Why aren't you getting a 4K HDTV as a monitor on black friday?

Why aren't you getting a 4K HDTV as a monitor on black friday?

inb4 gaymers and
>m-m-m-muh refresh rate and input lag!!!11
also inb4 "artists" and
>m-m-m-muh 100% color accuracy

4K 60Hz is all I need for shitposting on 4chinz, which nearly anything made in 2016 supports.

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Please do not buy a tv that does not display HDR10 or Dolby Vision

Because I do not want anything larger than 25 inches

New TVs made after 2008 are so thin that they don't have decent speakers so I would have to supplement it with a $200 SOUNDBAR and I don't want to do that.

New TVs all come with "smart" features built in and come with tons of shit I don't care about, like microphones, cameras, wifi, apps and and a version of the youtube app that will no longer work 3 years after purchase.

My current TV works fine for what I use it for, which is basically anime and video games, nothing else.

And finally, there's no chance in hell that I would wait at 6 PM THE NIGHT OF THANKSGIVING out in the cold just for a chance to buy a goddamn TV that I don't even need.

because i already have a 4k 27" monitor

>as a computer monitor

>New TVs made after 2008 are so thin that they don't have decent speakers so I would have to supplement it with a $200 SOUNDBAR and I don't want to do that.
you say that like you *want* the TV manufacturer to include speakers despite the fact that they literally have no business making good speakers.

>nearly anything

I lol'd

I already have a 65" 4k 120hz tv

4k is a meme

>barely anything is 4k
>everything looks good enough @ 1080p from the distance you sit with a TV

Because I'm not mentally retarded.

Because new TVs are designed specifically for black friday, made from shit parts and worth less than they're being sold for. Save up your allowance for a little longer and buy a real TV sport.


I'd rather have 120hz over upscaled bullshit 4k

>still buy a soundbar made by the same manufacturer afterwards, for that added synergy

if you're going to get a 4k monitor, get a 24 or 27 inch monitor. scale everything to 2x. if your operating system isn't dog shit, everything will look sharper, but elements will look the same size as if you had an equivalent sized 1920x1080 monitor.

this isn't novel. this is literally all that the "retina" displays do. take whatever the conventional resolution is for the monitor and turns each pixel into a 2x2 grid of pixels. it makes scaling UI elements much easier and less shitty-looking in case vectors or higher resolution assets aren't available.

personally i think 27" for a 4k monitor is too big. the goal is to double everything, not to make it 1.5x more dense or 1.33 more dense (i consider 1920x1080 to be appropriate to a 24" monitor, and something like 2560x1440 to be more appropriate to a 27" monitor. it's not a big deal, but scaling from 2560x1440 to 2x is basically 5k (5120x2880). if you get a 27" 4k monitor, you'll be scaling by 1.33 (repeating) OR working with a 27" monitor with UI elements and stuff that resemble a 1920x1080 monitor.

>added synergy
i don't usually say this, but good goyim

My 2015 TVs speakers are pretty nice desu but it was also a few grand

They're still not CRT "my tv is big enough to fit real speakers in" good though

Because here in Canada Black Friday just means "Store wide 5-10% off"

I envy the deals you guys get.

i have to buy a gun to fight the leftist commie invasion

Only bottom of the line shit goes on sale on black friday. And most of the stuff ends up at the black friday price by q1 of the next year anyway.
t.someone who fell for the black friday tv meme 3 years ago.


This too

Because my pc can barely handle anything above 1080p.

honestly it's not something to be especially excited about. in the last several years i've never seen a really compelling deal online on anything i actually wanted, so my options were to buy some no-name brand of a TV or whatever for 40% off (and given the urgency i would often have to do it without doing sufficient research) or buy a reputable, well-reviewed TV for like 20% off.

except if i can wait 3-6 months i'll see it for 15-20% off anyway because they're coming out with a new model. and i won't have to do it in a frenzy trying to beat everyone else.

