How do you guys keep track of your passwords?

How do you guys keep track of your passwords?

I have them all in a text file on my google drive
> that's fucking retarded
yeah i know

pls advise me

ideally something that's as secure as possible while being system/platform agnostic

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I use something called a brain. Pretty amazing tool, if I do say so myself.

I use almost idnerical password on different pages. Not the same but not big variety either.

That means your passwords are shitty

I just use the same 3 passwords for all of my sites. That way if I forget the password for one site, I can just try another one of my passwords until I get in.

KeePass, then let the browser handle bullshit that doesn't matter like forums

>must have number
>must have uppercase
>must have lowercase
>must have special character

A note book I keep by my desk. I have a couple words and number patterns that I mix and match to create new passwords for every account. Other than a few websites I visit almost daily I can never remember my passwords.

I used to keep mine in a little book, but that shit got annoying real quick. Started using 1Password.

Keepass and ignore everyone else. Just dew it, autotype is awesome.

Crocodile note on my old smartphone without Internet access. Just works.

enpass, by far the best free and OS password manager (tm)

+1 keepass / keepassx
The password database is encrypted, so you can also use your cloud service to synchronize it safely among various devices.

KeePass is the best solution.

Up u till two weeks ago i was using different permutations of the same 3 passwords on everything. Finally sorted my shit out and got LastPass, and changed evety service to a randomly generated long password.

I downloaded Keep Ass but never got around to installing it. This better be as good as you shills are saying it is.

Works on pretty much every platform. Offline encrypted database, none of this retarded online shit

Pick a password manager and use it already you fucking retard.

20 characters (A-Z,0-9, !@#$%^&*()_+[]\{}|;':",./?) for master decryption key
12 characters alphanumeric for gmail, bank, other critical logins
pattern based passwords (10-15 characters) for medium security sites
generic throwaway password for anything else

i only actually have to memorize about 8 passwords for this to work, the rest are formed automatically from a root password and some rules.

Encrypted text file master race reporting in

alphanumeric means something like


this is appended to a root phrase to increase the keyspace, it's pretty secure imo. if you have some reasoning for why it isn't, lemme know. all the sites in question use secure hashes (I specifically contacted my credit union and other important sites over this) and 2FA to my phone.

>memorize email password
>use password recovery for other sites

your brain

I have a few secure passwords I remember, the rest I just use easy ones and hope no one cares enough to bother me slightly by hacking them.


I wish a mass part of the population would think of passwords just a phones dial tone. Each key has its own voltage, almost. I mean damn, its kind of like passwords are just smoke and mirrors. The whole damn system is already rigged.

Lastpass, Authy, Yubikey, and my private GPG key hashed into a QR code and locked into a bank vault.

neo Sup Forums is lazy as fuck, why don't you slobs have 24 character passwords randomized for each account

why don't you have a secure 2fa solution

why don't you have a gpg key ring

why don't you have a keybase account

why don't you have scripts that automatically reset these passwords every month

>this paranoid of someone learning his password
wow what do you have to hide? this guy must be a pedo or something.

Or he's just not a dumbfuck

lol moron

i have a small fortune in bitcoin, ethereum, and a github account that i literally use to develop the operating system and software that you use every day

if you don't take security seriously it's because you have nothing invested into your online presence... i.e., a neckbeard

>must have special character
>but only @_- or space


>lol look at how important I am, guys! I made minor contributions to Loonix!

kys my man :)

If you use windows, and portable software, portable KeePass Classic

There are other password managers from portable apps, but all the others require you to use a master password. Portable KeePass lets you use either a master password, or key file, or both, to access your password database.

Also, the password generator in Portable KeePass is OK, but you can also use this program to generate passwords, which is more versatile: