/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

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replacing \ with / in a file with vim:
please recommend editors for programming in c++. and don't mention with bloated proprietary botnets, I don't want any of that.

Why no one uses tumbleweed ?
It's a rolling release and its looks like very good.
Nice management of the packages and more stable than arch.

Why am I not getting previews in the KDE file picker? It works in Dolphin. I've cleared the cache and set 'Previews=true' in kdeglobals

changed the verb and forgot to remove the prepositon.
also, fourth for Arch Linux

any of you can help me?
I'm trying to create kernel modules in VM and I keep getting
MODPOST 0 modules

what I'm doing wrong?

I just converted to lxde, what can you tell me about lxde anons, your experience?

Can someone give me a sane reason why I should install Arch except the "simple" and "lightweight" memes, which are proven wrong?

Just unsure because I keep discovering sp many Arch users on Sup Forums. It can't be true that all these people are falling for memes, right?

I'm not trolling, please don't shitreply.

zypper is slow as ass compared to pacman

>It can't be true that all these people are falling for memes,
it is

>It can't be true that all these people are falling for memes,
There are also lots of people falling for windows 10.

fix your non-anime wallpaper first

Non-meme reply here. There's only one reason to use arch and that reason is a good reason: The AUR.

xfce is more polished and feature full desu.

i recently installed antergos but i don't understand.
There are some lags like freeze or when i unlock sometimes i must wait 4 - 5 mins .
Am i the only one who has these kind of bugs ?

well, pacman is lighting fast, AUR is a blessing, changing DEs has been a lot less painful than with debian-based systems from my expirence.
how come you think arch's lightweightness is a meme? my old ubuntu system came with over 1300 packages on installation, most of which I've never used and it used ~800mb RAM after booting. my arch system had ~300 packages (with everything essential such as xorg and a DE installed) and used 370mb after booting. now I'm up to 700 packages and still only 400mb RAM usage after booting.

>The AUR
>implying a git wrapper is a reason to installl distro which has said git wrapper

>not git cloning shit yourself

inb4 retards claiming "its so much more simple"

You should ALWAY check the source code of ANY shit the AUR provides. It's equally to install software made by literally who.

Give me a good reason to switch from Xubuntu to Debian with XFCE

you know that yaourt and the like generate a package and integrate it into your package manager? there's a big difference between "muh just git clone bro" and arch's solution

Reasons to consider when choosing a distribution:

>package manager
>release schedule
>package philosophy (patching, defaults)

Everything else, including these are irrelevant gimmicks.

Your question is being asked countless times per day. If you were serious about anything, you'd "research" it yourself instead of asking hit-and-run questions.

arch users think a package count of 300 compared to ubuntu with 2000 is better but they are wrong.

arch is a meme, let me tell you why

the slogan "a simple, lightweight linux distro"

a) it's not simple, it's simple for the developers, not for the users. users need to fix a lot of shit, install a lot of shit, configure a lot of shit to make arch usable

b) it's not lightweight, the vanilla arch kernel comes (because simplicity) with ALL modules enabled by default, you can change it, yes, but noobs just wount. then people think a blank base install is more lightweight than a fully blown ubuntu install, but at the end it looks like this:

2000k packages, mostly only binaries, some -dev packages

300 packages, but since arch doesn't package splitting (it includes source, headers, docs, all languages, etc), you end up with 1 package which is twice as huge as 2 ubuntu packages

so, consider installing a fully blown de on arch and one on ubuntu, and then do some math

and that's the whole meme about arch
>simple and lightweight
but actually complicated and bloated

Why does it feel less taboo to use an osx looking theme over a windows looking theme?

>not git cloning shit yourself
I did that on debian
After a month I had 100-200 packages cloned and was regularly rebuilding them by hand

At that point I decided to say “fuck it” and switched to gentoo. Life is so much simpler now that I can simply let my package manager worry about managing packages.

