What is Sup Forums's stance on the FCC?

What is Sup Forums's stance on the FCC?

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I would really appreciate it if someone could tell me how we're not completely fucked.

you're completely fucked.

>fcc chair it too big a puss to actually put forward a reform bill
>blame trump

Goddammit, time to write some letters again. It's like clockwork.

FCC chairman is going to step down when Trump takes office and Trump is going to appoint a republican/cableshill to his spot. Basically all the work we did to get net neutrality implemented through title II is about to be wiped out.

>Trump is going to appoint a republican/cableshill to his spot
Trump chose Jeffrey Eisenach, a fucking Verizon consultant, to fill the FCC.

We're fucked.

I think FCC is a pretty cool guy. Eh fines retards and doesnt afraid of anything.

Get raped and kill yourself, you retarded fucking faggot sack of shit with down syndrome.

I was supprised when Tim got into office and did not fuck everything up, now if he is removed, and replaced by some lobbiest.. ehhhh I'm not sure. We probably gonna get shafted.

Man I thought trump was gonna take out the lobbiests.

A bunch of cucks trying to over regulate a free market.

Fuck net neutrality and fuck consumers

If consumers valued net neutrality then they would choose the ISPs who offer it over those that don't.

You're so fucked.

We're all so fucked.

I don't follow. Not everyone lives in an area with competing ISPs.

Because the regulations put up by the FCC make it difficult for newcomers to enter the market.

seems I hit a nerve, I'll bet that's trumps fault too

It's more of the fact that Republicans will be in full control soon so any further actions will be pointless, Trump's just a part of it (and it doesn't help that he hardly knows what net neutrality actually is)

Can someone explain to me if this is good or bad.
I always thought of "Net Neutrality" as a form of allowing the government to dictate what the ISPs can and can't do.

The FCC won't let me be, or let me be me to let me see. They tries to shut me down on MTV but it feels so empty without me

Well then MOVE. Usually just changing neighborhoods or bordering cities works.

>free market
Yeah. Nah.

Companies like Netflix want to hog all the bandwidth without having to pay the price.

Meanwhile Netflix charges you extra money for content in 4k/HD. WHy? Doesn't seem very Net-Neutral to me.

Then Netflix wants anyone to be able to make a "cable box" device, meanwhiole Netflix does NOT allow these Chinese boxes to stream in HD or 4k ... Fuck Netflix bruh.

bad luck america, come to russia, you can download all the porns you like

>Net neutrality is the principle that Internet service providers and governments regulating the Internet should treat all data on the Internet the same, not discriminating or charging differentially by user, content, website, platform, application, type of attached equipment, or mode of communication.

Basically ISPs and governments shouldn't be able to dictate what content you can access online.

The zodiac killer told me it's the obamacare of the internet. The rest of his party feels similarly. Trump will follow the party line so we can kiss internet freedom goodbye.

Lol the Dems were so much better for da internet xDdddd remember TPP that was soooooo goood

consumer protection against monopolies is a good thing.

MAGA, amirite?

Wheeler is a big supporter of zero-rating.

The government has no right into telling what the cable companies can and can't do, just as it doesnt have the right to regulate what websites you can and can't visit

Retards like you need to be hanged desu.

Not an argument, bootlicker.

Yeah man, I'll go start up my own net-neutral ISP!

Oh, wait...


Too poor and uneducated to do it? Wow who would have guessed

So you're admitting that only rich people get to have a say in how the internet is run?

>just as it doesnt have the right to regulate what websites you can and can't visit

Do you even know what net neutrality is?


>The government has no right into telling what the cable companies can and can't do
Why, exactly?

Can anyone explain to me how gutting net neutrality helps the consumer?

Heres a hint, dumbfuck, find a different ISP if you don't like yours. It's called the free market for a reason

Oh yeah, I'll just choose from the big list of exactly 1 ISP that serves my area. Unless I want 1 mbps DSL.

>government limits who can start an ISP
>gives regional monopolies
>Hurr durr, just find an ISP you like

Because time and time again it has been proven that unregulated capitalism benefits the consumer more than anything else. It's basic Economics.

What makes you think I'm fine with the government regulating ISPs or the formation of them in any form, when I just said the opposite?

Pro tip: if it wasn't for government regulation we wouldn't be even having that problem

>if it wasn't for government regulation we wouldn't be even having that problem
>what is a natural monopoly

Libertarians, everyone.

Get rid of it. I want to be able to legally jam police radar so I can go as fast as I want.

I have the Gunn diode oscillator ready to go. Just waiting for the laws to be overturned.

>industries with high capital barriers of entry naturally have alot of competition


Use it anyway. You'll never get caught. Besides, cops can use "visual estimates" of your speed to write tickets anyway.

Natural Monopolies only occur because they can purchase government power. If governments have no say in the market they are powerless beyond the market.

oh shut it, you sound like even more of a retard for not realizing that both parties are the exact same fucking corrupt circle

I own my own ISP in Europe. It costs no more than your average business.

Fuck you, my dad works at Nintendo and he said you're dad is a faggot.

Natural monopolies occur when there's a high barrier to entry, such as a multimillion dollar cable infrastructure necessary to provide internet to even a small geographic region. Cable and Internet providers are no different than other utilities.

>What are investors
It's like I'm on site filled with literal retards.


Fact is, no matter who won the internet is fucked

>You'll never get caught.

