Sup Forums rage thread

Sup Forums rage thread.

Pic related, Netflix CS is pants on HEAD retarded.


What is he even saying?

He's a retard, and is saying that.

KB/s = Kb/s = kb/s



kb/s = Kibibits?? PER SECOND


kilo is ALWAYS lowercase


Then how the fuck do you differenciate between KiloBYTES and KiloBITS?


Useless retarded kike bitches.

what the fuck



holy fucking shit you're nearly as retarded as the dude in OP's pic. I am literally pissing into my Linux underwear and dying into my anus.

Can that card even fit into that case?

I call bullshit.

What the fuck? Advertising dGPU but plugging a fucking VGA into iGPU?


Hang on, I feel I'm missing something here.
Is this a rental agreement where securing your WiFi is against lease?

the notations for kilobyte and kilobit are retarded and don't wind up being used in uniform ways because people are retarded

however bandwidth should always be referred to as bits, and storage should always be referred to as bytes

Hello satan

Are you in a mental institution or something?

time to use rj45
or just stop broadcasting the SSID

They can't sue you for not having an internet connection, right?
So fake not having it by not broadcasting it.

Nothing he said was wrong.

PLease tell me you terminated the lease.

LOL, they can't be this stupid, right?


>implying forcing people who rent your buildings to run open WiFi APs is legal
Fortunately this landlord is so retarded that simply hiding the SSID would probably convince him you turned WiFi off.

Bits = b
Bytes = B
Kilo = k
Kibi = Ki

That's not VGA but thanks for playing.

Hide your ssid


KiB vs KB

Also monitor down screen first.
Nigga you wot??!?
I get that they wanted show where it's connected (even hardcore normies can't fuck that one up) but why do it in the most retarded fashion?

Where do I find somewhere like this?

>QT Koreanfu assembling your free Asus PC
>complaining with autism about how it's done