Be me ...30 years old ...never got an IT job....about to finish my bachelor's ....can't even get an internship...

Be me ...30 years old ...never got an IT job....about to finish my bachelor's ....can't even get an internship. What the fuck am I doing wrong \g????

>be me
>no job
>no skills
You're good son.

>using ellipses over meme arrows
That's your first mistake

>B Sc
>useable degree
Bachelors don't learn shit. I'd never hire them unless they have at least a M Sc.

why... do... you... write... like... this... ???

It grabs people's attention

>americans complaining about job availability

>phd in archaeology
>no job offers in my area
>work at denny's
trying to get into webdev freenlancing, but seems to be hard with all the pajeets working for min/hr

>OP posts his CV
>Bunch of ellipses between his words on every sentence

"I just don't ...understand why ...i'm not ...getting hired"

Post your CV/Resume, OP

You aren't doing anything wrong. Finish your degree and keep sending out resumes user, and if you truly care about getting a job above all else then be open to relocation. Use every resource your school makes available and search on your own with indeed/linkedin/etc.

You've got to either teach or get placement on a uni's research team or something like that. You're probably going to have to move, but you should've expected're a fucking archaeologist.

>phd in archaeology
what did you think would be available? its a useless field for the most part

Nobody wants an old, autistic, dumb frogposter
Reevaluate yourself

There are a ton of possibilities, but given your post I would guess it's just general retardation.

>be me
>have bachelors
>do some volunteering
>FINALLY get some interviews
>"I'm sorry user we are looking for someone more enthusiastic. Some of your answers to the competency questions were odd/inappropriate."

B... but I thought it went fine?

You guys are so weird..

I'm a normie. I've fallen into three tech jobs in the past seven years though. I'm only 27, and I've never been to college. When I started the first one, they trained me because they wanted someone good with people; someone from a customer service background. I didn't know what pinging something was, but now I'm a server operations engineer.

Try webhosting. It's a good start.

You deserve it you retarded frog poster

Age. Nobody wants to hire someone finishing their bachelor's at 30. The impression is that you either spent the last 10 years getting high all the time, spent the last 10 years in prison, or are just too stupid to finish a bachelor's degree on time like everyone else. IT/CS is a very young crowd. Basically, this is how it typically goes:

>Get internship somewhere
>Graduate CS
>Get junior dev position
>Rank up until you're 30
>Either climb the corporate chain to senior dev at your current company or go into management

Point is, nobody wants to hire older people to do programming or tech stuff because they think that only young people can do this shit.

Ehhh. He can go for his masters and that concern would be gone.

True, but still, what can he say about his work history prior to 30? This is assuming the only jobs he had are retail or other part time jobs. If a job requires a master degree and it comes down to this 33 year old with no work history and a 25 year old with some work history, which would you choose?

It's possible. I went to uni late, graduated with a physics degree at 28. I'm now 29 and have a comfy as fuck developer job making decent money with lots of job perks. If OP can sell himself he'll be fine. Given his typing style I think he's in trouble

Youre going to need some luck OP. Make sure you look clean and healthy and confident - it may appear moreso that you have your life under control (even though you dont). Look for an apprenticeship, youre too damn old to be an intern now. Also get some IT certs to go with your degree to offset its shittiness. Also youll need some personal projects of some kind...that you can say you did in the past 5 years. You cant make a bunch of projects this week to justify your last 10 years of lacking experience.

If you cant find someway to fill in the gaps with your existing experience then you may be really screwed. The alternative is to actually learn something, demosntrate it somehow to a connection or a friend who knows some people, and hope they throw you a bone. Seriously, if you really have nothing to show for at this point then be prepared to kiss some serious ass.

Gl, gods speed OP.

P.S my older bro is in a similar situation approaching 27 with no experience in his field of study (he is graduated but still no internships or jobs related) and i try to urge him everyday. Once time is gone it wont come back and your bed is made. you become depressed knowing and learning so the hard way.

This post makes me feel a little better about being a Junior at 22, and not having a CS internship yet.
What are some tips to help make myself more sexually attractive when I try for internships?

I bet you like examining large bones

>can't greentext
>can't even name the board correctly

Jesus Christ.

just lie about your age

buy a fake id for 100 bucks

literally just do two jobs on upwork and say you've been a freelancer this whole time
worked for me

I tell people I am a reformed black hat hacker who operated in china auditing systems related to the great wall of cisco, and that my penis size is abnormally small so it lead to a prolonged depression which explains any gap in my employment history.