I dropped my CPU on the fucking floor three times. Also I bent the pins on the motherboard trying to install it

I dropped my CPU on the fucking floor three times. Also I bent the pins on the motherboard trying to install it.

What the fuck is wrong with me? I used to build computers all the time. Am I experiencing the grandpa effect at 28? Am I just losing it?

Other urls found in this thread:


>Am I experiencing the grandpa effect at 28?
Probly not but maybe something related. Some people as they age will find their caffeine tolerance goes down. If you drink a lot of coffee, try pulling back. 28's also the age where early middle age stuff starts showing up, but it shouldn't be major. It might just be as simple as mild shakes in your elbows that make you drop stuff. Try bracing your elbows on the table when you're working.

Welcome to getting older. It sucks.

My rule is to never drink coffee to wake up and only one cup a day.

It tastes like shit, why drink it at all?

Quality coffee is pretty good t.b.h.

Not him but coffee tastes fucking great.

I get your point though, for me beer tastes like shit but everyone likes it.

OP is dying
RIP in Gentoo

You're probably just in love OP

> Make America Great Again hat
Go back to your containment board Drumpftard.

Nah, it was just because you're a braindead Drumpflard and couldn't think for shit.

How serious is a dropped CPU anyway? The ones I've seen don't have any pins to bend and they don't exactly have moving parts. My guess is they're pretty durable

Don't rush building your computers. Or because you've done it so much you're too relaxed and being sloppy.

Who are you voting for Killary cunton?
Fucking shillbot

In OP's defense the newer sockets where you clamp down the CPU onto the pins does make it way easier to fuck things up

You need to drink more water op your mountain dew is seeping into your brain.

I can't stand the taste but I basically program twice as bad if I don't drink a cup before that, and maintaining attention on the code for over 6 hours is impossible without 2 cups

I've specifically tested that and the logical mistakes I make are mindblowing. I'd wake up the next day, stare at the code and wonder how the fuck did I manage to even come up with that.
For some reason tho, coffee eliminates that.


Wow, dissappinted in my country right now, I thought we were better than this.

are your hands shaking at all? do you drink coffee too much? hell, do you experience seizures?

>but the trump ones get triggered

>I hate the taste
>but if I don't drink it, I suffer from withdrawal
>if I drink it, I'll become more dependent
>therefore, my withdrawal symptoms will become even worse
>so I'll have to drink even more even though I don't like the taste

Good job digging yourself into this hole. Drugs, not even once.

wtf, I hate hillary now?

>abloo abloo muh trump is literally hitler :^(


True. 3 times is a lot of times to be dropping a CPU on the floor though.

I'm voting for trump, but why would I want to go to Sup Forums? It's full of redditors and normalfags and I usually hate going there.

holy fuck BTFO

That's the stupidest picture i've ever heard. The majority of those were US allies before clinton could even walk.

>hurr Australia got US weapons deals
We have a fucking treaty and are bound to go to war whenever each other do. Of course the US are going to sell us shit, we're the only country in the world that was actually considered to be allowed to buy the F-22.

afaik the point is that just by donating to clinton, you get shit without going through the hoops that you normally would

And yet i know for a 100% fact that if australia, uk, norway, netherlands or italy didn't donate, they STILL would've gotten the exact, 100% same weapons deals because all are either in ANZUS or NATO.

Stop being a moron.

>coffee that's *fresh* roasted, ground, and brewed with filtered water in an immaculate brewing apparatus tastes fucking great


Something tick you off, Drumpflards? Was it the feeling at the back of your mind that made you doubt being a racist dumbass for an instance there?

the stockholm's syndrome is real

>I dropped my CPU on the fucking floor three times.
CPUs tend to work better when installed into computers instead of used as frisbees.


Think you can rule out dependency if you can easily abstain from from what most people call "coffee"

>It tastes like shit, why drink it at all?

Like most things that seem to taste bad at first, you can get over it and actually begin to like it surprisingly fast.

Studies have shown that it takes like 15-20 times for a strange food to begin to seem familiar, and after that your brain doesn't try to consciously warn you in the same way.

It's probably an evolutionary adaptation mechanism, since a lot of naturally bitter biological compounds are toxic, but if you've eaten something new enough times and you're not dead you're probably OK, and that shitty tasting vegetable might actually have some essential nutrient in it.

Are we really goign to do this?



> Protecting the word Anzac

> There are clear regulations around the use of the word 'Anzac' under the Protection of Word 'Anzac' Act 1920 (the Act) and penalties apply for the incorrect use of the term. Permission from the Minister for Veterans' Affairs is generally required to use the word 'Anzac' in a commercial context.

> The Department of Veterans' Affairs (DVA) issues the Use of the Word 'Anzac' Guidelines (the Guidelines) to help Australians comply with the legal restrictions on the use of the word 'Anzac'. The Guidelines were created under the Commonwealth's Regulator Performance Framework and can be accessed using either of the following links:

But hey, we can pretend the u.s. is some kind of historic national legend

Australia, New Zealand, United States.

Your other choice is ANUSZ.

I take coffee every now and then. When I have stuff to do and I'm feeling like I'm not in my best I'll probably drink some. But I feel no need to drink coffee, I've been without classes for 3 months and I've had like 2 cups of coffee in that time and I didn't have to make any effort to stop.

Do I only get addicted if I take coffee daily non-stop?

>well, per capita..

[Parkinson intensifies]

gtfo back to

>Hates coffee taste
>Still drinks it

Lol, At least go take caffeine supplements or something

Why the fuck are you all sperging out just because his OP image had a MAGA hat