People don't install Arch because the Simple or Lightweight thing, they install it because they think only on Arch you can RICE. That's the whole SEX SELLS the kids are falling for.

install gentoo, all jokes aside, try installing antergos base, then install all required shit for your de of choice, if thats on your level that is.

Please don't post such trash EVER again. Thanks.

shit theme btw
and people are retarded who cares

I'm a little confused.
Should I use "find" for searching or files or filter the results of "du"?

antergos is cancers, you know what antergos is?

it's an installer for arch, which overwrites any hint of "arch" in the base with "antergos"

that's what antergos does; being cancer, in exchange for handholding 3 command line commands for installing a DE

what's the point of all these arch installers, why not installing arch manually if you guys care about a lightweight base install? isn't that the whole point?


so what alternatives do you propose? I want bleeding edge software and I use software that usually isn't part of the official repos but git cloning everything manually (also when updating) is too much work in the long run.

I HATE apt for the love of god
switching DEs is painful
lags behind with software releases
sucking the systemD

compiling everything takes ages if you don't have a top notch CPU

red hat spyware

arch is not a meme if you consider how stable it is for a rolling distro. Arch is a meme when you realize that the developers understand KISS as "we don't have to do so much work because the end user will" instead of "lets make simple and lightweight automated tools to keep the system installation, administration and usage simple and lightweight"

>install ubuntu
>screenfetch -D Arch

I think you never developed a distro. What Arch debs do is simply insane like defaulting python3 to python and other crap no sane developer would do ever.
>no breakage
I agree that "Arch broke X" is a meme since it happend only once, but there are lots of other rolling distros which are more save than arch, since arch doesn't provide any bug listing or checking option next to the webside for possible bugs before uprgrading.
I alread feel sorry for posting this link.

inb4 some fag starts some systemd trash memeing; read the whole mail :^)

Why are characrers missing? I'm feeling opressed.

0 packages senpai

no the point of arch not having an installer is devs being angry about people spamming forums not knowing how to do basic stuff.
They could literally make a good, automated and simple to use distro that has all the latest software and is really the best choice for a desktop user,
but they instead chose autism and put retarded slogans behind it because they like their secrit club :^)

fat fingers syndrome

>They could literally make a good, automated and simple to use distro
this, what's the point of all these arch installers? a simple, 50 lines shell script could do the job the KISS way, but arch refuses
>implying running 5 commands manually to install arch "teaches you linux"

>muh graphical installation
oh look, it's a ubuntu toddler ranting angrily about arch. how neat!

Anyone has debian sid ? and can say if it's a good choice ? i had so much issues with arch i don't want it anymore.

Friendly Line, which means: We don't post until a newcomer asks how2linux.

Sid is comfy. Get apt-listbugs, run it before upgrading to feel save; feel save.
It breaks as much as Arch does; once a year, and if, you get informed before it does.

so you mean when someone asks how to genkernel or list modules?


Dual booting xubuntu and windows here.

I no longer feel like wasting space with windows. I can do anything I would want on a virtual machine and I have already tried this. Shit's on UEFI though. How would I go around just removing windows without leaving shit behind?

Also given that my secondary hard drive uses an NTFS partition, should I convert that since I no longer need to access it through Windows?

Depends. You could see Windows like a gaming console and handle it like tha

Can somebody explain to a newfag what the systemd issue is?

Here is what I understand, systemd and SELinux have had some of its code contributed by the NSA, and it also is increasingly responsible for more of the functions of the OS, right?

Is this not both a good and bad thing then? On the one hand they have the capacity to put some sneaky code in there, but on the other, wouldn't they make the software that they are going to use for themselves more secure?

someone pls explain what systemd and selinux even is to this nigger

well all those installers were created by community and are unofficial.
>i think that mounting devices manually. running pacstrap and then manually creating fstab is somewhat hard and makes me a special haxxor
this is how archkids look like.
I'm not young enough to use arch anymore, last time i installed it was 8 years ago.

