But what does it do?

I never used Facebook. Does it actually have some productive use? The company has a high valuation for what reason?

Is Facebook only valuable because it can socially engineer users it traps by feeding in to their narcissism?

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>Is Facebook only valuable because it can socially engineer users it traps by feeding in to their narcissism?




You can let your friends know what you're doing, check into places you love, keep up with celebrities, give ratings on products, play the latest games, BUY FACEBOOK COINS, discover music, images and video.

Facebook is the ultimate social experience.

So sign up. Now.

Cancerous piece of shit, when they found out people just use it for messages they kicked it out of their mobile version and they force you to use their messenger app.

I wish more people would use Signal/Telegram/Wickr.

Everyone fucking uses WhatsApp/Viber/Line etc (depends on the country ofc)

Here's 5 cents pajeet, you earned it!

i hate facebook as much as the next guy, but
>Cancerous piece of shit, when they found out people just use it for messages they kicked it out of their mobile version and they force you to use their messenger app.
isn't that a good thing? you only need to use the messenger app now?

I was told that it was the only way to do group work, so I signed up for a single semester.
A lot of people send me messages, but nothing worth responding to and the group didn't really discuss anything relevant to the group other than "I am running late" and stuff like that.
Now every time I hear that people want a facebook group, I spin up a mailing list.

But what does it do?

I'm being serious. I've only watched someone use it. Do the users just upload photos of themselves/food and take quizzes?

did you never used a social network before?
its like myspace

>Do the users just upload photos of themselves/food and take quizzes?

I refused a lucrative job offer from Facebook's security team because of their real name policy. It's outed people. It's gotten people killed. Someone I know is affected by it right now.

Sometimes some of the people there do good work, and I have the utmost respect for the front-line engineers there who do; those who run the Tor relay, who work on other important platform security stuff. I was very pleased at the end-to-end encryption introduced into WhatsApp.

But their management, their policies? Oh, fuck those bastards. What they do with the phone numbers - which they've now infected WhatsApp with, so I can no longer recommend it as an alternative to Signal? A huge risk, and they just won't listen from on high.

All things will pass. Facebook, too. Everyone under 25 I've spoken to uses it for groups, for event invites, and for very little else, because their families and parents use Facebook and they don't trust it.

I'm still working on new stuff; it's not a very close analog, but like MySpace, I think we can learn from the mistakes Facebook has made, and it's made more than a few.

Why does it have a high valuation? The false perception that online ads are worth money, when in fact Facebook has an enormous bot problem that borders on click-fraud. And the enormous, incredible, frankly scary value of the social network graph it holds - while they do try their best to protect it, and they're well aware what governments will do to get it because they try it - legally and illegally - every day, it's far too valuable and dangerous for anyone to safely hold.

If you want to communicate with old friends its useful but, other than that yes its a cesspool of "LOOK AT ME I'm perfect, Fuck white people, we blacks break the law because we grow up with nothing so it's morally right for us to sell dope and do what we want and blame WHITEY, Give me likes and shares so i feel accepted and comfortable in my skin". It's fucking retarded. The logic of most are pretty funny

It's the most popular social network. An average person has at least 95% of their friends on it. This means you can contact anyone you know through Internet and share images, videos, files with them, text them or call them using your phone or PC. Just Google "what is social network". Facebook is pretty much a way to contact people without relying on SMS which is very limited.
In addition, it can be a source of entertainment or news.
Obviously most of it's user base is made of attention whores who upload their pictures at least once a week. But there are still people who use it only for communication and job seeking.

>Tor Relay

And this is more valuable than Exxon Mobil with all their offshore rigs and equipment pumping the blood of civilization out of the earth around the globe?

I'm missing something.

You think Facebook would keep their graph from the government? I'd expect them to share it with a future government to defeat democracy.

I use Disa.

I only use FB via browser but after they tried that shit I was even more pissed. Disa is probably just as compromised but I will not download FB messenger

Facebook is valuable because it has data from a lot of users and somehow advertisers believe that is worth a lot.
Which is also the reason why Google is one of the most valuable companies.

>you only need to use the messenger app now

It's not good because messenger is about 500x more invasive than the desktop site.

Its an easy and accessible way to feel important when in reality, you're nothing.

Why did Mark Zuckerberg make facebook?

stalk chicks

My uni group posts all the information there so i made an account to keep up to date
not many people i know acually frequently use facebook anymore, sure they have accounts with 300+ friends but they're all using Whatsapp as a primary form of communication. If you log into facebook now most of your feed will be meme pages and adverts, but not actual post from your friends on there
The messenger app is extremely intrusive
If you must send a message on facebook, use the non-javascript site.


Facebook is allegedly good for contacting friends. However, I don't why anybody would use Facebook over Snapchat, email, Discord, or even group MMS.

I use VKontakte

I only use Facebook Messenger. The actual Facebook platform has very little use.

>I only use Facebook Messenger.

Why do people keep saying this as if its any better.


Just means that fb is accessible as an onion site.


>Facebook guarantees the EU that it will never ever share data between Whatsapp and Facebook
>now they do and the EU cant do shit
at least in germany Telegram and Threema got a somewhat decent userbase in the IT crowd and even some normies use it.