ITT: we post opinions that are unpopular on Sup Forums

ITT: we post opinions that are unpopular on Sup Forums

I'll start

>I actually like windows 10, (specifically the education edition)

i like OS X
i wish it wasn't proprietary but that's not enough to stop me from using it

is it bad that I don't have any?

Video games are not important.

Stickers can look good on a laptop

I use a Dell P2715Q (27" 4k monitor) and I think it's perfect

I like ubuntu because im afraid to install arch.

Sent from my iPhone.

This whole thread is popular opinions on Sup Forums

Indian programmers are often more experienced than white programmers.

>I think Toshiba makes a decent laptop
> AMD/Intel combo desktop is the way to go
>I like my Nexus device.

There is no audible difference between amps and dacs.

Flacs are not a meme.

Amps and DACs are two different concepts.

I like PHP

java is literally the best programming language

The NT kernel is the best kernel when talking about PC operating systems.

You've clearly never had to deal with really shitty DACs and amps. Lucky you.

How dense are you? He wasn't comparing amps to DACs for audio quality.

Macbooks have the best screens of all non professional laptops

I don't listen to anything Sup Forums says. I am just here for the laughs.

systemd is trash

I don't mind Indians

only a retard actually builds his computer

how is assembling your own pc "retarded"

not saying youre wrong and this is an unpopular opinions thread but can you explain why

duh, it's best to leave these things to professional computer builders, they get paid to do it all day so they won't mess up and they'll know which components are best for you


Sup Forums should really tone down the focus on buying advice for consumer electronics

also maki is kinda cute

I did mess up a little though, I should have responded "Of course, I'm happy to explain my reasoning if it helps you come to the best decision" instead of "duh"

Desktops are technolo/g/y

If you consider video games a primary function of your PC then you don't belong on this board

"Gaming" PC's are just overpriced gaming consoles that really only have bad console ports, shitty indie titles that are all the same, and garbage MMO grindfests

PC "Builiding" threads belong on Sup Forums

Macs are actually pretty nice, but aren't worth the money unless you have a lot of disposable income

Arch is better than Gentoo

Most Linux distros are actually more stable than Windows if you don't do anything other than surface-level things that the average user does, e.g., browse the internet and watch videos

Android phones are garbage

You won't ever need a laptop for university, not even CE/CS majors

thats fair. the main reason i built mine is because it was cheaper but the risk of fucking something up and it becoming alot more expensive is enough of a concern for some people. if i had the money to i would have bought a prebuilt but hey whatever

No one on this board needs Photoshop

Microsoft Office is overrated and overpriced

Vim is not in any way more efficient than any other text editor or IDE, and is only for autists who want l337 hx0r cred

I'm at uni rn and i can't imagine not having a laptop. When did you go to school?

Sup Forums should be renamed consumer tech

First two years at UNLV, transferred to IUPUI

>PC "Builiding" threads belong on Sup Forums
Only if they are a ``gaymin rig'', otherwise they belong on Sup Forums.
>Arch is better than Gentoo
Only if you are an Archfag, amirite?
>Most Linux distros are actually more stable than Windows if you don't
Don't actually use them? If you use Windows like you suggest, then it is more stable.
>Android phones are garbage
lol, No wonder your opinions are unpopular, they are stupid.


Yeah if you stick with 7 and don't update EVER

MIUI is better than cyanogenmod

Having to STILL restart your computer every time Windows updates, installs a program, or makes a simple change in the settings is fucking retarded in the *CURRENT YEAR*

I dont like C and there is no reason to waste even a single second learning it

>most linux distros are more stable...
I literally had Ubuntu shit the bed 3 times in less than a month on my laptop. its only fuckered if I don't power it up for like a day. If that happens, boot stuff gets corrupted and it needs chdsk stuff or an hour of seld-induced repair. I'm talking busybox initramfs horsecrap

that's definitely not common here, so it counts as unpopular in my book


Encryption is a waste of time
Physical keyboards on phones are undesirable
Not being FOSS shouldn't stop you from using good software, or rather being FOSS shouldn't compel you to use shit software
LED computer parts and accessories can look good
Thinkpad are disgusting

unless you go to an expensive specialist boutique shop they won't pick the best components just the cheapest and most profitable and they won't do a meticulous job like an enthusiast would with his own computer and it's not hard to pick out components like get the best nvidia card and the best intel cpu that fits your budget etc

