Is it just me, or are more people using Linux on Sup Forums than before?

Is it just me, or are more people using Linux on Sup Forums than before?

If true, what do you think the reason is? More polished Linux desktop distros? Government spying concerns? Microsoft deciding to stop giving a shit about quality?

Other urls found in this thread:

neckbeard cred

>Lil timmy rebelling against the 'botnet'
>[25 minutes later]
>how do I install chrome on {Arch Linux, Ubuntu, Kali Linux, Mint}?

im starting to experiment with hypervisors and VGA passthrough stuff

>yaourt -S google-chrome


How do I use a kernel?

Security and privacy is better in Linux. I do have a windows VM but it is disconnected from the internet

>If true, what do you think the reason is?

It's free. Pirating Windows is a gamble since it could be loaded with malware or botnets. So why not use a free and open-source OS instead?

quality of windows could be large factor. lots of techies don't like 10

Because I can use the same old hardware, with an OS and software that's free.

I only have an XP partition on this HDD because Its been there for about 12 years and I'd feel weird about deleting it.

i started playing around with linux in 2004, well before all the current government spying concerns and shit
wasn't even clued up about free vs. proprietary software or whatever
it was just fun to try something new and different
once i got the hang of things i found myself enjoying it more than windows, and eventually i stopped using windows as a main os altogether

Yeah, windows 10 probably drove a lot of people to linux. It's nothing compared to what we'll see when 7 becomes unsupported

I don't know about you, but I just love having a package manager and all the Linux command line tools. Feels a lot faster and more straightforward than a GUI

linux look pretty flame but it doesnt play games

i guess if u dont need games its aight

I switched because i got tired of dealing with windows. And package managers are just a good idea in general.


I started getting interested in Linux around 2005, and even installed Ubuntu on a separate partition but almost never booted into it.

After around 2010, I started trying out distros on my laptop, and after 2013 was basically using only Linux on my laptop, even though I had a Win7 install on it. It's free, supports my hardware out of the box, and isn't resource intensive.

In the beginning of 2015, I decided to dual-boot once more give Linux a try on the desktop. Again, I figured it would run better, but also I was concerned about privacy and I had a feeling Microsoft would fuck up Windows 10. Long story short, I've almost never booted into my Windows partition, but I occasionally run it in a VM in Linux.

Maybe you're just here on the paid ms shills day off.

I've been using Linux for a long time. I just rarely post on Sup Forums.

I finally stopped using Windows entirely because the overwhelming majority of the games I have any interest in playing now work via wine.


I switched in, I think, 2007. It was regular Ubuntu then, now it's Xubuntu. The machine I use is one I got for free from a family member who needed a new one to run the new Windows. It's a well nifty little thing. Sits in my (previously unused) top draw and all I need to do is have it open a crack in the summer and it never gets hot somehow; all the wires come trough the back.

Having access to various levels of program is really neat. It also lets you pick a suitable one for each task. I only use mocp as a music player now because, well, I don't LOOK at music (I never understood visualisations).

>Security and privacy is better in Linux.
Not in Arch, though.

literally go the website and download package


Maybe the userbase of Sup Forums has grown older. That would mean they grew out of video games and instead moved on to more mature hobbies, so they don't need Windows anymore.

yaourt. It's the new you're.

It's because you can get cheap laptops on ebay now since the market has been stagnant for years.

Little Jimmy buys a thinkpad off of ebay and installs unbuntu on it and then that cool "screenfetch" program and posts his desktop on Sup Forums.

>tfw 31 and still play vidya in Linux

There's more people on Sup Forums than before, what are you getting at?

>unironically using yaourt

[citation needed]

I started using Linux because of Sup Forumss shilling for it. Good meme tqbh. All of your thoughts apply to me.

believe it or not, Sup Forums used to actually be a somewhat decent place
before the pleeb/casual/reddit flood of 2012 I'd say a good 2/3rds of all posters at least dual booted, with a good half of those strictly caring about freedom and only running a GNU operating system
no OP, fewer here have made the switch than ever before

Because it doesn't "just work."

And by that I mean it doesn't just randomly do some shit I didn't tell it to do and say "deal with it, faggot."

