Santa is now black

>santa is now black
This time they've gone too far

Other urls found in this thread:

That actually triggers me

Reminder that for all the emoji in that screenshot (and probably more) you can long tap to change the color to any of a variety of skin tones, including Simpsons yellow (the default).

Reminder that this is a bait post.


Reminder that Santa is actually Turkish


It's Santa's evil brother that steals all of your shit.

Nice digits

> be me
> always saw white santa in TV
> mom bring me to see santa at the mall
> mall's santa was black
> realize santa doesn't exist at age 4 (1994)

Black was the default for santa m8

Really spooked me when I was scrolling through the mew emojis

If santa is from the north pole, he would be more brown though.

>getting upset over an imaginary friend

lmao, faggot

>caring about the ethnicity of a fictional character popularized by the coca cola company

Maybe that's supposed to be Sinterklaas's servant Zwarte Piet? I guess it might be cool to someone that we are completing gaps and history and culture.

its symbolic, it shows what they're trying to do and its fucked up and its in a fucked up way and it reeks of censorship and control and corruption and its gay as fuck


Wait until you meet Jesus.

More importantly , why would you need a towelhead emoji
>I'm the bomb and about to blow up!



Since when are emojis allowed.


Ah flikker toch op man, sinds wanneer heeft zwarte piet een rode muts en een baard.

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>black santa
>water gun instead of revolver

Sjw really are taking over everything.

Is that Afrikaans? I can usually understand Dutch a bit better than this.

>black emojis

It's brown, not black. They're doing this for the sake of "diversity" but they're being racist as all hell.

>regurgitating liberal memes without knowing anything about history

All emojis work in filenames. :^)


No it's Dutch, jij vuile Amerikaan.


This is fucking retarded



Sinterklaas is odin. His white horse is sleipnir and the black petes are his wild hunt.

>moderate brown
>moderate islam

I'm more offended that there's no Krampus emoji.

>jesus was a jew

He was, though. Sup Forums is unironically worshiping the Jewish god.


>jew zombie with a mexican name
