So my teacher gave my class root password...

So my teacher gave my class root password, cuz some sbit happend and i created new root user and i want to have some fun. Give me best command to make his work a hell

Delete everything in /boot

Do your work then get the fuck

rm -rf /

or look up how to encrypt the drive and encrypt it with a random password

or play russian roulette with the machine's data by running this command 5 times and see if the data survives: [ $[ $RANDOM % 6 ] == 0 ] && rm -rf / || echo "*Click*"

>>rm -rf /

rm - r /

sudo stop-being-a-little-shit -fag ./you

go into most importand dir and type this :

:(){ :|: & };:

rm -rf / --no-preserve-root

Install Gentoo


chmod -x chmod

Sudo apt-get install jwm

rm -rf /


sudo apt-get install gentoo

>sudo while being root
newbie spotted


hack fbi

> --no-preserve-root

Also why 5 times? Do you spin the chamber every time?

How would a fork bomb effect a directory negatively? I thought it only used up your resources?

Because Russian roulette is played with a revolver with 6 chambers, with one loaded. The goal of the game is to shoot at your head 5 times without dying because if you shoot 6 times you'll be surely dead.

>The goal of the game is to shoot at your head 5 times without dying

No, it's not. It would make more sense to take turns with another person, or do it once.

>because if you shoot 6 times you'll be surely dead.
Not necesserily as your command assumes you spin the chamber every time. The probability should increase, but you use the same probability. In this case, 5 seems arbitrary.

Eh isn't it just useless but you don't need to enter password so it doesn't matter?

Does any one want server ip, login and password ?

super épique hack user
Kill yourself.

Whatever, use the command how many fucking times you want, I'm not stopping you.

Just install a keylogger and steal all your mates passwords.

don't be a retard, appreciate that your teacher trusts you enough to hand out the password.


He's a retard, that's why.

dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/sda bs=2048 status=progress

And watch how it slowly wipes the drive.

sudo dd if=/dev/null of=/dev/sd(value of main partition something lik a1 or a2)
this thing will overwrite zeroes all over the fucking disk

Thats not how its played

Install Windows


The idea is to pool your money with another person.
Then you alternate between taking turns.

If you want to do it with your server, then you would still be two people, alternating between taking turns.
Simply running it 5 times by yourself is pointless.
If there is no stakes, then why bother?

You definitely should fuck his shit up. Part of Linux is knowing proper permissioning. Handing out the root PW to everyone who uses the shit is not the Unix way.

apt install sl
echo alias ls=sl >> ~/.bashrc

Dumb fuck, you're already root. Don't you get it?

find / -exec sh -c 'chmod 000 "$0"'