and doing black friday shopping *offline* is even worse. my friends and i did it in 2006, 2007, and one or two more times between then and 2013, and each experience was a bigger letdown than the last. Fry's wouldn't publish deals in advance so we would literally wait out on thursday night at 9pm, be 200+ people back in line already (because 200+ people left their dinners even fucking earlier), and just sit out in the near-freezing cold (even in the bay area it gets frigid at 2am in late november!), and hope that the deals would *leak* at like 4am, giving us some time to skim them to see what it was i was going to stampede in to buy at ~5am.

and no, there was no going home if the deals were shit. my friends and i left thanksgiving dinners in warm homes with our (awful) families to camp out in the fucking freezing cold for 7+ hours, so we weren't leaving without at least a hard drive or something.

and yeah, 6 months later the hard drive would be 50% off of the nominal retail price (maybe even cheaper than the black friday deal that i would have nearly trampled an old woman to death to get).

the only thing that seems worth getting anymore is clothing. good clothing doesn't seem to go on sale. some nice button up shirts will last you a long time, but since they don't really go out of style you don't get the clearance sales later on the next year that teenage brands offer (e.g. H&M, if you're into that).

Which one, familiar?

actually i will say that sometimes there are compelling deals. those are the bait. best buy or whoever will say they're selling some good TV for like 30% of what it normally retails for, and like 500 people will show up hoping to buy one. except they only have like 40.

so in addition to 500 people fucking fighting each other (sometimes to death) to reach the TV section of the store (whose layout is sometimes *redesigned* that one day to place the relevant department at the far end from the store's entrance), about 450 people are definitely going to go home with some junk they saw on the way out and decided they would buy instead, because like i said before, fuck you if you think i'm going to spend all night out in the cold and come home with nothing.

so my friends and i ruled the bait items out lest we have to commit assault or something to make sure we get this TV for a price that would only be considered a "pretty good deal" in 6 or 12 months on a much less stressful day.

>shopping on black friday
What the fuck are you doing nigger?

Because the input lag issue is an even bigger problem for desktop use than it is for gaymes. Enjoy finding out how fucking disgusting it feels to use a mouse on a 4K TV with 200ms of lag, champ.

> need 4k for shitposting
> need 60hz for shitposting
> refresh rate, input lag and colour accuracy are unimportant
I sincerely hope this is bait, otherwise you should probably kys

Because I bought a 40" 4k TV for this purpose last year

>my shitbox cant play vidya at 4k

>>m-m-m-muh 100% color accuracy
>4K 60Hz is all I need for shitposting on 4chinz, which nearly anything made in 2016 supports.
So basically you're saying
>why aren't you buying a 4k HDTV that isn't very good and you don't need just because it happens to be on special?

I'll tell you why. Because it isn't very good and I don't need it.

back in 2006 or 2007, and certainly before then, there was virtually no online black friday event to speak of. ask your parents about it.

these days it's true that you can basically get the same deals from home, but it comes down to whether you're excited about compulsively refreshing several sites for 18 hours while you see if anything good has come up and whether you can click fast enough to get it.

black friday still has its appeal to me and my friends, but it's mostly a tradition at this point. we go to a clothing outlet store and find places that are open, having sales, and not insanely packed. women's stores are a mess but men's clothing stores are (perhaps not surprisingly) relatively navigable. like you would never hear about someone being trampled to death in a J Crew or Banana Republic on black friday. if there's not a story this year of someone being trampled to death at a Walmart, i'll eat a sock. a sock i got on sale.

Why is Samsung so based?

because they actually make panels.

I'm contemplating getting one for gaming.

I don't do online shit and if I do its just for fun, but I'm mostly a single player kinda guy.

If I play games it's on my TV.

I prefer it desu I like the comfy couch gamepad feels and I don't play online.

I would just get a 1080p tv. I have a 65" 4k tv and honestly I've been playing 720p and 1080p games on it and it still all looks fine. 1080p is clean 720p is a little muddy looking but it's still fine whatever.

4k is a meme right now dude it's just

>nothing is even in 4k
>new 4k consoles are a meme anyway
>use your comp to play 4k games? welcome to low framerate city in general or the GUI not being designed foe such a high res so looking tiny
>1080p looks fine anyway and from the distance you use a TV it looks just as good really

Go 1080p and get something better and cheaper buy 4k when 4k is the standard and also cheaper for better. 1080p is gonna still be fine for many many years.

