What email do you use, how many do you have, and for what purpose?

What email do you use, how many do you have, and for what purpose?

I have 1 yahoo account that I use everything for. Why would you need more than 1? Maybe 2 if you have a work account.

>in 2016


I have 5, but I only use 2 (one private and one for work). The other 3 are a yahoo account I made in my teens, a second work account that I just forward all emails to my primary work account and finally a Gmail account that was forced upon me by Google when I made a Google user for my Android phone

What? People still use email?

1 hotmail (old)
2 outlook (personal, work)
1 gmail (random things)
1 openmailbox (spam)

this, I have 3

vps hosted sendmail.
as many as I want/need on vps and 2 gmail, 1 yahoo, 1 work
normal correspondence and about 35 listserv subscriptions.

>gmail account for everything
>gmail account for private trackers
>yahoo account that I haven't touched for >5yrs, when I went to gemail

>gmail account for the place I work, that I share with my colleagues

A few throwaway types, one with my "main nickname"@gmail.com and four firstname.lastname ones:


Throwaways are probably self-explanatory. The one with my main username I use with stuff related to that username (I use the same username in several places). It's also a bit of a general use mail for me. As for the first.last, I generally use Gmail but for more official stuff I use Outlook. The uni one I use with stuff related to uni obviously. I don't really use the parliamentary one anymore, though I used to put it in my CV as my contact email. Got a few calls from curious employers and eventually a job.

whats the Parliament one from?

I have about 7 various gmails and a smattering of accounts on my two VPSs

I run my own home server with over 30k emails, can't say what it's for though. Great for privacy and security.

I have 3 gmail accounts. One is for normie shit, the other is for forums and stuff. The third is one is given by my uni and i don't use it anymore as i graduated a year ago

1 work account, for work shit and putting it in registration forms on sites like microsoft and vmware
1 "serious private" account on gmx mainly used for online shopping and related communication
1 dev/null account on cock.li used for joining porn tube sites and dubious link sharing forums

I used to work there, as a civil servant. It was a pretty sweet job. I had very little to do and all the time in the world to do it and even the pay was good. God bless nepotism. Probably the comfiest years of my life.

Google apps

Outlook and Gmail funnel into my Google Apps acct.

Also get news pushed to me using IFTTT

College email is totally separate (Also Google Apps)

One personal account
One spam account
One university account

Guys, I have a question. I created a throwaway gmail a while back called shittervids. The password was two simple words (stupid, I know)

And I got locked out due to someone signing in from afghanistan. I don't really care about the account and not going to recover it but how did a hacker know about the email if I didn't post about it anywhere AND how did they know the password?
Did someone really care to crack it?

My other emails are fine but what happened in this case?

One for business (college, work, emails, etc)
One for signing up for things
One for spam (ie. those annoying car salesman who won't shut up until you give them an email)
One for personal things (for example, I use it to access my backups/files)

All but the personal email are Gmail.

For serious business:
For friends:
For other activities\steam:
Top secrit stuff:

Someone pwnd their box and their database got compromised. Usernames / passwords weren't hashed. Happens all the time

Ah, this makes sense. ty user

Private mail server + domain
Old yahoo for bullshit spam

I have 9 fucking email addresses. It's a disaster.

>1 given to me about 16 years ago from my ISP
>1 personal email address I use for most of my shit
>1 older personal email address I forward to the newer one above
>1 protonmail address just for shits and giggles
>4 university addresses, 2 of which were given to me when i enrolled at the universities I attended, 1 of which is an "alum" email for one of the universities, and 1 of which was given to me when the university I was attending upgraded its webmail service.
>1 old hotmail address I just use for spam shit.

how do you save the passwords?

Cock and proton

sigaint (nuff said)

>I have 9 fucking email addresses.
Any non-fucking email addresses?

around 40 gmails, gottem before you had to activate via phone. also got my first gmail before it was public, when it was invite only.

private e-mail server
for receiving classified information and sending it to people who people who don't have classified privileges, for sending and receiving mail relating to my charitable organization-turned political slush fund, and for using a public institution to conspire against my political enemies in a rigged election

one protonmail with three aliases.

#1 ancient hotmail
#2 personal gmail with embarassing name
#3 business gmail
#4 firstname@.