>If you consider video games a primary function of your PC then you don't belong on this board
How is this an unpopular opinion?
>"Gaming" PC's are just overpriced gaming consoles that really only have bad console ports, shitty indie titles that are all the same, and garbage MMO grindfests
This statement belongs on Sup Forums. Who cares about gaming PCs?
>PC "Builiding" threads belong on Sup Forums
Again, how is this an unpopular opinion?
>Macs are actually pretty nice, but aren't worth the money unless you have a lot of disposable income
This is what almost everyone on Sup Forums thinks. A lot of people have issues with the quality and philosophy of apple products though.
>Arch is better than Gentoo
Again, not an unpopular opinion
>Most Linux distros are actually more stable than Windows if you don't do anything other than surface-level things that the average user does, e.g., browse the internet and watch videos
Of course they are. Who believes they aren't?
>Android phones are garbage
Compared to what? Iphones?
>You won't ever need a laptop for university, not even CE/CS majors
Seeing as most people have a laptop and not a desktop these days, are you claiming that people are fine without a computer at all or fine with a desktop? Either way, it obviously depends on the uni which makes it a pointless statement.

The x220 is easy to chip

>Games are for children and the industry has gone to shit in the past 10 years.
>GNU is communist cancer and it hinders progress.
>I like Ubuntu and Unity.
>Windows 10 is absolute crap (shilling it won't improve it Pajeet).
>MS Office is overrated by low skill office drones who can't into Latex/R/Matlab.

>This board is dead, filled with blatant advertising and shitpost from /v and paid shills.

Who thinks 4k is bad besides Sup Forums kiddies and thinkpad shitposters that think 720p is enough

People are too comfortable with phones that don't have removable parts (battery, storage). Yet many complain about planned obsolescence. You can't have both.

I want a smartphone with a landscape slider keyboard.

Also if there was a desktop chrome is android hybrid I'd install it.

ThinkPads are dead. The old ones are too old now and the new ones suck dicks.

>Owning more than a cheap refurbished thinkpad/latitude/elitebook running linux is consumerist.
>Owning a smartphone is stupid.
>Owning a desktop is stupid.
>720p is fine.
>Gaming is degenerate.
>Anime is extremely degenerate.

You won't ever need a laptop for university, not even CE/CS majors

can be true but its a lot of effort, and if you work part-time then you're fucked

>Owning a desktop is stupid.
>720p is fine.

chromebooks are the new thinkpad, and
>a desktop chrome / android hybrid
that's close to happening

Stop trolling god damn it

On a side note, Sup Forums, I wonder if Generation Z (the generation after millenials) will know how to build their own PCs

720p is fine. On a phone anyway. See the original moto x the screen still looks great.

Better wonder if Gen Z will be able to cultivate a crop field and preserve books.

>chromebooks are amazing
>privacy is overrated
>desktops are irrelevant
>smartphones are redundant
>jews are not all bad

Linuxfags are the Fromdrones of Sup Forums. A dwindling minority hivemind who deludes itself into believing it's the vanguard of the board, and cannot deal with opinions that do not match its own.

i like windows as long as its windows 7 or earlier

I like Trump and Hillary. They should run together so they both win and no one loses.

>A dwindling minority hivemind
We're still around. You can find us on Rizon, the IRC server. Some of the channels:

#Sup Forumstechnology
#Sup Forumstech
#Sup Forumssicp
#Sup Forumspunk

>A dwindling minority hivemind who deludes itself into believing it's the vanguard of the board, and cannot deal with opinions that do not match its own.

desu we're just trying to protect and promote the freedoms of others. Richard Stallman was right. He's always right.

posting anything anime related on this board should be an automatic permaban, i'm really sick of these faggots. go to fucking Sup Forums

>Apple products aren't over-priced
>5" iPhones are the pinnacle of smartphone achievement
>Windows 10 > Windows 7
>Europeans are racist and deserve to be replaced by Muslims
>Americans are racist and deserve to be replaced by Hispanics

fuck off
480p is more than enough in a smart phone

That's not what I meant. Most of Sup Forums would say 4k doesn't pay off until 42" or higher. I think that's bullshit.

