Cracked my neighbor's WIFI password with Aircrack-ng , now what?

rockyou.txt cracked the password in 56 seconds. Now that I'm inside the gibson what next? I'd like to slide my dick inside the other computers on this network but I have no idea how.

no, you didnt

You must now use metasploit my son.

This, and nmap.

My suggestion is to grow the fuck up


>nmap * hello Dave I'm afraid i can't let you do that

In nmap now trying to figure out how to enumerate the other devices. Yes, I realize this is elementary as shit but hey, I'm learning.

port scan, exploit, mitm -> redirect all traffic or turn all intercepted images upside down etc. tons of things man

>turn all intercepted images upside down etc
This was easier back in the day when HTTPS wasn't widely used. Nowadays pretty much the entire internet uses HTTPS.

that is when you use social engineering to trick the victim into installing a custom CA certificate to MITM his/her traffic.

Grow up and tell about this issue to your neighbor. This will help both of you.

You shitpost with not just your bandwidth now, but with your neighboors bandwidth too

I wonder how hard it is to set up site redirection in that router? What tools do you need?


i cracked my neighbors wifi also with the rockyou list. the other 5 aren't found after days of trying wordlists and masks on hashcat. what now?


Now you tell him/her password is unsafe and recommend a new one and a better encryption method.

Nowadays it's pointless and a waste of time to try and access your neighbors network.
The only exception if your neighbor is a hot babe, and have a SMB server running.
But if she's a hot babe, she would be using Mac.

The porn sites don't.

So I found out, my neighbor watch shemale porn.
As if the dragon dildo wasn't a hint.