Why aren't you on Pale Moon 27?

Why aren't you on Pale Moon 27?

>All relevant security fixes up to and including Firefox 50 have been ported across from Mozilla to continue to provide an as secure as possible browser.

Other urls found in this thread:


Spoiled by smoothness of chrome

>Using an outdated, obsolete browser by a misguided furry

Because its lagged behind for a long time. Shit keeps crashing, doesnt support youtubes 60 fps.
And a host of other niggles that made me (a pale moon user for the past 2-3 years) go to waterfox

> waterfox
Feels comfy

>Furrfag maintainer
>Slow and lags as ei

>Moral support
> Moral support

Das Russians

>faggot cries about stuff fixed/added ages ago

I don't have autism.

>wanker knows fuck all about what hes on about

>install palemoon
>go to a page with a lot of js like the main page of some newspaper
>freezes indefinitely, i have to end task/kill the process

every time.

I used a video from your favorite movie to calm you down, kid.

Oh look it took months to add that 'feature' in

27 broke Pentadactyl, shit. Current, nightly from git and the one from PM site.
Hope I can unfuck it when I find some time.

Lets no forget the whole add on shit storm. Little man

Holy fuck, the update broke alot of my favorite extensions

What shitstorm?


waiting for language packs to be compatible (I'm a spic)

The shitstorm that palemoon decided to go its on way resulting in a 50/50 chance of most addons being compatible.....

It requires SSE2 and doesn't support Windows XP.

desu everything I use still works

But I guess this is worrisome for future developments. Would you say Iridium is the best choice for a Webkit browser if I want to try one?

Back to the grave.

The dimise of Windows XP support has been greatly overstated, this is the official V27 build and it almost completly works. All it needs to run on XP is few minor tweaks to the exe. 1. change linker version in exe header to V5 so windows will load the exe. 2. Rename the import GetTickCount64 -> GetTickCount, windows xp does not have GetTickCount64, but the 32bit version actually returns a valid 64bit result anyway. And dissable the OS version check.

Use it on my i686 system. It's fast.

>Jose Arellano
>Duco Quanjer
>Gerardo Rubio

Why would I use a browser made by filthy mexicans?

>the underlying OS looks even older

what's going on

They just disabled firefox's shitty SDK.

It's going the way of the dodo eventually alongside regular XUL extensions thanks to mozilla becoming chrome, so it's just about whether PM can pull its own weight and draw developers in...

>Using Waterfox when there's an official x64 version of Firefox

>Only allowed to install signed addons approved by sjwzilla
>Thinks he's any less of a cuck

>he thinks you can't install unsigned addons
You're a bigger uninformed moron than I thought

>so it's just about whether PM can pull its own weight and draw developers in...
It's dead

>doesn't know about loading unsigned extensions
>doesn't know about unbranded version of Firefox
>doesn't know about unbranded version of Firefox Beta
>doesn't know about Firefox Developer Edition
>doesn't know about Firefox Nightly
>doesn't know about Firefox ESR

Why aren't you using XP Pro x64?

But I am, at least when I need to download YouTube videos or watch porn.

Its windows 2003 server with a win2k icon pack

I think I'll wait it out before I update to v27. Streaming-sites are borked (yet again, MEGA is borked, and I have at least a dozen extensions that won't work yet.

I sincerely hope this doesn't signal the end of my two-year+ run with PM..It's my daily driver under Linux, Windows and my Android phone.

>not using icecat

lmaoing @ u cucks

IceCat is FF ESR with an eye-sore interface and even worse support for streaming protocols and encryption standards than most of the other forks. Just...why?

>Not using Yiffy Moon to browse e621 for hardcore gay furry porn
baka senpai