Why would you be playing at 4k at 60hz anyways? Garbage meme

Its not good for games and its not good for media consumption

Just no point. My next monitor purchase will be a 4k 120hz tho for sure

I had a 22" 120hz monitor (Samsung 2233RZ) before and didnt care. I could notice the difference slightly between 60 and 120, but having a 40" screen is generally far superior to having a faster refresh rate. The only downside to it is that on some games important info, such as the edges glowing red when you're getting shot, is so far in to your peripheral vision that you dont notice it. Otherwise it makes the game more immersive.

>media consumption
lol wut, movies are 24hz, not 120hz.

I find 120hz easier on my eyes.

That's mostly because 120hz TV's also tend to come with better backlighting though.

You do realize 120hz TVs are a meme and that they are almost never fed 120hz image sources because they arent hooked up to PCs? The most they can do is image processing to blur the transition between frames.

I meant 4k for media. Most things are still filmed in 720, let alone 1080.

And yeah idk I find a strobed 120hz 24" is way nicer than a 4k 27"

user, I don't want to break my neck.

(mine's hooked up to a PC)

But the 120hz shit isn't the real thing I'm concerned with. I'm concerned with the backlight.

The hz they can do plus the shit they use like MOTIONFLOW on sony bravias means the backlight has to be good or else this shit is gonna look fucked. Shit backlighting with shitty PWM? It's gonna make all this shit look bad.

There is hardly any 4k media and even the things shot in 4k arent able to be broadcast in 4k. A lot of the industry is still paying for the transition to HD, not even FHD.

>I meant 4k for media.
Again no, 4k media isnt 120hz.

>Most things are still filmed in 720, let alone 1080.
Let me guess, you're 14 and dont understand what film actually is? Pic related, a 1990s film at 4k.

you dont understand what PWM is used for do you?
>But the 120hz shit isn't the real thing I'm concerned with. I'm concerned with the backlight.
Then why the fuck did you bring up 120hz? Backlights and refresh rates are entirely different things.

PWM is used for dimming the backlight.

If you have a shitty PWM faster refresh rates look shit. Faster moving things look shit.

Do YOU understand how PWM works and what a low PWM does to the image?

Your mom begs to disagree

technology is not there yet for 4k imo.
there's no true hdr10 TVs that are affordable, 4k TVs at their best have ~20ms of input lag. affordable 4k HDR TVs also suffer from poor image quality, it's pathetic when $500 is literally "entry level".
same goes for monitors, free/gsync are limited to the 40-60hz range. if you plan on playing a new game you can bet you'll be falling out of that sync range constantly.. then there's screen size, owning a 4k monitor that's only 27' is not favorable.

LED backlit screens have kilohertz range PWM frequencies. you're not noticing any flicker from it.

Walmart gives you a paper the guarantees youll get the product at the advertised price even if they run out. At least they did 3 years ago when i went. I havent had a black friday experience like the one you described since the year before circuit city closed down for good and we went there to get a cheapo laptop.

Not always true.

A tonne of tv's, monitors, and laptop screens have shit PWM as low as like 200hz when not on 100% which is literally god awful and shouldn't be allowed.

>i dont understand the difference between a CCFL and LED backlight

What? Is this bait?

Go do some research on this shit. PWM became a bigger issue when LED backlighting was introduced and it's often low as SHIT

"4k in a meme" is the new "8GB RAM is a meme", "High-PPI is a meme" isn't it?

>A technology not being ready/useful becomes conventional knowledge on Sup Forums
>People keep on saying it up to a year into becoming mainstream

There are TVs that are 120hz at 1080p now.

Vizios got some really nice 4k hdr sets at reasonable prices.
I bought a p series so i can enjoy 4k hdr stuff until oled becomes the norm and i can get one for a reasonable price.

>There are TVs that are 120hz at 1080p now.
And as I said, they're a meme because theyre generally not fed 120hz video sources.

