What do the people here have against distros that just work out the box like Ubuntu...

What do the people here have against distros that just work out the box like Ubuntu? I've noticed it gets bashed quite a lot on g, but shit like arch here recommended a lot

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People don't like Ubuntu because of canonical.

if ubuntu didn't have the software center, came with the gufw by default (who the fuck includes a firewall without its GUI), didn't have unity, and didn't have amazon, it would be the perfect distro

everything else is shit though

>ubuntu derivatives
>errors, errors, errors, and no support
>strange issues that don't arise in ubuntu

>everything else
>lol do it yourself
>lmfao you want support for proprietary codecs out of the box? too bad
>lol, enjoy your gpu not working
>lol, enjoy editing conf files
>lol, you want software installed from repos to automatically install dependencies? too fucking bad

It doesn't have amazon anymore, but holy shit
>no software center
How autistic are you?

Install gentoo

i use it initially when i download the essential software (video editor, audacity, audacious, redshift, etc)

but I find myself constantly having to go into synaptic anyways, because software center doesn't have a full view of everything installed

whats the point of it then

Ubuntu has the best compatibility and support, people hate it because it comes with too much crap, they don't realise you can minimal install.

>Download Ubuntu mini.iso
>Select mate minimal in the installer (or gnome or lxde or none...).
>Fully updated stable Linux, no rubbish, small install.

Because most normies new to Linux looking for something that'll just work out the box don't want to do hacker shit like typing in a console to execute commands.

I just use Ubuntu mate instead.

Ubuntu itself isn't that good and it leaves a bad first impression on people who've never used linux before imho.

>errors, errors, errors, and no support
I've had more errors with vanilla Ubuntu than Mint
>strange issues that don't arise in ubuntu
That door swings both ways

Had the opposite experience with mint 17.3
Ended up sticking with Ubuntu mate.

I will bite. Who is she? I want to lick her knee wound.

Ubuntu was the go-to normie recommendation for Linux until they decided the year of the desktop was never coming so they'd just get rid of it with Unity.

Mint is now the go-to.

Sup Forums, like the rest of Sup Forums, is packed with teen posers who think their opinions matter. On Sup Forums that eccentricity manifests itself with choosing a waifu when it comes to AMD/intel/nVidia and some linux distribution that you've probably never heard of.

>the default desktop is shit so it's all shit
It's funny how 99.9999% of arguments against Ubuntu can be refuted by the simple idea that you can install any other goddamn desktop ever as a replacement for Unity or use one of its alternative desktop versions (k/l/xubuntu).

And I don't even use or care much for Ubuntu but holy fuck, the hatred for it is insanity.

Sup Forums attracts autists
Barebones linux distros attract autists
Autists spend a lot of time and effort on the things they like
People in general are defensive of their interests

Connect the dots and you'll figure out why advocacy for simple distros gets drowned out here.

Sup Forums generally doesn't like vanilla Ubuntu because of Unity and the sponsored stuff built into it.

It doesn't really have anything to do with it working OOTB. Mint, Debian, Antergos, openSUSE, Fedora, etc. are all used here and they all work OOTB. In fact, I think the Arch users, Gentoo users, and people who start from minimal Debian installs are in the minority.

You can't recommend a normcore linux distro that requires changing desktops before use. The fact that this has to be explicated boggles the mind. The only reason Ubuntu/Mint/elementaryOS exist is for "just werks" linux. When they switched to Unity, it didn't work, so into the trash--as a normcore distro--it goes.

But mint is an insecure bug ridden mess.
How could you seriously recommend that to anyone?

>or use one of its alternative desktop versions
Reading sure is hard for you kids, isn't it?

It's time to make Sup Forums age reqirement 30 and up. Your Dumbest Generation can't handle basic fucking communication.

>insecure bug ridden mess

No, this is just what angsty teen posers tell themselves to justify their choice of altdistro.

Ubuntu downloads the Unity version automagically. Again, you're presupposing a normie knows the problem exists.

Why are Linux mint fags so delusional?



Read the fucking article.

It's clickbait trash. That's what Betteridge's Law tells you. It's handy because I didn't need to read some longwinded rant from a circlejerk of linux hipsters about why reality is wrong and Mint is bad. It's Newspeak.

>backed yourself into a corner with that filter
>ignore the You or prove yourself a fool



Ubuntu has a backdoor


Research yourself, there main concern is ease of use instead of privacy and security. Stallman also had a talk about it.

Hacker friends also talked to me about the backdoors, and it's true.

I looked at the back of my monitor is firmly closed. I have no idea what they hell you are talking about.




when Unity came out as the replacement for GNOME 2 in 11.04 it was absolute shit. there were tons of issue with compatibility and the DE was an unstable mess.

Today Unity is great, The hud for searching in large applications such as gimp and LibreOffice. the keyboard shortcuts for quick switching between applications and dash makes searching for obscure settings pretty easy.

honestly I don't get the hate. Gnome 3 came a long way and so did Unity. Conical uses it as a way to stand out from the rest of linux and I personally think it looks and feels nice. I doesn't look like a 15 year old project written by a bunch of fucking NEETS. My only complaint is the bloat but RAM is cheap.

This picture sure got a dose of the Facebook treatment

I don't hate unity, or gnome 3.
I do dislike gnome 3 though.

I'm not fussed with using unity, but my favorite DE is still gnome 2/mate.

I did actually read the first page of the. Pretty much what you just said, a circle jerk of Linux hipsters.

Wish I would've learned about that law 5 minutes ago, because that's five minutes from my life. All I got was "Mint is bad because *it has Flash and Java* scary shit." In reality, I don't give a shit about copyrights. Normies don't give a shit about copyrights. My grandma, my mom, my family members don't give a ahit about copyrights on shit that they are going to need anyway, but that they'd need me to do, because they just want it to werk.

