What serif font can I use instead of Times New Roman? I don't know where else to ask this

What serif font can I use instead of Times New Roman? I don't know where else to ask this.


Comic Sans. No wait.
Comic Serif.

Times New Roman is probably the best serif font for the past decade, but the runners up are:

century schoolbook
computer modern

Linux Libertine

Liberation Serif.
This may be considered cheating as Liberation Serif is designed to mimic Times New Roman.

liberation serif is an abortion of a font

that r tho

Bembo Book or Arno Pro.

Make your own



Computer Modern

I use Benton Modern


Garamond, but be sure to pick a non-shit version.

Georgia is tolerable for a Windows default font and pretty legible on screens regardless of resolution. Adobe's Source Serif Pro os also fine. Computer Modern is of course god tier. Finally there's Merriweather which looks pretty good.

Everything else decent I can think of will cost you shekels.

Remember that 12 point is a stupid meme from typewriter age, and even if it's fine in print, on screen you want bigger.

What's good in serif fonts? I never liked them

I find them less tiring to read than sans serifs, but that may just as well be me being used to reading books, which are almost always in serif. Typographically, serifs convey a more serious, old-school, academic look so if that's the kind of design you're after, that's also good.

Baskerville if you can pay or if you know where to get it.
Also Utopia or Source Serif

This thread belongs in /gd/ where they are experts in serif fonts

Courier New

>on screen you want bigger
Nice eyes, faggot