What is your opinion of Steve Jobs? Do you love or hate him and why or why not?

What is your opinion of Steve Jobs? Do you love or hate him and why or why not?

I'm not glad he's dead, but I'm glad he's gone.

Because it's better for Apple or worse?

more apple threads folks! we definitely need more!

If you don't like it scroll down douchebag no one is putting a gun to your head making you have to comment or read this thread.

that was a meme

yet another abusive & temperamental control freak that was allowed to gain too much power, as if the business world doesn't have enough of those as it is

Steve Jobs released a lot of flawed and anti-consumer products. He just was better at selling them.

I dont care about apple. It was bad for software freedom

Apple is doing worse without him.
He wasn't developer or inovator at all, he just knew how to advertise and sell shit products.
Evil person, but genius enterpreneur.

Actually you can say it was good because Apples lock down policies definitely inspired how Windows and other OS to go in an alternative direction to appeal to those who didn't like OS X.

his wife turned out to be a coal burner. hard to think highly of a man that marries a nigger lover.

How are Apple products any more locked down than Microsoft products?

Don't really care all that much. He was a marketing genius though nobody can deny that. He could take a shit in front of you and sell you the turd for the low low price of 500 dollars and you would still walk away happy.

Apple's OS never had serial numbers, or validation or phone-home.
You didn't have to notify Apple if you increased the RAM in your Mac so your OS would work again.
No popups telling you your bought and paid for OS wasn't genuine today.
Yes, really locked dowm.
There's a publicly available source code to most of MacOS/OSX. Where's the equvalent for Windows?

He was a good business man. The Macintosh and The NeXT Computer were total game changers in Computing. One thing he was 100% right about is Microsoft have zero taste.

Shame that neo-Sup Forums doesn't get this one

i just think nobody likes people who re-use a quote that already has been reused a million times.

I miss steve.

Install gentoo

He was a visionary. He was the first guy that made computers for normal people. More than that, he made computers actually cool. In the fucking 80s. I'll always respect him for doing just that.

Hello Newfriend,
I'm pretty sure that you are in the wrong place.
Go this way, you will find what you were looking for

Normal people? Apple's were always expensive.

he was a retard but kinda funny. i kinda miss this derp.

He was undeniably good at his job, keynotes, marketing, overall direction of the company and keeping Tim Cook right where he belonged, in the dark.

i Love him and ou bate him. he Steal other people stuff and put it in my pocket.

I think he had the personality to "succeed" (read: push through life trying to step over everyone else like a jerk) but he wasn't ever likable, and certainly not inspiring in any way as the Gospel has laid down in recent years for iUsers to eat up. He was a shitty public speaker, a failure personally, had numerous career mistakes, and was a new-age kook who likely could have treated his cancer if he wasn't averse to "Western medicine" (Western means white, and white means bad). But all of that means nothing and can be safely ignored because he made some company with a fruit for its logo tons of money. This apparently, in the age of Shark Tank, is enough to be considered a visionary. Planned obsolescence, exploitation of the poor in sweatshops (install some nets so they can't leap to their deaths and end their miserable existence, right?--now *that's* vision), and the guy, a type-A sociopath, becomes a super-rich huckster selling some invisible and imaginary magic sauce called It Just Werks that people will Just Take My Money over and then promptly replace when the next model arrives. I remember a time when people would hardly part with $100, and computers were considered an investment you justified only because you needed one for work, or you wanted your kid to have an advantage. Somehow, with consumer credit and conspicuous consumption, in conjunction with Web 2.0, it has become acceptable to spend $800 on a TELEPHONE so you can browse the web all day, wherever you are. In closing, as to the question: as far as I'm concerned, "Steve Jobs" can rot in hell.

Apple computers before the Macintosh were good. Thank Wozniak for those, not Jobs.