As a newfag you shouldn't worry about systemd. Systemd is free software, which means it's secure and anyonce can and does audit it. Don't fall for the NSA memes.

The actual discussion is a technical/philosophical regarding the UNIX prilosophy, which asks programs to do ONE thing an do it RIGHT. Since systemd does many tasks as one huge entity, many people aren't comfy with it. That's what all the discussions are about.

-plain "vanilla" xfce is better than that riced out shit
-task-xfce-desktop includes a good amount of xfce programs that xubuntu-desktop doesn't
-if you install just xorg xfce4 xfce4-goodies you'll get a less bloated system
-it'd debian, so you can use sysvinit and openrc not pötteringd

can we stop hatig on arch now? there are enough good reasons to use it.

debian netinst cli installer is pretty comfy and needs less place (247 MB) than the arch iso (797).
It includes a gui installer and a text based one that doesnt need X running and is lightweight,
also it has an "expert install" that lets you do things manually just like the arch installer.
Why are you using such bloated install disk?
Why is it so featureless if its so heavy?
Fite me.

a) No, there aren't any; see this thread.
b) No, we need to spread the word so newcomers stop falling for the Arch meme, because we're friendly and want the users to use the best shit that fits to their needs.

I'll stop using arch once you can give me a satisfying answer

shit that fits to my needs doesnt make me look cool on the internet

there is little reason to use it over any other major distro. Only one i can see is "i need new packages" and you can manually build what you need if your base system is old. Short cli commands to install/upgrade packages can be set uo easily with aliases. You can rice on any distro, even windows. No reasons to be honest.

> a net installer is smaller than a normal installer
> take that, arch user! fite me
kill yourself, serously

get comfy with apt and use debian sid or learn portage on gentoo's unstable

>hey, lets introduce newcomers to something that will leave them totally confused

no you idiots, people that have already found their way here aren't dumb, they just aren't ready for that level of required interaction

assuming people come from windows, which is literally babby-tier, they are not ready for that.

fedora, ubuntu, mint are better ways to start them off

honestly telling them to install arch is just a step above "install gentoo"

>red hat spyware


>debian netinst cli installer is pretty comfy and needs less place (247 MB) than the arch iso (797).
arch had a bootstrap archive which is ~122M, and can be installed offline

and the arch iso includes both i686 and x86_64, so either way it's not comparable

I have all the programs I need on arch and I use only 17gb.While ubuntu came with a lot of thing that I didn't want and after I installed all the packages I need the space used was 40gb.

Discovering someone using the tipper meme correctly nowadays is RARE, so I'm here to pay respect.

killy yourself right now or at least make sure you don't can reproduce


people who don't santisize their scrpts to handle jpe?g crap shouldn't touch computers

Is it a race?

Arch was pretty quick to join other girls in the massive bukkake party of redhat devs that is systemd.

If you need new software you can be easly satisfied with ubuntu PPAs, or debian sid. |
Fedora has quick releases that ship with new software too,
but i cant say much good about their stability or loads of officially supported software.

I dont know how is switching DEs on a debian system painful, just use apt-get install task-some-desktop.
On ubuntu you have x/l/k/ubuntu(-gnome/mate)-desktop metapackages that even tweak some things like plymouth/grub themes and stuff.
And you can install core desktop packages if you hate bloat.

Needing the latest newest software is a sign of baby duck syndrome related to you quitting windows for something that works different to be honest. Like:
>I cant literally do any work if my libreoffice is 5.1 instead of 5.2.
while most normal people use pretty old software, or stable versions for work because it wont mess around with their work flow or compatibility.
Also with stability in mind you can use package managers to keep the system secure with older packages so people wont have to do this manually.
Arch devs literally just throw mainstream at users because its not their job to patch things, unless it's kernel or something.

just ignore him, people who think the speed of package managers has any value don't understand anything about computers, networks, configurations or any othercomputer basics anyway

any kde pros here? I'm willing to blow you

Are there any solutions to printer driver issue in linux?
Specifically HP printers?
I've spent 4 hours trying to figure out how to make the scanner in F300 work and speed up printing.
Only to find out that these features are not supported by hplib.

