From engineering genius to political mastermind, is there anything that clock boy can't do?

From engineering genius to political mastermind, is there anything that clock boy can't do?


Holy shit, it's actually real

>Trying to revive his 15 minutes of fame

Kekerino kid got lucky the first time. If his dad wasn't who he was this never would have gone anywhere

You do realize he literally did nothing wrong, right?

I never knew how based he is.


>2 million

What's this about?

Confirmed for terrorist.

Inform Hillary we need another illegal airstrike.

He made a fake bomb and brought it into school, then pretended to be the victim

He made a clock.

stop his parents from using him as a puppet?

You do realize it's nothing to create a media outrage over right? You realize this was stupidity all around that caused the event the child is famous for to occur right?

Considering one American life is worth a million muslim lives I'd say we've still got some work to do, clock boy.

Clapistanian army relies on bombardment because they do not have strong public support for wars on other side of the globe. It's inaccurate and expensive way of waging war but if you keep killing enough civilians you'll eventually hit some enemy fighers too.


Who started this "istandwith" meme? It's almost as nobody can follow their own opinions so they have to behind someone else's ideals.

Also what is the significance of his verification?

He's implying the people who died during 9/11 deserved it.

No, he bought a clock, and made it look like a bomb.

So he's saying that 9/11 was an inside job?


Why are you pussy Americans afraid to talk shit to him and just talk about muslim 11 year olds behind their backs?

thats just your paranoia

>screenshotting yourself
>posting it in multiple threads
jesus that makes me sad

>is there anything that clock boy can't do?
Build a actual clock from scratch

>not knowing how to screenshot

Americans worse off than previously speculated?

How many pencil case size explosive devices do you know of?

absolute madman

Yea being a normal kid and enjoying his childhood having fun not buildiing bombs and getting mixed up in politics and bullshit he doesn't understand.

I wonder how many of those 2 million victims were named Mohamed, either name or surname. This kid must've taken it as a personal offense.

>You do realize he literally did nothing wrong, right?
He didn't do anything noteworthy either.

if you have to screenshot your own posts then chances are no one gives a shit what you have to say

cool clock, ahmed


Its a made up number and pure propaganda.

Are you retarded?
Ever hear of cellphone bombs?
The note 7 for one.