I saw some little spiders scurrying around and I was just wondering if they could short circuit the motherboard if they...

I saw some little spiders scurrying around and I was just wondering if they could short circuit the motherboard if they got inside my PC case?


don't worry they'll be fine

Why BLACKED make so good porn movie?

>when he cuck posts

U enjoy her look, she's like saying "this is your fault"

sauce, friend

Hi there Shlomo.

It's too late, it's already layed it's eggs.

But he is right

Shalom there dicklet


Being serious here, an insect will usually not short-circuit something that uses DC power (like your motherboard), but if there's a bunch of them, they may raise the temperature a little because of their webs and whatever it is they shit. So just remove them.

However, insects are a serious problem with stuff that uses AC power, like metro rails. I kid you not, there's more than one case where a cockroach short-circuited metro rails, because it touched both parts of the rail at once. That's why pest control in the subway system is treated much more seriously than everywhere else. A rat will literally fry to death while short-circuiting.

>poisonous spider bites your GT 8600
>it becomes a hardrock gamertech GTX 2080 gaming evasion poison edition
>enjoy framerates
>eventually die from gpu radiation

When I was young, I actually had a motherboard fried from a spider getting into the case. In any case, spiders suck, so you should just kill it and its whole family.

Oy vey, filthy Juden.


fuck you tripshit spiders are bros

Sauce on op pic? Looks potentially like a good fap.

Elsa Jean


It's "senpai" you git.

Boring af as all porn.

yes they can.

Spiders are not anything different than spiders

They are exactly like spiders. 100%

>if you don't like blacked you are a disgusting redneck

Damn, they aren't even trying to be subtle any more are they

>has a black cock in it
>has any cock
>a good fap

Leave spiders alone D:

Are you telling me you've never ran a current through a spider before?
I thought everybody does this when they are kids.



Both parts? But user, power supply rail has just one part, other being the real two rails.

Citation needed