He fell for the GUI meme

>he fell for the GUI meme

How embarrassing for you!

How embarrassing for OP!

I'm glad I did. It's so much easier and more productive.

Man oh man, I bet you get a lot of utility out of those bottom 3 windows, and a lot of stares from the normies at starbucks


the real embarrassment is that memory and weak ass cpu you have

no wonder you need to be staring at htop at all times lol

Aren't you running X faggot?

this kind of CLI is literally GUI with worse technology. You do the same things and press the same buttons as with GUI, but it`s all slow and shit.
Like I could understand if you used echo and cat with ii to post on irc and used ls /proc to get system resources, but this is shit

>says the fag that clearly runs xorg


What font is that? It looks pretty
What fonts do you guys use?

>using the picture of a smiley with a carat nose

is this the new desktop thread

This isn't the 1980's. Get with the times grandpa.

Are you a girl? I see you in every thread.


what's it like being a girl?

uhh normal? idk i dont have anything to compare it to

This girl is special. She has a penis.

that's deep

stop posting

rude no i dont

i cant disappoint my fans like that

It's 2016 get on with the times

Yes, you are one.
GNOME is shit and flatness too.

kuroneko a shit

ayase best girl


fkin seconded

You are a true haxxor. What are you using, ratpoison? Or just screen?

>immigrate to canada

Oh, you noticed that? Yeah I'm not gonna live in a country where a bigot is in charge.

Would you date me? I am not a fat slob but mentally a train wreck.

im a lesbian

I never said I was a boy. I have observing you.

are u cute

I have sex hair in the morning and I am clingy.

Please dont stop now, this is turning very lewd

Can you show me how you browse Sup Forums from the cli?

s-sorry im not really looking for a relationship

Canada is comfy desu

I would to see you edit a simple mograph video using only CLI :^)

>he fell for the graphical display meme

Font looks like hack maybe

Don't mention his slow RX, poor browser and irc client choice and ugly colorsheme.
Using Windows as a Sup Forumstard is better than being OP. He must have been baiting.

not her but what's wrong with weechat

this is for you.
you can't always win :^)

>he fell for electron tubes meme

Fuck off you dumb shit.
Kill yourself.

>Believing in Astrology

Save your breath, that guy is going to post that in every thread till desktop threads are unbanned.


Traps don't count as girls, user.

Desktop threads were banned?

Yes, since last year. Desktop threads get automatic sage and if the system misses it, a mod will enable autosage.

Bloody hell, I always just assumed they were about I didn't even realise.

What caused the mods to sage them? Too many questionable animu wallpapers?

>since last year

They never gave a response as to why, but I think mods just caved to those who constantly bitched about desktop threads. /w/ is pretty much were desktop thread regulars migrated to, but other boards like /wg/ have their own desktop threads too.

Its bloated and slower than irssi, also irssi has better plugins. The sidebar is the only feature that's worth mentioning.

Funny, I thought it was october 2015 they killed desktop threads. I remember there being a bit of controversy regarding desktop threads around that time. Maybe my memory is a little fuzzy.

it wasn't until around may or so of this year i think

>complains about gui, uses WM

Alright, thanks.

Also raw full HD PNGs are expensive.

good, lets kill this dumb site even faster lol

post opics

>using the picture of a smiley with a carat nose

date me I'm a fag

desu yes

clinton didnt win

>he fell for the science meme

Really only need X for browsing the web. I'm amazed, reCaptcha works with Dillo. Sort of.
Any means I could employ to browse efficiently on a text terminal?