Wrong board I guess.

is kde not affiliated with this board in any way?

>printing shit
for what purpose? hand that guy your usb stick faggot, nobody want's do call a herioglyth specialist to discover your random craps
be compatible

Are you from the past? We don't use printers in this timeline anymore

Ive only used windows in my life, but ive been interested in switching over to linux on my work pc. Whats a good guide for complete noobs?

There are people (those who have jobs for you) who use Windows 98 and Exel and those people want prints, otherwise you're tech illiterate.

>there are people who install/use arch without an Internet connection
literally kill yourself.

install Ubuntu and follow your heart

>browse Sup Forums for a long time
>we have created the /flt/ and put together a lot of cool stuff that can be helpful to anyone browsing Sup Forums and using linux
>thread never dies by itself
>After some weeks we have to change the name to /fglt/ because of all those idiots shitposting about stallman & gnu
>thread is again nice and one of the few non shitty thread in Sup Forums
>now this thread is a shitposting thread about archlinux

You should all go to hell and never come back. There are thread dedicated to shitpost, like Sup Forums, Sup Forums or /trash/
Can we go back to a good thread ?

boo-fucking hooo, debian can package and automate packaging too.

never met with such a problem, 4 out of 4 all-in-ones (3 hp 1 epson) worked out of the box with no configuration on any linux install i had. All you need is xsane/cups or hplip.

any specific variant? like KUBUNTU, MATE etc?

kubuntu or ubuntu gnome
maybe xubuntu
have fun!

Get Ubuntu. Don't fall for any other memes like Mint or other trash. Get Ubuntu. Shit company but stuff works and holds your hand on your first steps. You can literally use it without any GNU/Linux knowlege.

You can boost your knowlege by using the commandline as much as you can. (The OP has a nice Shell pasta at the copypasta collection link), also the book "the linux commandline" may help.

Another tip: Use Ubuntu, don't distrohop because you thin Distro X looks nice, instead make your distro look nice (and realize that all distros are basically the same thing, only the package managing and the philosophy differes)

My 2 cents. when you feel save enough, you should leave ubuntu since canonical is a faggot company and go debian or arch or whatever you like.

>Handing someone a USB stick

Besides, Sometimes you NEED stuff in physical format.
Maybe it's the model?
I've used hplip, and I can use it to print stuff, but doesn't have the option to use less ink or print fast.
As for the scanner, I've installed SANE while it does detect the scanner, it doesn't show up with xsane.
Even HP-scan doesn't help, it throw an error about missing Python imagining library which I have installed for both python 2 and 3.

>Besides, Sometimes you NEED stuff in physical format.

Found the faggot who has a real life.

You forgot to attach a RARE pepe to your post, but luckily there's me. Thank me later.

This post could be an epic meme, millions of people would use it, if you didn't attach an actual pepe.

What a sad day to be alive.

well if sane detects it then it should work , just needs some proper config. Tell me what distro so i can better speak your language.

>rare pepe
neonazi please go away

But according to this openprinting.org/printer/HP/HP-DeskJet_F300

>These printers work almost perfectly - funny enhanced resolution modes may be missing, or the color is a bit off, but nothing that would make the printouts not useful.

>inb4 manjaro


Daily reminder. This is how competence looks like.

Nice. Watch the pepe supply increase rapidly in the next few weeks

>>>>/fag/ - friendly applel general/

where is said pepe suplly? if it's some hidden irc please tell mee

try simple-scan , maybe it will pull some dependencies you may have missed. Also it has sane as an dependency so it might work if sane worked. I had bad experiences with xsane on some puppy linux install.

At this day and at this current year I don't even know if just retarded or actually retarded, Holy shit.

Tried that.
Also xsane does work, but it thinks webcam is a scanner.
>Depends On : sane dconf gtk3 colord libgusb packagekit
All installed.