/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

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Never mind. I figured it out. It seems that they installed right after all. All the programs are running, but I need to figure out how to get them running from simple commands on the command line.

Can anyone help me with aliases? Do I just copy the path to the program file and use that to make the command in bash.rc?

Actually, that entry isn't just throwing me back to grub, it's also giving an error: invalid sector size 65535

There were other inconsequential errors the first time so I missed that

Add the directory where the executables are in to your PATH variable.
export PATH="${PATH}:/additional/path/"
After that, you can call the executable without typing the whole path.

alias lol='/top/kek --lel'

Hah, figured it out. I forgot to reinstall the kernel, as it had some files in /boot.

when start tmux can this layout be auto started as well, something in .tmux.conf?

best lightweight distro that's easy on battery life for an x220? Heard lubuntu is ok, figured I'd ask here

yep just learn the config file

What's a good background manager? I have the stock one in cinnamon that lets me change every 5 minutes, but you have to set one aspect for all images, so images that need to be centered instead of scaled end up looking like shit for example. it can't look into multiple subdirectories for images, only from a single one.

scripted feh

thanks I'll look into it

Also I was looking at other desktop enviroments last night. Some people were saying it's fine to check out others. Then some were saying don't do it, because installing some packages in say GNOME and then running them in KDe causes things to break and not work right. is it fine to test out different DEs as long as i don't install any new packages while doing so? if I do decide to swap DEs would it be best to first uninstall all my packages from the old one and reinstall them to be sure?

KDE plasma looks really nice but I don't really know what packages to install from synaptic to get it going.

You can install and use what ever you want from any de/wm,being that you must also satisfy the deps to use that program in another wm/de,which leads to bloat.

start with the base group for kde and work from there.

easy solution:


install gentoo

oh ok so a given package will have dependencies unique to different DEs

I'm nto really fussed about lightweight performance or anything. plasma just looks pretty.

Has linux fixed it's weird audio spaghetti?

I posted this on the other thread but everyone left.

I need the dankest distro for a hybric lenovo ideapad Miix 300. This shit only has like 64 of internal memory so it has to be pretty light, and support the touchscreen.

whats the best distro for someone who smokes weed on a regular basis?

pleaserino helperino

dude arch lmao

All right bros... answer me this one. When I use one of the GUI file managers (GNOME, Xfce etc), why the fuck does it choke when I'm copying files to a USB drive?

See the attached pic... I was copying some files and it fucking choked at 99% for like 20 seconds.

I know what you're thinking.. it must be the drive, right?


If I copy it with cp or copy it with my mac laptop, it doesn't happen. It only happens with GUI file managers for Linux.

Why? WTF is going on? I've tried all kinds of things and it always chokes/stutters.

I wanna use Debian on my chinkpad but every DE sucks dick. Any good tiling WM for a tiny (shitty) screen with quick setup?


puppy linux, damn small linux, literally any lightweight or netinst distro

they're all going to roughly be using the same kernels so pick your favourite and use powertop

it's probably syncing (man sync) or some dumb bullshit, the visual copy managers all tend to be awful

>Any good tiling WM for a tiny (shitty) screen with quick setup?

i3 but if not try dwm or one of its clones (awesome)

>dude arch lmao
dont be stupid. stoners are too fucking retarded to even install it let alone run it well.

stoner bro, your best bet is Linux Mint or Ubuntu. that shit just fuckign works out of the box. you'll save yourself days of anguish.

>it's probably syncing (man sync) or some dumb bullshit, the visual copy managers all tend to be awful
fuck man... any idea how to fix this shit? I always copy shit to a USB drive and this choking after each file is written is driving me nuts.

I've been using cp to copy but for some shit, just dragging folders around is so much more convenient.

if it is syncing (pure speculation, google around) then it should probably be done but I have no idea what else it could be

Doesn't screentear/artifact like i3 when resizing windows.

but I have installed gentoo a while ago and ran it sucessfully its just not my type of os to use i need something more suitable for a stoner such as myself

Anyone know how to get a window to open in a specific way when run in terminal in i3? I want to get feh to display album art as a floating window on a specific workspace.

I'm using Arch if it matters.

huh? I'm using debian.

How would Manjaro handle an iPod Classic? I know on Ubuntu it's literally just, plug in and get going, while I recall the Arch Wiki having a lengthy set of steps in order to get it working.

I'm using Void?

Wasn't it made by a negro?

i dont know, but it works better then i3 so I don't particularly care.

in what way?

cleaner codebase, native gaps, and like I said above it doesn't artifact when you resize windows.
Other then that it functions exactly the same.

so i shouldn't bother switching if i don't particularly care about gaps or artifacting? i'll keep it mind though maybe i'll check it out later even if it was made by a negro.

What is the fastest most versatile C/C++ IDE for Linux? On Windows i've been using Dev C++.
(Pic unrelated)

Your question needs more buzzwords. You forgot "best", "most webscale", "most likely to become famous" and "just works".

C/C++ is very racist. use ruby instead


Guess i'm not getting any help here. But thanks anyway.

