Is the Thinkpad Edge fifty series possibly the most underrated laptops? I'm looking at the E450 in particular

Is the Thinkpad Edge fifty series possibly the most underrated laptops? I'm looking at the E450 in particular

>cheap as hell, even with 16 gigs of ram and an SSD
>don't have dated ports with like you do with the 20 series
>still have clit mouse design

The only downside is the keyboard and CPU, but the price almost makes you overlook it.

>keyboard and CPU
But those are essential. Also what about the display and build quality

theyre not real thinkpads, more like mislabeled ideapads

build quality is low compared to real thinkpads. They just took an ideapad and put a trackpoint on it basically.

I had an e545 here's what I can tell you:

The CPU was actually good for the price.

£250 got me a new laptop with decent build quality and an a8-8600p cpu which is a decent enough CPU for 99% of tasks

Screen was shit but if it has "thinkpad" in the name the screen is shit. Lenovo also can't into PWM so expect eye rapingly low PWM.

Keyboard was better than other laptops of the price but still a shitty keyboard.

They are not Thinkpads though. They are Ideapads that look like Thinkpads.

The deal break for me was it had major SQUEAL whenever the CPU did anything. 3/3 did this so I ended up getting my money back.

Could I recommend one? If you want a low priced and low powered laptop NEW yeah.

You are better off getting a second hand real thinkpad for less and forgetting about the edge series.

But they're half the price

and an eighth of the quality

The edge series is not even a thinkpad in my book

I've seen, so far, no evidence supporting the aforeclaimed superiority that /tpg/ says that the thinkpad product line supposedly has.

It is in my belief that thinkpads are immensely overrated.

what laptops have you used ?

nice meme

thinkpads are overrated by Sup Forums neckbeards

they're really not that special

Trust me, I own an E531 with an i5 and everything that has been said in this thread is true. If you really want one, go for it, but they are poor quality when compared to their namesake.

>Posts in a thread about rebranded Ideapads
>HURR DURR this means Thinkpads have no quality.
They may be a meme, but do some actual research on the meme first, instead of basing your opinion on what is essentially a cash in on that meme.

what laptops have you previously used?
Thinkpad X,P,T series are pretty based.
They are made of high quality materials, they are very servicable, have a huge aftermarket for parts and batteries even now and are all around have been developed for people who do actual work on their laptops and not 13yo fags or dumb people who use a laptop for everything. the keyboard is fantastic, the trackpoint is fantastic, they have killer features like the battery ec. i cant live without that thing especially when i used to be mobile

theyre probably the second or third most robust laptop line you can get

the only thing that even comes close is the macbook airs

the macbooks are far from the most robust laptops

toughbooks are better

how so
toughbooks looks like shit are bulky and have features i find useless

the current toughbook generation doesn't look to bad, and they are WAY closer to beeing the most robust laptops than your macbook toy

then go buy a toughbook and announce your autism wherever you use it

i don't have to buy one i have 5

you just described thinkpads lol