Microsoft decide to stop giving a shit about quality

>M$ forcing users with versions that just werk (7, XP) off and on to Windows 10
>windows in bed with the NSA
>easily exploited anyway
>can't change DEs
>bloatware, even enterprise versions of windows come with useless fucking Windows Store Apps(TM)(C)(R)
>forced updates for all non-enterprise installations
>shitty fucking shell
>no Bash on Jewbuntu on Windows is not a good solution either, not even enabled by default
>linux being usable even by normies
>loads of advances on things like power management and drivers on linux, if you have a thinkpad then it's literally better than windows out of the box

>implying they ever did

If quality was important we'd be using modern versions of Lotus 123, Wordstar, and be on Commodore machines running BeOS.

>implying linux has no game
>wine desktop

you might not but your os of choice does

Arch is easier to install than Gentoo and became the new neckbeard cred OS.


The poster did not mean to question Lil Timmy's technical competence, but the fact that he wanted to "rebel against the botnet" and then would immediately install botnet Chrome.

XOR yourself, you apes.

Arch is the distro for NEET. I never seen any arch user with a real job ever.

>Is it just me, or are more people using Linux on Sup Forums than before?

Before what? Before Windows 8?

>If true, what do you think the reason is? More polished Linux desktop distros? Government spying concerns? Microsoft deciding to stop giving a shit about quality?

More because fora like this allow people to hear the mere word "linux" so they decide to give it a go. Most people, even after the existence of Linux for a quarter of a century (holy shit, I'm old), never heard of it. Even though their phones run the Linux kernel with a Java userspace, they think it's "Android."

I've been using Linux since 1994 as a toy os next to OS/2 and my daily driver since February 1998. I've migrated a few people over to it over the decades, but I've found that most people don't know that Linux distros even exist, and if they ask me, they don't want to move over because it's too "different" (the change from 7 to 8 or 10 is more jarring than moving from 7 to a KDE desktop, though).

So the mere fact that Linux is even discussed here makes a difference.

atleast, you could find updated drivers for all version of windows, no matter what hardware you have

I think you must be relatively new, because as annoying as some distros user bases are (call it all the ones mentioned here). Sup Forums always encouraged the use of Linux and stupid wars about their different aspects.

nice meme

people just accept windows because it comes on nearly every computer as default.

I switched to GNU/Linux because it was easier to understand how it worked and easier to maintain.

My dad switched to GNU/Linux because it's easier for me to maintain remotely.

Sup Forums educated me more on GNU/Linux. I think using it was always a goal of mine.

>More polished Linux desktop distros? Government spying concerns? Microsoft deciding to stop giving a shit about quality?
All of these and more people taking up writing code which is just far less cucked on Linux.

And Ubuntu. Ubuntu is the best thing that happened to Linux for decades.

>are more people using Linux on Sup Forums than before
You are obviously GNU here.

However, people used to use WindowsXP back when Wine sucked.
Now that Wine is good enough even with Photoshop, there's no reason not to use GNU/Linux.

I've installed some version of Ubuntu to every old person that has asked me to fix their computer (usually for money). Sometimes just tell them that it's the latest Windows.
They usually call me once in a while to scan their PC for viruses, kek.

>Is it just me, or are more people using Linux on Sup Forums than before?
You're absolutely right

It's because of Android Phoneposters


I'd just like to interject for moment. What you're refering to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.

Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called Linux, and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project.

There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called Linux distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux!

Because Ubuntu is objectively better than Windows.

package manager
sane filesystem
no win10 spyware

Tell me something OP, and this will answer your question...why the fuck would I use anything other than Linux given how inconsistent Windows is and how insecure it is? Linux is the only option. If you use anything other than Linux than you are a filthy normie.



sudo apt install Chromium

This is something that I find especially annoying. Why can't normies understand this?

All of the above. But really the thing that convinced me to never use windows again was the ability to make a distro custom to my express wishes. Not some pajeet in Washington St. thinks I like.

gnu without the linux part would be dead and irrelevant.

Long live Linus, the King of Linux

>not pacaur

learn to arch faggot

Thank Canonical for Ubuntu. All the codecs and gaymes with no hassle.

>finally get a (You) after almost a month
>it's from a guy posting a fucking copypasta

u wot m8

Taking the b8, but I'm still correct because most of the power management related shit is in the kernel, or compiled for it.

A friend of mine was a Windows 7 die hard for comfiness but I told him (eventually) he'd have to switch and he said he wasn't putting up with Windows 8 or higher's shit so I suggested linux.

He switched promptly about a year ago and has had no problems. Didn't even have to give up Dota 2.

No, people would just use GNU with a BSD kernel.

Or they would have completed hurd and we'd be shitposting on Sup Forums on GNU Hurd.

You mean chromium-browser