HP makes high quality hardware
Windows > Linux > OSX
Smartphones larger than 4 inches are too big
Tablets are a meme

Yeah clearly because you view a monitor from two feet away

>iMacs are probably the best just werks computer, both for software development and general usage
>buckling springs are a meme and modern mechanical switches are far superior

I have a 4k TV as well. Full 4k image looks one hell of a lot better than 1080p even from 2-3m away.

I don't know how long one foot is, by the way.

All the charts use it but yeah 1080p is bad no matter what

Liking Windows 10 is not unpopular on Sup Forums. Look at the Speccy threads for starters. 95% of posters in Speccy threads use Windows 10 and rave about it.

those are gaymers

we don't talk about them

t. Mr. Magoo

you don't know what you're missing

I don't think it's necessary to download shit just to be able to do what I could already do.

LXDE looks good and feels good, mane.

I like vlc media player

The tmux developers should adapt to systemd's new standard of how it handles daemons. Closing every user process when the user logs out is the sane thing to do.

No it's not, especially on a multi-user system. You may well need to leave behind a couple of long-running processes while still being able to log out and close the others to free resources. Just because you don't do it doesn't mean it's not a valid use-case. Systemd requiring every program to have special-snowflake code just for it is also a sign of absolutely shit-tier design.

they are pretty fun to play though. I just finished Doom and it is so much fun to play. Try it if you are bored of esports games.

Indian programmers working in india are not more experienced than white programmers but most Indians who are hired by big companies like Google, Apple and microsoft are certainly very experienced or very intelligent. People here think that these big corporations hire anyone although the guy from India who is getting paid $100k is doing work that would require google to pay $130k to a white programmer.

>Chrome Browswer on Windows 10 is the smoothest browser experience
>Privacy sperging is stupid, hardware compromises are public knowledge
>Android and iOS are both horrific, it's a shame WindowsPhone didn't take
>Linux or BSD on anything but a thinkpad or a plane-jane intel desktop is unadulterated shit

What makes Win 10 education any better than the other versions of 10? I thought it's just Enterprise except for students/teachers.

Students can get it for free

i made around 200k euros posting game walkthroughs when i was in Uni. I didn't have any debt because education is not that costly in my country so when i got out of college, i had around 150k euros in my bank.
Also, there are great PC games that will never get a good console port and games are fun whether you play on a pc or console.
PCs are better investment because you can do a lot of other stuff as most good gaming pcs are powerful enough to do most other tasks you throw at them.

I still play games but only 2-3 hours in morning on weekends.

>You won't ever need a laptop for university, not even CE/CS majors

I'm a CE major in my senior year, and still haven't gotten a laptop. I much prefer having peripherals and a large screen. And if I ever have to meet up with people in the library or whatever, I just grab a laptop from the library and am able to connect to my schools linux servers to compile programs.

I get the windows 10 hate for forced update from Microsoft and their other shady practices but it is the most secure Windows OS at least.

A kike can't be right.

i had a 2 monitor setup at uni instead of a laptop with 1 monitor in portrait mode. That is so much better than a laptop can ever be CE/CS major.

Calm down m8

>professional computer builders

Holy shit, my sides


CE student here, can confirm this. I have never owned a laptop, can't work with anything less than a desktop. Smartphone (Galaxy Note, rooted) is more than sufficient for incidental campus pc needs when I am not in the lab or library where there are computers to spare.

The most important tools for engineering school are heaps of engineering paper, three ring binders, calculator (FE approved), mech. pencils, and a very high quality file folder set so you can keep track of all the notes.

Oh and don't forget a big fat water jug and gym bag so you can stay /fit/ between the long hours of studying.

I use SeaMonkey and consider it the best browser.

There's no Cortana.

Games are cheaper on PC and you can play every game from every generation at any time. You can even emulate some consoles. I don't get why would someone buy a piece of hardware only for gaming tho.

i prefer yaourt over pacaur. the NOPROMPT option in /etc/yaourtrc + really fast dep checking make it more convenient for me.

Tmux should be explicitly ran with special permissions. A lot of shitty software is automatically granted the ability to stay persistent when it shouldn't. That shitty software can be an obscure process that is unresponsive and bloats up the system even though the user doesn't realize it's there.

No init system I know of had the balls to do something like this before so it's not surprising if only systemd uses it for now. Tmux doesn't need to depend on systemd in order to cater to this function.

I don't need the latest gadget.
My years-old stuff is more than adequate.