Is this thing even real? I mean i've heard of it multiple times but when I look at the code it just looks like a sad joke to me

Is the root passwd the same as the user passwd in ubuntu? If I change the user's will it change the root's too

fuck no

If I want something for a small program I just use vim. If I really want to use an IDE I use codelite because it's fast & simple while doing the job. Then it might lack of features compared to some IDE but it depends what you're looking for.
There is also Code::blocks

I'm sure RMS smokes weed too, you should try trisquel, dragora or parabola... something Stallman approves

nope i don't use distros tainted by ***

It's just for college. I actually had a VM with Windows 7 just for that, but thanks, i'll try it.

you made a VM with windows just to code in a shitty IDE ?
Sometimes I don't understand people.
You just type "list of IDE C++" and you end here : en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_integrated_development_environments#C.2FC.2B.2B

>Shitty IDE
Enlighten me.

hi guys, can you please give me your honest opinion on elementary OS?

for 57469515
its shit

It's just Ubuntu with a revamped interface, i find it to be pretty slow and shitty. If you want something similar but less shitty use Fedora or Mint.


What plugins do you use for vim?

Is there an open source version of sandboxie on linux? or at least something like it

>you're cheating if you don't pay for free software - eos devs
top kek

Dumb question:
how should I know when I have to use -h / -help for help and when it's --h / --help?

man > -h > --help
if one doesn't work, go to next or reversed

I want to learn Arch Linux.
My question is: are there any pdf guides out there?
I already tried to find one, but I failed.

I know you'll say that I should use the Arch wiki, but I need a single pdf for the learning.

Also I might use an Arch installer, so I don't necessarily need to understand the installing process - I only want to handle an already installed Arch (the basics, at least).

Please help me out with some links, or post the guides themselves, if you can!

you do know you download wikis right

Anyone using Dunst? How do I make it show these notification icons like the xfce notification daemon (on top)?

You can just use arch-anywhere. It's the same as installing Arch, only you don't have to type in everything, and you can't forget to add yourself to the sudo wheel, or set a hostname.
Also comes with a repo with nice stuff like easy mirror switching while abroad. But those are unsigned packages, so there's that.

this again?

Want to try the CFT overthewire bandit (labeled as beginner friendly) wargame, getting paranoid and aborts.
Is it safe /fglt/?

Don't fucking bother, unless you have a lot of free time.

>install second sound card
>install PA
>send mpd output to second card connected to stereo, everything else output to card one
i can finally drown out my neighbor, giving his wife the smackdown ,with anime ops.


sudo passwd root

And you'll be able to change root password.

Various container solutions.

You're an idiot.

>i want to learn arch
>i want to use an installer
There is no "learning Arch". You can learn how to use its package manager. To get the basics down, a normal person needs 30 seconds. Installing Arch might be the only thing one could consider "learning Arch", but you appear to be a retard who wants to skip that step (which makes up a big part why someone would use Arch).
Any software that you use on Arch can be used and "learned" on other distributions.

Is the card actually a Create SoundBlaster?
How does volume changing work for you? Do you get crackles and pops when changing volumes?

its a sound blaster live ct4871
volume change is smooth
it has 2 outputs; one hisses when cpu usage ramps, the other is completely fine

what is your favorite package manager boys

There exist only one package manager. It's called pacman (PACkage MANager).

the internet

app store

Is it possible to access firefox's bookmarks remotely without an X server?

Theoretically, yes. The bookmark information is in .mozilla/firefox/xxxxxxx.default/places.sqlite. You just need to get the information out from the database.

While you're unnecessarily mean, thanks for the helpful post.

Thanks man.

I'll keep posting until someone answers it.

you mean an answer that favors what you want. google will give you an answer faster

My mouse and my keyboard get laggy after a minute or so of not doing anything with them (not typing or not moving the mouse). The pointer moves very sluggishly and it's hard to click on things, the keyboard just doesn't register all the keys I press and is sluggish too. If I keep moving the pointer constantly the problem doesn't appear and it can stay that way for hours, when it starts acting a reboot fixes it, until I stop constantly inputting stuff with the keyboard/mouse. This happens in TTY as well so I guess it must be a kernel problem (since I also am unable to wake up the computer after suspending it to RAM). I'm using kubuntu 16.04 with 4.4.0-47-generic, I installed it a while ago but it only started showing this behavior a couple of days ago. WTF do I do now? Will I have to reinstall it?

I've already given you an answer. An internet search engine could give you one too.

have you tried this?


It seems that universal access is a unity thing and I'm using KDE, can't find it in system settings. Also, I forgot to mention that I tried this but it didn't work:

sudo sh -c 'echo N > /sys/module/drm_kms_helper/parameters/poll'

I already searched for dunst icons, dunst notification icons, dunst images; I read the man dunst and config file and there's no irc chat for it. If you won't help then GTFO.


Hey Sup Forums, what's the best lightweight and user-friendly distro for daily use?

>If you won't spoonfeed me then GTFO.


I set the icons icon_position = left
and if I use notify-send -i the_icon_path.png whatever I can see the icon but it's not working with other programs.

try a debian netinstall, choose a lightweight wm like openbox

>Friendly look It up on google thread

He said lightweight and user-friendly.