Do you have a default word or phrase that you use whenever you need to test your code?

Do you have a default word or phrase that you use whenever you need to test your code?

I usually use "wew lad". It's the first phrase that comes to mind when I'm asked to say something random.

"test" or "testtestttest" usually

easy to type

"wew" usually





test or testing

In order:
>wew lad
>i think therefore you are
>the more i see the more i know the more i know the less i understand


wow bud

or ayy lmao

>get a life

hi lol

Usually "test" or "poop"


>literally shit

when testing paragraph type stuff
>navy seal pasta

sauce or sos


"ok" for success
"not ok" for failure

[spoiler]navy seal copypasta[/spoiler]

either "memes" or "hah gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay" if I'm testing word wrap

Hello world!

>text "foo" not found on page
I see Sup Forums has no actual developers

"poop" and "fsghjhfs" are my goto filler words.
I also use them in captchas and they work 90% of the time.
