So I heard about new "revolutionary" apple headphones, thats cute

So I heard about new "revolutionary" apple headphones, thats cute

Looks like a faucet

looks like a shower nozzle or a water pik
where to cop?

cuz the design haz 5 years, sorry for that

You know every time Apple releases something, there is always a group of people who goes on about "BUH BUH APPLE JUST STEELS THESE GUYS DID IT FIRST NO JET FUEL HERE!! XDD"

However, the reality is this. No one gives a fuck until Apple does it.

Take NFC payments for example. Yeah, Google Wallet was a thing for a long while before Apple Pay came rolling around, but how many places actually supported the shit? You *might* find the occasional NFC supported store, but never anything that said "GOOGLE WALLET HERE". Apple comes out with Apple Pay and then BAM, the shit becomes ubiquitous. Prior to that, no one gave a fuck and it was little more than a gimmicky piece of technology.

My point is yeah, plenty of people do shit before Apple, but it usually means fuck all until they implement it and effectively standardize it.

The problem is that they pass it as their own u faggit

Getting supported by retailers and apps developers doesn't mean you're a tech standard.

This is Sup Forums nowadays

You know there's no karma or user points on this site right? You don't gain anything by circle jerking

Apple just takes a good idea and makes it worse, then charges twice as much for it.

Apple are just a bunch of scammers trying to make a quick buck off other people's ideas.

Ahhh shieeeeet leveraging all of their connections and partnerships that all other companies on the planet don't have should be free because I said so.

The Mafia has a lot of connections too.

Much like them, Apple just steals from people.

>company x does something
>its shit and nobody uses
>apple does same thing
>just werks and its a huge success
>Sup Forumsentoos get mad because Apple didnt actually invent it


I like how you literally took what I said, acknowledged it, and then effectively stuck your fingers in your ear and pretended that I'm not right.

The fact is immutable, deny it all you want.

>Make it worse.

Says who? The autistic nerds on Sup Forums? Do you forget that the opinions of the people on this board is a vast minority to the world as a whole? People like Apple products. There is a reason they are as successful as they are.

I don't give a shit about Apple because KDE Connect is still better than Continuity, I have more freedom at low-level, that kind of stuff.

People getting mad at this need help, and they won't find it on Sup Forums.

No. I was talking about Apple Pay and how they try to get on servers, while failing when it comes to professionals.

Pls delet this
It hurts so much
We were screwed over by Stephen Elop



What's wrong to you about KDE?

apple pay is for professionals?
What the fuck are you talking about nigga

hi fellow fingol

There was a huge paragraph I was replying to I'll quote:

>Take NFC payments for example. Yeah, Google Wallet was a thing for a long while before Apple Pay came rolling around, but how many places actually supported the shit? You *might* find the occasional NFC supported store, but never anything that said "GOOGLE WALLET HERE". Apple comes out with Apple Pay and then BAM, the shit becomes ubiquitous. Prior to that, no one gave a fuck and it was little more than a gimmicky piece of technology.

>Getting supported by retailers and apps developers doesn't mean you're a tech standard.

>I like how you literally took what I said, acknowledged it, and then effectively stuck your fingers in your ear and pretended that I'm not right.

>No. I was talking about Apple Pay and how they try to get on servers, while failing when it comes to professionals.

This user was praising for Apple Pay, I told him that besides being successful (because Apple branding makes anything featuring an Apple product more attractive) it was not a technology standard, unlike Debian, which is the reference for professionals.

mfw it looks better than the apple ones.

Wait, did apple just model everything on old nokia products?

>Apple are just a bunch of scammers trying to make a quick buck off other people's ideas.
welcome to capitalism. for the apple fags, muh freedom > my money