The REAAL Desktop ""thbread"

the REAL deskt*p thread!

2. Used Approved Hosts
Posts only

Please use approved hosts for all content. These are:


Even when using an approved host, images/gif/webm must be of a sufficiently high visual quality. We're happy to take suggestions for new hosts, but they must be vetted and voted in first.
3. Post On Topic
Posts only

Anything off topic will be deleted with immediate effect. These are our content types:

Screenshots of your system
Workflow: a GIF/webm showing how you use your system)
Hardware: photos of machines running *nix
Material: any OC you have created
Discussion & Meta: self posts
Other: mod approved content

5. Follow Content Rules
Posts & Comments

Never post someone elses content without their express permission. This goes for everything from screenshots to materials.

For any post that isn't a discussion, please leave a details comment explaining what's going on. The bot gives 30 minutes and 1 warning before removing posts without one.

Defaults aren't permitted, exceptions being obscurities & major DE redesigns. Also, posts which only make changes to icon and gtk/kde themes are default.

Other urls found in this thread:


>copying text from leddit
section 2 doesn't even apply on Sup Forums

As of /r/unixporn 2.0 all posts bar discussions now require a details comment. For screenshot and workflow you must provide a link to your wallpaper and (if not-default/applicable) give your conky config, gtk-theme and icon-theme. For material and hardware provide some basic details of what's going on - there are no restrictions on what this has to be, but a short summary is much appeciated. This rule is enforced by a bot which checks for new posts and gives them 15 minutes to leave a comment before warning, and 30 minutes before removal.

This is an example of a details comment. Note that it includes some information that isn't required, such as the dock being used and the browser theme.

Wallpaper: Rainbow Tiles by
GTK: Ninix
Icons: Moka
Conky: Google Now
Dock: DockBarX
Other: browser is Firefox with the FXChrome theme

post the one about banning people for criticism

Reddiquette makes for a much nicer community. Be respectful toward others in the community, in general and in the giving/recieveing of criticism. People will have different opinions on what makes an attractive set-up.

We shouldn't have to add this clarification but the behaviour of certain users has lead us to think it necessary. Please don't make racist, sexist, or homophobic comments.

stop bullying

I think I'm going to go get tested for cancer now

>follow MY rules
>while breaking the board's rules

wow you should do stand up

>announcing sage

Where did I announce sage, friendo? I simply posted a neat image along with my reply to your banned thread.

you should learn to take a joke

pls post in this thread everyone idk what it's about but it seems important


How many times am I going to have to tell you to kill yourself before you actually do it Miles?

You're easily the most insufferable, autistic cunt to come on this site.

haha baka baka baka u suck

lol moron

where was miles posting?

Uhm, what's a miles please?

literally who

huh? HUh? huh??? huh huh ?? huh????

>not using kilometers
fucking Americans



woaooaaahh this guys reaction image game is OUT OF THis World we've got a class A joker!! wait wait SCANNING UPDATE!! CLASS S MEMER AHHHhhh


what's his power level

is this an echo chamber

IT'S OVER 9000!!!!!!


echo THIS idiot

I go on reddit unironically AMA

me too. reddit has nice people

what time does the ham sperm whale

late afternoon xd
