What resolution life's running at?

What resolution life's running at?


Planck length

Life is a simulation and the resolution limit is the Planck length

1334 by 750
make sure you have courage


can't see more than 24


480p mang


At least π*912 billion lightyears

the conflict resolution

800x600, our eyes just upscale everything

480p with 2x msaa

Pretty sure vsauce has a video about it.

Apple Retina

Wow, this really fires up my electric pulse that travels down the axon until it reaches the synapses, where it then causes the release of neurotransmitters. The synapses are extremely close to the dendrites of the target neuron. This allows the neurotransmitters to diffuse across the intervening space and fit into the receptors that are located on the target neuron. This causes some action to take place in that neuron that will either decrease or increase the membrane potential of the neuron. If it increases the membrane potential (makes it more positive, or depolarizes it.) then it is exciting the neuron, and if it decreases the membrane potential (makes it more negative, or hyper-polarizes it.) then it is inhibiting the neuron. If it causes the membrane potential to pass the firing threshold then it will activate an action potential in the target neuron and send it down its axon.

Dell InfinityEdge

320p without glasses.
40k with glasses

Life is all vectors

My camera has 36 megapixel.
It's clearly more high res than real life.

It's a complicated question, one that must take into account the peculiar anatomy of the eye which is different than the less peculiar engineering of a digital camera. As such, it's worth watching all ten minutes of the video, explaining not only how we see but also how well. Spoiler: the human eye is 576 megapixels—but really only about 7 megapixels matter. - Michael Vsance

Take your monitor's resolution and then count how many of same monitors would take all your angle of view in the distance when the screen is smooth as fuck but not too far.

Our eyes only see 30fps so does the resolution even matter? We should just kill ourselves

>1920x1200 IPS monitor
>not even 2 feet away I still can't see the pixels with 20/15 vision
> would only take three of them horizontally to fill my field of view with extra on the sides

This is stupid.

Wow what did you expect as an answer to this question? Literally it all depends on the individuals eye health etc.
>btw people estimated that our eyes have something about 70MPx if I well remember

Courage... only courage.

Can you just shut up please?

It's also more complicated than straight pixels, our peripheral vision isn't as visually sharp as our forward vision but it is much better at perceiving motion.

Whats the fps in real life?

Incorrect. More like sixty.


it's not 1 to 1 rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrRRRRRREEEEEEEEE

mfw when your eyes are mostly created to the fighting and killing

At least 8000 ppi

dude retroactive delayed choice quantum erasers lmao

About 250Hz, when we go over that in monitors nobody knows what happens really makes you think



Does it mean we have premium GPUs inside our brains to render all that?

How can I connect it to my pc?

Can I mine bitcoins with it?

>Can I mine bitcoins with it?

>mfw the medidating monks were secretly just mining bitcoins with their mind all along while telling you that bullshit about letting go of money and shit


>mfw life on this planet is characterized primarily through death, suffering, violence, and brutality
>mfw every aspect of my body has been naturally selected by nature over millions of years to hunt and kill other living organisms
>mfw I'm an apex predator but I spend all day sitting in a fucking chair wasting away

>he missed getting in on the groundfloor with MonkCoin™

If people could mine bitcoins with their brains everybody would have them in fuggin big amount.
Sitting in front of combinations of 1 and 0's just to get hemorrhoids. My anus is just too weak for that planet.


>soon PC GPU's will be stronger than the human brain in every single way and the human race will be completely obsolete, killing itself

Every computer can mine bitcoins but people don't know how to do it.

>mfw the entire thing about only using 10% of our brains was right

Actually, hemorrhoids can be prevented by not being overweight and doing light exercise every day to get the blood pumping. The more you know...

>83 000 Sparc64 VIIIfx (2Ghz, 8 cores)
>40 minutes

I prevent them by giving my ass to any man who wants it so they get massaged all the time. They just need to snap their fingers and I'm already on all fours.

Isn't this the plot to The Matrix? The machines were using our minds to mine bitcoin or something.

dunno about morning but 60 in night. in other words phase of your electricity.