VI is the embodiment of everything that's wrong with Linux and the current trend within open source shit

VI is the embodiment of everything that's wrong with Linux and the current trend within open source shit.

>needlessly complicated
>obtuse as fuck use scenarios

I wish the old guard in the Linux world would die off.

I like vi desu

Then what is a good text editor?


good and simple? nano
amazing yet simple? emacs



So nano is better than vim?

no i just made that up


This desu

I've had to fix a broken windows registry key by key before with chntpw and ed because it was so fucked that windows was inoperable after booting

% du -h /usr/bin/nano
212K /usr/bin/nano
% du -h /bin/ed
48K /bin/ed
% du -h /usr/bin/nvi
44K /usr/bin/nvi

anything but vi is bloated

Stupid neckbeard and his braindamage.

>vim is too hard for me, so it sucks in general
I guess you're also too retarded to do basic programming so you became a webdev?

Don't like it? Don't use it.

Most distributions pack tens if not hundreds of editors. Surely there's one that's not too uncomfortable for you to use?

Personally, I prefer vim.

Dat strawman. Guess you fucks can't even argue properly.


nvi has evolved to be pretty different from vi desu

So you are just answering this...

Vi like editor are made to be the fastest
And they are good at it the end
Several tests prouve it

complaining about bloat at those sizes is just pedantic.

I use vi because it's on everything. It doesn't matter who's machine I have to fix, I know vi is there.

but ee is better than nano

yeah it's fatter than the original vi

Microsoft Office Word 2017


it is the best text editor there is



Isn't it funny that it's such shit, but still manages to be the best text editor around?

No. It's not funny. It's depressing.

Vim is the perfect text editor for people who like it. For people who don't like it, there's Nano or Sublime or Atom or Emacs or literally dozens of other editors. Vim is everything right with the Linux world, it's a specialized tool, that works very well for some people, and for people who don't like it, there are dozens of alternatives.

Linus programs in fucking mg, there's no single magical perfect text editor, there's just whichever one you like the best.

>people are still using text editors that don't have tetris built in

M-x tetris