
I have a column every cell is unique (thousands of cells).

I have a range of 25 of those cell values that I want to find and highlight.

How do I find a range of info instead of doing control+f for each individual one like a faggot?

Bump. I am genuinely interested, opperino.

So you have thousands of cells in a column and you want to find 25? Based on what? some values?

Range of info.... Do you want to select 25 random cells?

Learn pivot tables - it might help. Though you are being vague on what you exactly need.
Pivot tables would look-search for specific values etc. depending on what filters you use and would create a table with those only if configured as such.

No, I have a range of 25 cells. This range is located within the column of 1000's, but the column is in random (and not feasibly sortable) order. Imagine complex serial numbers in your head as an example.

I'm looking to find that range of 25 within the column of 1000. Meaning out of 1000 rows, 25 contain the info I need. I want to highlight them without doing it individually, since I do this periodically.

Like this?

I just used the colon to indicate that it's all the cells betwixt B2 and F4. It is easily adaptable to a much larger amount.



>google it
>visual basic

or save your file as csv and use command line tools.


Vlookup is an ass formula

No my man

Column A has 10,000 rows of unique gibberish
Column X has 25 rows of unique data that is contained within column A, but I need to find it.

When I find it, I want to fill the cell with a color (should have been more clear when I said "highlight").

I have been doing that manually but it takes forever seeing as I have to do this a lot.

>not using index and match. Vlookup is such a shit excel function.

Select everything, and go to Data tab and play around with the filter and sort settings.

It should help.

>Using excel over superior Open Office Calc

When I get off of my wageserf job, I'm going to post a visual of what I want to be able to do because I don't think I'm explaining it correctly

>what is vlookup / index(match) or python's csv library

Honestly Calc fucks up too much and cant multithread / utilize more than 1 core, making it useless for my hundreds of thousands of tables, excel more stable from my experience

You could possibly use conditional formatting.Ccreate a condition to format a field in a certain color if it has a certain value.

If you really want to find a a certain sequence of 25 rows in one column (and not single fields), you may save the column to .csv and do a text search.

>hundreds of thousands of tables
use a proper database if you have that much data

You just need filters OP. You're probably looking for columns rather than rows btw.

use the filter option you stupid mongoloid

Can you use ranges in conditional?

Yes look it up, it should be cookie cutter easy in any recent office.

You're really shit at explaining what you want to do.

Use column B as a helper column. Formula: =countif(x1:x25, A1)

Now you should have 1 in all rows that contain one of the unique values.

Filter the rows on our "helper" column, select only rows with the value of 1.

Thank you, that does it.