Literally based on the article, I'd tell people to get mint because it just werks.

Nice to see you finally dropped you trip after everyone filtered your dumbass.

Please put it back on so we don't have to deal with your stupidity anymore

>Because most normies new to Linux looking for something that'll just work out the box don't want to do hacker shit like typing in a console to execute commands.

and herein lies the problem. Linux isn't here, most of the development force behind linux doesn't want linux to be there, and canonical are too busy re-implementing every part of linux and not contributing back to be able to achieve their goal.

I'm no normie and I'd rather get a centos image that does exactly what I say when I say it than have some hand holding shit. People who want that can use OS X, if you want a UNIX desktop you want Mac OS - except the edgelords who can't differentiate between apple selling iphones and apple making an operating system.

Debian netinst with non free firmware works pretty great. Wish the non free firmware version wash more visible on their site.

>Ubuntu is not contributing back
Not true.

Holy shit, how can anyone take mint seriously if they disregard user safety because they don't want to provide their own packages?



unity is definitely usable now, that doesn't change the total retardation of what canonical did though

>hey, lets just fuck up compatibility with everything

also gnome 3 is shit

only in the strictest definition. Compared to equivalent organisations such as Red Hat, they contribute sweet fuck all.

Furthermore, instead of directing development manpower to existing projects to improve them, they divert development manpower to re-implement shit half baked.

Ubuntu may have got a lot of people interested in Linux, but it was far better when it was a more up-to-date user friendly debian derivative rather than going their own way. Now it's just a mess.

I do apologize, I didn't expect any hostility, but I'm not the same person.

What I was trying to say is that, based on the article, they were, in a big part, ragging on mint because it had flash and Java. Of course, I also read the rest of it, and idk how many people that would effect, as in normal people who know nothing of Linux.

Presentation is a big key with certain things, and I believe an os is one of them. For example, right now I'm using Zorin OS, which seems to be pretty good, besides a few issues that I've mentioned in another thread. A big reason I like it is because it feels to be to be a sharper, cleaner layout then even 7. It comes with packages that I need out of the box. I haven't needed to worry "oh, can I play this mp3" because it just does it. That's what I mean by presentation. It's probably why people stick to the big three OSes, Windows, Mac, and Ubuntu, because they are all well presented. Argueably mint is in that list.

The autism in this image
I can't bear it

Solus does that too, but the problem with mint is that while cinnamon is a nice DE, the distro itself is a mess.

people would be better off installing cinnamon on the latest Ubuntu instead of using Linux mint.

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.

Sup Forums doesn't like anything that's easy

I mean why use Linux in the first place if you actually want things to work.

The whole point of using Linux is to waste your meaningless life on trying to actually get the OS to work.

who is this sauce pls

Why are you posting speculation instead of proof?

I see. In your opinion, what is the best distro for windows 10 tier normal people, who can't tell the difference between a text file and an exe?

As in, distro with DE. Is it Ubuntu with cinnamon as you just said?

Xubuntu just werks.

Not sure what you're talking about, all my GPU's have worked out of the box. Software center isn't that bad and unity is a matter of taste.

ive never understood ppl implying arch not working out of the box, ive used it since 2014 and have never had a issue and everything fucking worked from install


Because they are salty fucks that followed some step by step guide and after third try they finally managed to install their OS. I hate Ubuntu because I don't like it OOB (maybe Xubuntu is ok , I guess)

But I don't bash it, I just don't use it.

I don't like the company, I don't like the amazon bullshit, I don't like the logo, I don't like unity, I don't like the startup screen, I don't like the software center, I don't like the software policy, I don't like the name. I just don't understand why you would use ubuntu when you could use mint, which is basically the same thing but with none of the shittiest parts. As for the arch/gentoo/slackware meme, obviously those are more fun if you have the time. This is a technology board after all.

Probably Ubuntu with cinnamon, yeah.
But not mint.

Also I think solus is really neat and my friend likes it too, even though he uses windows 10 instead because of games

Fact: Arch Linux users can learn how to write drivers.
Fact: Arch Linux is for hardcore hackers.

>You can't recommend a normcore linux distro that requires changing desktops before use.
You don't have to change Ubuntu's desktop.
You can just install your favorite WM/DE straight away.

>The fact that this has to be explicated boggles the mind.

Oh, nevermind.

Thanks. I might take a look into solus!

Sorry if I come off as a shill, but solus is the one that ended my distro hopping so it's also the one I recommend the most for others too.

Ubuntu mate would be my second choice though if you haven't tried that yet

It actually shouldn't matter what distro anyone uses because it's all fucking modular anyway, personally I like the ubuntu minimal installs as I can quickly get it up and running and then start taking out/adding shit as I see fit. If anything, any that are slower to get up and running should be ranked lower.

Yea. Most distros are actually newb friendly these days. Things are vastly different than the 90's and early 00's. Best part is it's common for most distros to have most of the popular DE's already as a separate download.

Watch Stallmans video about the topic! Stop being lazy, I told you where to go. Do some fucking research, it's not just bullshit.

I favor fedora, tried many others but keep going back to it. I did the recording studio distros for the longest time but I use a mac for that kind of thing now.

I admit the tiling window manager and command line programs feels cool as shit. I just never found it very practical.

Once again you're incapable of providing proof.

Ubuntu is open source, this shouldn't be difficult to prove if true.


and their default Linux kernel contains non-free firmware.

>flash plugins are now botnet
Has stallman gone too far?

Where do you draw the line?

>he doesn't use arch

When my files are tampered with. That's my line.

If you really fear the botnet you shouldn't even have an internet connection