How do I protect myself against Russian hackers/the NSA? Is the only answer to fully remove myself from "the grid"?

How do I protect myself against Russian hackers/the NSA? Is the only answer to fully remove myself from "the grid"?

Other urls found in this thread:

>Russian hackers
Le common sense

There is no hiding

You'll have to move to another planet if you want to be beyond the NSA's grasp.

Make one of these. It will protect you from all malicious entities trying to gain access to your personal data.

russia isn't hacking shit.

Run loonix
wget/cURL everything

You don't have to remove yourself from the grid, but you should prune your grid, and use a password manager locked with a cryptographically strong password.

You have to go full RMS

install Qubes
run Whonix on Qubes
use a VPN hosted by an enemy of the US
install I2P

Run Linux or a BSD.
Keep kernel constantly up to date.
Don't be a dumbass with any of your passwords.
Don't use services that are dumbasses with your password (if they can send your password back to you in an email in plaintext, they're fuckwads).

Never connect to the internet

install gentoo

Don't store and sell classified government documents on your personal home server to the highest bidder, and you will be fine. Also: fail2ban

>The most powerful programming language is Lisp
LSD is a powerful drug dude lmao

>he thinks he can hide from the NSA

>he thinks the NSA is Russian

He пoлyчитьcя.
Ho ты мoжeшь пoпытaтьcя.

the NSA stockpiles 0days like the fat kids do with halloween candy. the russians have some, but you'll never evade the NSA. they have satellites and drones and can tap every cellphone on the market via echelon. now the fbi is about to be granted the right to hack any computer in any jurisdiction so you'll have to deal with them as well.

there is no safe space.

Thanks for the update, Ivan. We've deposited 100 rubles into your account

>install Qubes


Like either of them give a fuck about hacking a fat fuck sat in his room posting on a Mongolian fishing raft forum about installing Gentoo

Run a laptop with fully free software, like a T60, and only use freenet through a trusted vps also only with free software (aka another T60). If you want to go full autismo, use Qubes.


we're watching you poo
t. nsa

That is, quite literally, the sole reason why the NSA was founded.

They do give a shit about what you're doing, or at least enough of a shit to monitor and record it.


you can't
t. russian hacker