>Posting from your ISP, IP range, or country has been blocked due to abuse

>tfw unfairly blocked from posting on favorite board because of some random person

So if you start getting this message "Your ISP, IP range, or country has been blocked due to abuse" then is there really no way around this or way to appeal this? FAQ says the only way is to buy an expensive pass..
I was thinking about buying a VPN but is it really worth it?

>buy a VPN
They're all banned. You'd have to roll your own, which would probably end up costing you more than the pass.

You can try two things though:
1)register a nick on rizon
2) /join #Sup Forums
3)call "alternative" a homosexual

The second thing:
1)go to the feedback page
1)select "range ban issue"
2)cross fingers.

The one other option i did not mention is using another imageboard.

>3)call "alternative" a homosexual
wtf i love u now

So how's things in Straya, mate?

Buy a pass or get a good proxy

I'm guessing you are getting this from phone posting. All you have to do is go into airplane mode then turn it off so you get a new ip.

My whole country got blocked.

What country?

Elbonia? Straya? Zimbabwe? Sweden?

That's only happened to me when post from cell service.


The only unfair thing about it is that we can't just carpet bomb your third world shithole with white phosphorus. At the very least, you deserve to be gassed.

Forgot to mention that that board is /vp/ ;_:

>tfw only banned from my favourite boards where i never fun post

You are Canadian aren't you?

No. What makes you say that?

Just a hunch.

>20 dollars is expensive

>Paying this much money for posting on a corrupt meme site

I know your pain, OP. My ISP's IP addresses are all blocked by many tech forums i.e overclockers, linustechtips, linuxquestions etc. due to pajeets spamming them. Literally can't even visit these websites, they just show error loading site. Site owners won't unblock and ISP won't clean it up/swap or buy new IP blocks. Apparently it's all because of those pajeets with their fake "Microsoft Technician" stuff where some 34million pajeets sat in call centres making calls and spamming tech support forums with scams and adware junk.

If you have to then I guess you are less fortunate

Poo in the loo

What fucking VPNs work on Sup Forums? I've tried 3 now and none of them could post on Sup Forums.

You need to just find out what that faggot spamming barney images on Sup Forums uses.
Apparently the can't ban his ass to save their life, there has to be working proxies.

The second I get a range ban I leave Sup Forums for good. I'm not falling for the jew tactics of the god damn chink that bought this place.

No VPN or Proxy works on Sup Forums. They're all listed publicly as a VPN/Proxy so they just grab the list and stick them on the ban list.

Most VPN/Proxy also send a request that says to the website HEY IM A VPN/PROXY

Bruh, like I said, even if you find a working one, it's just a matter of time before someone else abuses it and gets it banned. Just buy a Sup Forums pass. 20 bucks isn't expensive at all.

Also refer to

>" You'd have to roll your own, which would probably end up costing you more than the pass."

Use Luminati, 13m residential is. It's Hola but without the shenanigans


>$15 a year
>expensive pass



>buying a VPN isn't expensive
>but buying a Sup Forums pass is

>tfw Hiroyuki Hiroshima forgot to ban a few servers on the VPN I'm using

What about tracking of the Sup Forums pass? Will law enforcement agencies be able to see if a post has a Sup Forums pass and then acquire the credit card that bought the pass?

sudoku hiroshima is banning ip to sell more passes
fucking fujijew, i owned pass before this crook took over, and thanks for the shitty shit ads on red boards

>tfw you had a perfect server on your VPN that was in your country, fast, never down and could post here
>then some shitstain got it banned for CP

What are the benefits of owning a pass? Also are passes assigned to your IP?

The main benefit of a pass is that you can post through range blocked, but not banned, IPs, which covers most VPN servers. It also removes captchas completely of course. The pass isn't connected to an IP as such, but you need to wait 30 minutes before you can post again if you change IPs whilst using it (presumably to prevent account sharing).

me too, it happened last year (meaning under Moot administration) and the ban is still active.
The only solution I had is to shell $20 buckaroonies for a pass.

I always wanted to support this shithole of a website in the past, but ended up doing so forcibly, it felt like being scammed.

>30 min
eh no, for me it varies between instantly and 8 min max. but most of the time it's 1~3 min

There shouldn't be any kind of bans on Sup Forums. Sup Forums thrives on lack of moderation.

Is it like an account where you have to login everytime?


Just restart your router.

It's a range ban not an IP ban


can you fucking read?

Am I a special snowflake because everytime I reboot I get a new IP from one of three completely different ranges (neither of which are banned)

My whole country got blocked.


>he doesn't have a static IP
>he doesn't have a personal VPN server that allows him to post from that IP anywhere on any device

go to sys.Sup Forums.org/auth to see what it's like.

>I was thinking about buying a VPN but is it really worth it?

VPNs and ranges used by cheap VPS providers are rangebanned too since forever.

The only VPN worth using is your own personal VPN hosted from your home server. Everything else is used by criminals, ban evaders, and spammers.

Wich board? Never heard of such thing.

I hopped 3 ISPs already because they were all banned
Even the ISP company I work for got banned completely when I requested to unban a single IP with a ban from 2012 with company mail account

Check check

>they still don't know how to evade a range ban without using a VPN(which would be already banned anyways)

Help me senpai


Mine got unblocked, then blocked again, and then again unblocked. You have no other option than to phonepost or .
You don't have to go into airplane mode, just turn off data connection, wait 2 seconds and turn it on again.

>You'd have to roll your own, which would probably end up costing you more than the pass.
>tfw my own VPS in lithuania which costs 10 euro/year
>tfw it's multifunctional unlike a Cuck Pass™
>tfw Sup Forums hasn't even blocked it

This happens sometimes to Brazilian users but it lasts two to four days top.

I have no idea why Sup Forums does this sometimes. I guess its because brazilian vpns arent usually arent blocked and some users abuse it.

it's fully blocked here in all Morocco since 2015.

I've restarted my router a few times from power outages and stuff like that, but I seem to still have the same IP address.

You have a static IP that's why.