A qt just laughed at me for using git from the command line at work today

A qt just laughed at me for using git from the command line at work today.

Is there a GUI for git worth using? Something that just werks?

Fug her.

Atlassian SourceTree. No linux version sadly.

The only decent git GUI is the one in Jetbrains IDEs. Stick to the command line.

Here are my aliases (~/.gitconfig):
branches = branch -a
stashes = stash list
unstash = stash apply
unstage = reset -q HEAD --
discard = checkout --
uncommit = reset --mixed HEAD~
amend = commit --amend
nevermind = reset --hard HEAD
graph = log --graph -10 --branches --remotes --tags --format=format:'%Cgreen%h %Creset• %


anyone has anymore?

Git cola.

git gud


What are these answers? Jesus.

Either stick with command line, use GitKraken if on linux, or Sourcetree otherwise.

Firstly, 3d girls can't use computers. Secondly see this:

she was hiding the fact that she was extremley aroused by your cli
if not she's not the one

Fuck her, command line is just fine, you're only loosing functionality and efficiency if you use the GUI

Qt is jealous that her IQ is below 60

She knows


How about you stop being such a cuck that you change things based on what a woman thinks lmao


Emacs + evil-mode + magit + evil-magit

Try SmartGit.
Nice GUI for staging, committing, branching/merging, stashing, diffing and stuff and has lots of integrations. Rebasing is better by using the CLI, though. It also has a pretty good commit log viewer, which can be handy sometimes. Sadly it's not OSS, but free for non-commercial use and can be run on Windows, Linux and MacOS.

I know people that swear by magit.

What make it so good?

>all these cucks recommending close source software as a fucking git wrapper

hist = log --pretty=format:\"%h %ad | %s%d [%an]\" --graph --date=short
add-commit = !git add -A && git commit -v --date="`date --utc +%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z`"

>is there a gui worth using

Boy oh boy you must be gnu here

>lol user are you a hacker or something
>uh, yes, actually, that's what git is designed to help with

didn't mean to quote

too late faggot

everyone laugh at him


Built in Git in Net Beans IDE

>tfw this happened to me all the time back in elementary school

command line is the only true patrician way to git
pls stop listening to wemyn on technology matters k ?


tortoisegit :~)

I use git cola. For complex situation I resort to the command line. Git GUIs are useful for checking the diffs between local and remote branches.