler at least that initial runs of Nvidia cards come with Samsung memory, then later on they switch them out for cheaper Elpida chips that don't overclock for shit. Except now it's labelled Micron, because they ditched the Elpida brand.

micron take a schlong

>Except there is, you tech-illiterate scumbag.
Fuck off gamer faggot. That's MSIs, fault, not Micron.

No it isn't, you stupid piece of shit. MSI's initial cards using Samsung memory were and are just fine. As soon as they switched to Micron memory, the problems started. The fact is that Micron can't provide chips that are fully stable at the reference 8GHz. It has literally nothing to do with MSI, and if you think it does then you're just exposing yourself again as tech-illiterate piece of shit who should go back to Sup Forums. MSI don't manufacture memory chips.

Micron is bottom of the barrel and has slower speeds and heats more.

Micron is made in amurica.
Your card's memory comes from a land of freedom.
Enjoy your gayms.

>MSI don't manufacture memory chips.
They manufacture the boards, you fucking MORON. There's no reason they can't be fucking the chips up when they install them. Your gamer meme RAM is probably Micron and I bet you have no problems overclocking it, faggot.

Micron is objectively shit.
Although they make good and cheap ECC ram, the rest is outright garbage.




>Micron is objectively shit.
Nope, try again.

You're absolutely fucking retarded. The idea that MSI are somehow damaging the memory chips, across their entire range, using several different PCB configurations, is so dumb that it's not even worth considering. Provide an explanation for why their initial runs of the same cards with Samsung chips had zero issues. Explain why the problems started the second they switched to Micron. Explain why underclocking these shitty, unstable Micron chips resolves the artifacting? Of course, you won't do any of this, because you're completely tech-illiterate and are just arguing because you got called the fuck out and embarrassed when you were acting the big shot.

Back to Sup Forums, kiddo.

P.S.: No, both my DDR4 and GDDR5 are Samsung chips. Try again!

It is. Micron-based SSDs are all trash. Crucial ram is shit. Micron-based graphic cards have memory issues out of the box.

Micron is complete and utter shit for poorfags.

Whilst it's true that Micron/Elpida memory is shit, it's just as much MSI's fucking fault for switching over to it. Literally every other manufacturer is still using Samsung on their Pascal cards, yet those cheap chink fucks decided to save two cents a card by moving to cheap Micron garbage two months after launch. I'm glad it's blown up in their face.