>make my argument for me

>one movie
>119 GB
The worst part is that now I want it.

>And as I said, they're a meme because theyre generally not fed 120hz video sources.

I assume if someone is getting a 120hz anything they're using it for PC gaming.

>I assume if someone is getting a 120hz anything they're using it for PC gaming.
You do realize that the vast majority of "120hz" TVs cant even accept 120hz signals? As I said previously, they just do image processing to fake it.


>You do realize that the vast majority of "120hz" TVs cant even accept 120hz signals? As I said previously, they just do image processing to fake it.

Oh, you thought I was talking about interpolation.

No man, seriously, a lot of new TVs have 120hz modes in 1080p. It's not really a well-advertised feature, but it's around.

Many thanks m8

>No man, seriously, a lot of new TVs have 120hz modes in 1080p.
Again, it doesnt matter, because the vast majority of people will never ever feed it a 120hz signal. They'll just plug their TV in to a cable/satellite/blu-ray box.

0/10 bait

Here's your (You)

>mfw Planet Earth 2 isn't even broadcast in 4k
No point yet

>I wish I could provide sources
stay mad user you cant make an argument

anyways fags im off to sleep

why do you people insist on having huge ass pixels ?

im not really that jealous, the deals are so limited. is that worth getting trampled for or into a shoving match ?
Besides most of the time it is a special run of electronics made just for black friday making it hard to even know if its any good in case of a TV.

>Why aren't you getting a 4K HDTV as a monitor on black friday?
I don't have 4k monitors because my monitors all ten of them work properly still. Why would you just buy monitors to replace what is already working? Waste of money/resources. I would seek personal finance advice from others who are more grounded in reality. Consumerism can be a bad habit like gambling or drugs.

I have an old Panasonic Plasma from 2005/2006 that has some rocking speakers. It also does cablecard and has inputs for component/composite PC 3.5mm optical SD card all that. Covers all bases which you can't buy or couldn't since 2008/2010. Shame really that we've regressed.

>rants on about consumerism
>has 10 monitors


4k and 2k are the standard for cinema, everything since cinema went digital has been filmed at that kind of resolution. And most older films that were shot on actual film have been scanned at 4k or 2k. 720p and 1080p are both tv resolutions, as well as the whole 16:9 ratio in the first place.

>pretends to know my situation
I have a media lab at home for my six children. They were home schooled until high school.

>4K BDs of PE2

I can't wait son.

>financial advice from a dude with 6 children

You dumb millennials need fuck off from Sup Forums.

Sony has been using strobes for years and not that interpolation shit.

4k is an in between resolution that has no point other than a stepping stone to 4320p.

Nothing will ever be broadcast in 4K. HD is straining the bandwidth already and broadcast HD is SHIT quality across the board to keep it down.

Because you're thinking about the limitations of 1080p shit and cry that 4K will never work.
Imagine if during the DVD era someone cried out that 1080p will never work because H.262 files would just be too big

This is why they went with x265 for 4K

>In a subjective video performance comparison released in May 2014, the JCT-VC compared the HEVC Main profile to the H.264/MPEG-4 AVC High profile. The comparison used mean opinion score values and was conducted by the BBC and the University of the West of Scotland. The video sequences were encoded using the HM-12.1 HEVC encoder and the JM-18.5 H.264/MPEG-4 AVC encoder. The comparison used a range of resolutions and the average bit rate reduction for HEVC was 59%. The average bit rate reduction for HEVC was 52% for 480p, 56% for 720p, 62% for 1080p, and 64% for 4K UHD

20-30mbit will be enough to stream 4K video

Don't bother. It was either BAIT or one of the idiots who thinks he understands how things work but actually has no knowledge on the subject.

>tfw average Sup Forums poster is an idiot

Stop kid. 1080p was a thing well before the DVD era. Unlike 4k which was limited to niche market until TV marketers.

>20-30mbit will be enough to stream 4K video
At a 2000kbps bitrate

>Stop kid. 1080p was a thing well before the DVD era.

