How come this shit doesn't recognize everything as swastikas yet?

How come this shit doesn't recognize everything as swastikas yet?

Other urls found in this thread:

What's bad about swastikas? Just an Asian religious symbol.....

piece of shit

fuck you my lion is majestic


>helping to improve neural networks for free



god damn i suck at this

>3rd closest match

can't believe it didn't guess this


I guess my new nickname is GIMP...

what a shit site

Someone post this on pol please

it recognised some things way too soon



What's up with Google milking kids for data this days?

Its because you made the only closed circle with a single line. You're too perfect for this world. Kys.

To be fair Google is really smart coming up with ways to get people to train their AI for free

seriously tho this could aswell become the next captcha

>It understands 動物遷移
Based Google.

>asks to draw a star
>everyone tries to summon ati drivers with pentagrams
>I'm the only one to draw an actual star

omg ur so smart1! XDD

that's called "not having been raised in the US"


install gentoo

How does picture recognition work?
t. basic ass processor design studying nigga

Literally under 18

literally new

Literally a newfag.
Reminder that unironically believing either side of the Hitler argument to a high degree is a good indicator of newfaggotry.

Is the Larry the Lobster doing bench press on the left?


>swastika!!1 hail hibler! am I edgy yet?

I was going to tell you to fuck off to Sup Forums, but this is Sup Forums mentality.

Nice keke

>draw snowflake
>literally everyone snowflake is unique
good luck recognizing that google

Someone /r/ing moot btfo'ing muh antisemitism newfags back in 2012

>reddit newlines
>triggered by swastikas
>imblyign Sup Forums isn't just normalfag porn central now
No user, you're the newfag.


遷移 doesn't necessarily imply migration:

Ecological succession, is the phenomenon or process by which an ecological community undergoes more or less orderly and predictable changes following disturbance or initial colonization of new habitat. Succession was among the first theories advanced in ecology and the study of succession remains at the core of ecological science. Succession may be initiated either by formation of new, unoccupied habitat or by some form of disturbance of an existing community.

Think forest fire and a lot of animals die out or move and certain plants and bugs or whatever become the dominant species for a while.


>reddit newlines

Spotted the actual newfag.

I've been here since 2005.

This isn't about political/social view, it's about resorting to 12 year old humor

>I've been here since 2005.
You haven't
>This isn't about political/social view, it's about resorting to 12 year old humor
It's classic chan culture you fucking newfriend


>It's classic chan culture you fucking newfriend

>draw a circle
If this is your idea of humor, kill yourself. Even Sup Forums was funnier than that 10 years ago. And yes I've been here since 2005.

Yeah, it's overused and barely funny, I still see no reason why you get so fucking triggered over it, I guess it must be the redditness in you
>And yes I've been here since 2005.
No, you have not

2005? We've got a Sup Forums pro here, guys. Better listen to him.

ive been here since 2004 and youre acting like a little bitch

get off the internet

come on that's a pretty good duck

Not triggered, just watching several boards dying to manchildren, one at a time. Makes me sad.


speak for yourself, youre still here after 10 years

i think its time to fuck off, mankid

Not him, he's a faggot, but explain how you can go anywhere else.

Congratulations! You've grown out of Sup Forums! Leave if you can.

Um hello?

Yeah, Sup Forums was a mistake.

fuck off to tumblr, nigger.

See? This was funny. It's not LOL RANDUMB



>closes my drawing before the 20 seconds end

>That toothbrush

Looks like dick and balls to me, but Im gay


Well, you ARE on Sup Forums.

If it asks you to draw a TV just draw a normal TV until it shows the text "I know what that is" then draw whatever shit you want and it will still save it.



I'm surprised that JEWS DID WTC hasn't been posted or anything to mock 9/11 terrorist attacks.

everyone should write the thing's name out again in handwriting, making it a mere handwriting recognizer

When it told me to draw the moon, I actually drew a circular moon with craters and shit, but it didn't recognize it because all the retards drew the cartoon moon.


wew lad

Anybody got a toilet and tried to draw a designated shitting street?

Skynet SOON

That's the backwards one you retard

I am actually writing chinese lol,which afaik 遷移 is largely appropriate since this phrase simply means migration/movement. Normally 生態演替 is used to express ecological succession. Nevertheless 遷徙 might be a better phrase here.

>Usually printed on flags
>This nigger thinks flags are printed on both sides

Kill yourself.
A swastika is a swastika

No it ain't. There are quite a few different ones.

>that hindu symbol

wtf what a piece of shit

don't whip your dicks out in front of the AI overlords lads.

Swastika is a Sanskrit word. Everyone has their own version and their own name dipshit.

get fucked, the system

Lower row, middle: WTF is that supposed to be?

Looks like a sammich to me

>draw the mona lisa in 20 seconds

great swastika there

two chink eyes a nose and a badly drawn mouth. You guys really are autistic aren't you?

>draw a nose
>write Oy vey!
>Oh I know, it's nose!

It's gonna recognize everything as a penis.

A maker but the piece of shit didnt get it so i got mad


Go back to your safe space

A slutty AI with nothing but dick on the brain.

IMHO this is the best way to steer this AI into all-right. By small modifications. If we draw dicks and swasticas in a response to every request, these answers will be discarded - basic distribution and error correction (LQE).

Did I win?

China literally have space invaders as their logo

Their drawing enviroment sucks.

We should always help to turn AI and neural networks into nazis

