Realized my children were more involved with shit tier youtube personalities than they were with real life...

Realized my children were more involved with shit tier youtube personalities than they were with real life, so decided to just take away their tablets

They are two boys, 6 and 4, and would watch youtube kids play games and review toys and shit. Evantube and fgtv, etc.

Insane on several levels - they would throw serious tantrums if they had to stop tablet, they would act out what they watched as their playtime, they talked about kids and families from yt as if the people were our close friends and trusted implicitly

It's fucking crazy. I don't know if we'll ever let them into tech like that again, it was seriously odd and scary af.

So, don't let yr kids into kid youtube.

My nephew does this. I want to punch my sister.

>letting your children go online
Holy shit I never thought numale parenting was this bad.

You think it strange that sone children are allowed to spend time on tablets of their own?

It's your fault for letting random people on the internet raise your stupid kids instead of you.

> they talked about kids and families from yt as if the people were our close friends and trusted implicitly

Why does this freak you out? it's the same with kids and tv shows. They're gonna talk about the characters a lot.

>Sup Forums is steadily going to be filled with more "my child does things I don't like" posts
Getting old sucks.

You're supposed to raise them on books and something useful that develops your kid, not the jewery known as the internet which takes their attention spans away.

> Sup Forums

>letting kids aged fucking 4 and 6 go online


go to bed grandpa

You seem to operate under the impression that trash books don't exist.
If you want your kids to grow up with 1990-esque common sense, don't let them use fucking tablets.
Buy a home computer and reinforce the idea that the internet is tied to a computer, and a computer is something you sit down to use, not something you passively consume while lying in bed or whatever.

They won't want to suck down the youtube teat every moment of the day if they can't get it in their bed.
Also, make sure to reinforce 1990-esque internet etiquette, eg. don't share your full name and personal information, etc.

At age four?
Yes, that's seriously fucking strange. Give him some crayons or blocks or something you asshole.

You're not even fit to raise a parakeet, let alone a child.

I like you user.

Thank god I actually took to the advice not to share any personal info online from computer classes.
One would have every reason to assume it was total bullshit, because the classes were awful crap like 'how to use apple software' or 'how to use microsoft software' and gave you advice like 'if someone says something mean online, stop what you're doing and go tell an adult immediately', so everything else they say must also be that frivolous and retarded.
Sup Forums probably put the idea to actually follow that bit through my head, I guess.

thanks for sharing bro

First mistake was letting your 6 and 4 year old sons access the Internet.

Second mistake was producing children with your retard genes.

>Buy a home computer and reinforce the idea that the internet is tied to a computer
So? What kind of a difference does this make, it still has internet access regardless.
One visit online will want to make your kid go on more and more. One youtuber after another, before you know it their attention span is gone. Enjoy listening to temper tantrums whenever you don't allow it and tell them to do homework instead.

>i dont want my kids growing up with relateable youtube celebs because i would rather have them eat up their state-sponsored common core trash worksheets.

Why not just block shit you don't like at the router?

Did you not read the part where I stopped it once I realized what was happening

Do you have reading comprehension problems

Shielding your kids from real life is the quickest way to turn them into sheltered, useless pieces of shit.

reverse those but yes

This reminds me of that scene on Simpsons where it's revealed that because of the lack of his mother on his life, young homer is created by the fridge. Also, why would you give tablets to your kids? Make them play, not watch.

After a certain age, yeah, but if we're already making the assumption that it's okay to let 4 or 6 year olds online (which I would disagree with), and it's causing behavioral problems for OP's kids, why wouldn't you just limit their access?

>inb4 "HeyKids"
>"what is HeyKids?"

If you had kids (LOL) would you prevent them from watching anime so they don't become a weeb like you?

Install gentoo. Not even kidding. Make them use Lynx.

So you must know better than me.
Explain how """youtube celebrities""" can educate a kid better than what school, outdoor activities, and real life friends have to offer.

>implying their friends aren't all the exact same way
If you take this away from them now, you will turn them into a social pariah and then they will grow up hating you.

There are good channels out there. Here in Brazil we had in the 90s a really itersting kids show. It had a central story core, but it teached about science, healthy habits, music, wtc. The guys responsible for the science part are going to open a youtube channel now. I know I'm biased, but this show was cutting edge in terms of pedagogy. Worked really well, if you ask me. Most of the young people in the academic life I know watched it religiously.

So many errors... and I'm not even drunk


Check out the demographic of this website where likely everyone lacks social lives.
Gee, it totally wasn't the internet's fault!

There are people who allows their children to drive their cars.

Yes, no anime till 18

How the fuck are they supposed to learn to drive?
You wan them to grow up retarded?

OP, I agree with the sentiment of not letting the internet raise your kids. However, completely blocking access toe th internet indefinately is horribly misplaced.
I picked up my father's old computer when I was 8, close to the your eldest's age.
So long as you teach moderation and self-control, I see nothing wrong with your 6 year old using a tablet.
Better yet, don't you have some youtube channels you like and might share with your eldest?
Perhaps you could also encourage the eldest to use the internet as a learning tool? You could showcase places that have math or science problems at their level, etc.
You could introduce your kids to programming fundamentals with suites like Scratch.
tl;dr Don't fight technology, own it as a tool to raise kids.

>Forbidding your children from vidya/anime/internet
>because you had it, and look how you came out!
Are you really such a pathetic self-loathing shit?
Or do you just feel like acting as though /you/ understand how bad these things are, and how much of a /pathetic, antisocial loser/ they've clearly made you makes you superior to your peers on the imageboard? Ie, arrogant, pretentious shit.
Either way hang urself pls

Don't worry, nobody on this board is getting laid.
Certainly not you, anyway.

*to the internet
Damn typos.

That's a bit harsh. I'd say at least 14-15 since that's when taste develops and fluctuates the most. I wouldn't want my kid to be a narutard growing up though like me

My son is 3 and I only let him watch Sesame Street and Disney Movies.

You wouldn't want your kid eating generic moeshit at 22 like you.

>breaking a child's NAP

statist pig

Why not? Its a fuckin show for kids. Theres literally nothing wrong with 8-13 year olds watching and enjoying naruto.
Kids watch crappy action shit all the time. Both of those suggestions are beyond retarded. If you cant stand listening to them talk about naruto, show them some better shows or something.
>You're bad because of your tastes
>Im better than u
If it makes you feel better, man.

>exposing your children to television or youtube at all

Fucking retarded. If I ever have children I'm going to convert to Strict Baptism and raise them on Shakespeare and Bach. We'll live in a farmhouse in the country and they won't even know what a fucking television IS.

Imagine raising a kid today who gets brainwashed by today's fruity and loose ideas on gender and he drinks the kool-aid so much that he become transgender

>kids react to Sup Forums

Buy your kids a commodore64, let them learn to program, and once around age 10 buy them some shit dual core computer for learning about the web, let them learn hoe computers work and shit, and then let them use them.

if theres anything you should know by browsing Sup Forums is that they would turn into useless pieces of shit weaboo NEETs not capable of contributing to society.