Sure it was, but it wasn't nearly as ubiquitous as it is now and that still doesn't address the issue of the compression used for the video.
I remember before 1080 was the de facto resolution you could buy monitors that had vary resolutions, and there were plenty of those
once 1080 took over , everything from a 17 to 27 inch monitor becamse 1080p and resolutions like 1920x1200 fell to the way side

Like it or not 4K is here to stay and is already becoming the next de facto standard resolution.

>Like it or not 4K is here to stay
Yes for plebs like you.

thank you "your mom" guy. it just wasnt a thread without you.

my buddy had one of those that was like $4500 new, after his contracting job in Iraq. that tv was too good for the source input, untill he got a PS3 and watched blurays. HD sports were GODLY on it, as was the sound. I wished i could have something that would show such pure blacks as that tv.

>Like it or not 4K is here to stay and is already becoming the next de facto standard resolution
That's great, but there's hardly any content yet. Would you buy a car that used a fuel that they only had one gas station for

Is H.265 even suitable for broadcasting? They still mostly use mpeg for broadcasting 1080i don't they?

>assumes I can't afford them
>lives with parents still

Eventually it might be suitable. The file sizes for 720p 1080p are quite attractive with h.265. Kaby Lake which isn't really out out supports it. Memelake I think does up to 8bit or something so it's not fully supported even on PC.

Those niggers are buying tvs early and then going back to ask for a price change on black friday.

And if they don't get the price change, they gonna return every tv.

I don't want 4k until they start drawing anime in 4k

because it's not as cheap as that in my country.

139.36 GiB:

Avatar Extended Collectors Edition 2010 Blu-Ray 1080p AVC DTS-HD MA EUR 5.1

Too bad it's one of the worst flicks ever made.

I don't really notice large differences in animations like anime or say shows like Bob's Burgers in HD or SD really. Live action I can easily tell of course but animations it's a rare exception unless it's puppetry or something odd.


>Is H.265 even suitable for broadcasting? They still mostly use mpeg for broadcasting 1080i don't they?

I'm going to assume it is.

DOCSIS 3.x or whatever is the newest supports up to 1 gigabit down, and I know my cableco already offers 4k sports already (you need a separate box for that)

Right now the issue seems to be mostly of content, you've got sports already adopting 4K and movies are already coming out in 4k (aka buy a new bluray player that supports UHD), the missing peice here is TV programming.

But seeing how manufacturers are going full speed with 4K panels, it is only a matter of time before TV content catches up.
it is making less and less sense to buy a tv that isn't 4K these days since the price difference is becoming less of an issue.

Those numbers still aren't good. Over 32ms tips them into the worst lag classification that TFTCentral offer, with the attached warning that input lag to that degree will affect desktop use, let alone gaming. To put it in perspective, the Dell U2414H measured at 4ms of lag in their review.

are they ripping 4k bd by recording it?

It's kind of funny but new Monitors and TV's still aren't as good as CRT's. We still aren't there yet.

I already have a 43" 4K TV. Why 43"? It's the biggest size that will fit on my stand and not completely overwhelm my small room.

Anyway, I'm going to replace it with a 1080p TV of the same size because the 4K TV is already fucked. Has a dark circle in the center, which ruins everything that isn't pitch black. There's a dark cloudy streak from top-center to top-right. There's also two more dark spots on the left side of the screen. Shit is terrible to look at as you can't focus on the image.

I'm replacing it with a 1080p set instead of another 4k because 4k TV is far away from happening, 4K blu-ray players are expensive as hell and I'd rather watch on my PC instead. 4K gaming is also terrible even with the best GPU on the market.

>shitposting on 4chinz

what you should have done is bought a 24-27 inch 4K monitor and enjoyed the crispness of a high PPI display and then played in 1080 resolution since the scaling is perfect and it would produce no noticeable artifacts.

I'm still waiting for an affordable OLED 4k TV. Anything less seems pointless at this moment.

my current monitor is in perfect working condition so there's no need to upgrade it. There's also barely any noticeable light bleed, which is always a gamble when buying a monitor.