Radar guns usually have some means to detect interference and an RFI indicator LED. The indicator illuminating doesn't necessarily indicate deliberate jamming but depending on the length of interference and other factors it wouldn't be hard to determine whether it is the result of jamming or not and the rough direction. It would be possible to narrow it down to a car. Especially if one was very obviously speeding.

Right, except that when one party was in power, there were strong movements towards enforced net neutrality. Now that Trump's in power, the exact opposite is happening. Why could that be? :^)

>mfw not even google can compete with existing ISPs

This and telecoms tend to have a very high barrier to entry. That said, even potential big players like Google get fucked on the municipal level.

The most successful company of all time was created in a high barrier to entry market by a literal poor and uneducated nobody back in the 1800s

Net Neutrality has been constantly under threat specifically from republican senators and house reps who take money from the telecom companies.

There is a very real chance it may be repealed now.

It's the same thing as common carriage. Would you like the internet determining what is and is not acceptable use of telephones?

Imagine if certain kinds of speech that Disney didn't like were suddenly banned from being spoken on the phone. Or, that same speech had a weird echo that made it much harder to hear compared to the rest of the conversation. It's a similar principle.

Maybe its due to laws and government intervention preventing Google to enter the competition

Also because "regulations are bad!!" mouth breather logic.

Even Google can't compete with ISPs at the local level. To rely on market devices in an industry with an utterly failed market is absurd. There's a very good reason that the government strongly regulates other utilities, Internet shouldn't be any different.

You think Google is bitching about the FCC? Their biggest beef is with municipal regulations put in place to favor incumbent ISPs.

>Cable Monopolies form because of government regulations so bad that it forced Google out of the market
>"Lol guys jis force more regulations"

Yeah you're totally not the one that's the mouth breather

Google is pro-Net Neutrality, guys.


>Google can't compete
WOW I wonder why

Pro tip: government regulations

>Republican Dad
>Who hates Trump but voted for him anyways because Not-Hillary
>Thinks Net Neutrality is Internet Socialism and is inherently a bad thing

Yeah, we're fucked--pretty sure that's how the media is spinning it now

>let's repeal FCC regulations that have literally zero bearing on Google's ISP business
>just ignore the municipal laws passed by cable lobbyists

The only reason cable companies are so opposed to net neutrality is because they'd be exposed for underbuilding backbone network bandwidth. Instead, they'd rather try and limit users from actually using their internet connections.

>just deregulate it and allow ISPs to write all the rules, what's the worst that could happen

Even on a theoretical level, it's absurd to rely on market forces in an industry that has absurdly high barriers to entry.

You're an idiot. Netflix wanted to pay the internet providers money and install servers in their data centers and the isps refused

>regulations so bad that it forced Google out of the market

Protip: the people Google was arguing against in Kansas City, were by no means on the "pro regulation" spectrum.

Protip: the people that were arguing against Google were not using the "lets regulate them" rhetoric


It seems to me that they are really bad at preventing monopolies (which from my understanding of them is one of their jobs), and the left leaning tech media is ready to sweep this all under the rug and use replubicans as a scape goat even though the democrats have just as poor of an understanding and as poor of ideas as the GOP.

I have lost all faith in net neutrality, because ISPs still fuck us over, buy I Aldo font think that getting rid of it will help either.

They can't write rules when they can't influence the government, you fuckong retard.

What are investors, for the second time.

>if the government stops write the rules for the Internet, dozens of new ISPs will magically spring up and compete against each other

Stop lying you fuck. Trump said he was going to drain the swamp. I trust him over some paid Soros shill liek you

Which is correct, and you have no way of explaining why it isn't.

>It seems to me that they are really bad at preventing monopolies
Perhaps because, there is a big force out there, trying to stop government from having any say on these markets.

He just did, high barrier to entry. Libertarianism doesn't agree with economics.

>and governments
Not really this part. Anything that is illegal (i.e child pornography) can be blocked by IPs.

WHAT ARE INVESTORS, you stupid fuck.

But how can he drain government of himself?

I am not going to enjoy these next 4 years, but I get a feeling neither are you.

How is Sup Forums going to reconcile with the fact that they will essentially become government apologists central?

There's nothing hold then back now, except for the billions of dollars in cost of running new cable, with the hope that their investment will pay off sometime in the next 35 years. There's no scenario where a company could even accomplish this and be even close to competitive within the next 30 years.

fuck off shill

>Lol Rockefeller don't go into the oil industry, dont you know the barrier of entry is too high

Literally you

He's either joking or false-flagging

Can anyone provide an argument why net neutrality is bad for the common good without being horrifically uninformed about what it means?

Worked for Rockefeller. Worked for Ford.youre just a lazy fuck with no balls.

So when all regulations are done with and we have a totally free market economy with no interference, you have a new isp which springs up. It has a few investors, say 100m in cash infused. It tries to compete with Comcast. Comcast has a monopoly on the area, and decides to drastically drop prices because it can afford to take a loss. The smaller company even with its large amount of investors eventually goes out of business because it cannot take a loss for as long of a time. Then comcast raises prices.

Do you even use your head when you read over ideas or do you just blindly agree with whatever is being said if its said in a convincing enough manner?

And yet here he is appointed a telecom shill to head of the FCC


You just KILLED the internet because some purple haired dyke hurt your fee fees

Yeah, well this whole entire thing has been quite a big drawn out joke.

Your samefag is pathetic. Kill youself shill


Then the other ISP just needs to be better quality to makeup for its price, basic econ101

>drumpfag gets stumped
>y..your a samefag
Nice argument there schlomo


And yet were in the whitehouse...and you arent