/txt/ - Plain Text Thread

This thread is for the appreciation of everything plain text/text editors.

Why don't you use plain text for all of your writing needs, user? :')

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because my manager wants fancy charts and colorful documents

I am using pencil and paper

Plain text is beautiful!

Because customers want nice design. A customer will almost always choose a better presented product over a better product. Do you not like money? Are you a fucking commie?



Thats what latex is for. You write plain text, render in latex.

Latex will stand out for having that extra level of professionalism. It's like wearing a $1500 suit compared to a $500 one. The cheaper one looks good, but the $1500 one just has that extra beauty you can't put your finger on but prefer.

Only shitty part about latex is coworkers won't be able to collaborate so you will end up doing this stuff all yourself. Which if your lazy you might not want to do.

I use plain text editors without syntax highlighting, because text is beautiful.

I am, actually. Both in regular txt files or written in LaTeX if I have to share it at some point.
Or I am using my pen and paper, but only for things I write for myself, I cannot share my handwritten notes with anyone because of my handwriting.

>he doesn't use a terminal spreadsheet like sc-im or teapot

It's like you hate portability.

>Why don't you use plain text for all of your writing needs, user?
what? there are other ways?

thank you

>there are people who don`t use Blinky


Your welcome.

do you use utf8 or plain ascii or something else?

in unicode, why would you even have ten whitespace characters with varying width. i fucking hate emojis that take twice the size than writing ":)". on the other hand, unicode makes working on multiple languages easy. so i'm kinda torn and use "--" for en dash in my text files, and äłßž in unicode.

>needing something as complicated as pencils and paper to write messages down
do what we did back in our day and get a fucking stone tablet.

I use unicode because it's easy for me to do Saxon characters like Ð and Þ, and accented characters like ā by using the compose keys.

Watch none of these work and I look like an idiot.

academic sperg spotted

In the typesetting industry TeX is at best used for rendering formulas.

Markdown is the best thing ever.

You were too good for this world.

>Markdown is the best thing ever

>doesn't respect white space or new lines
>no standard for tables
>requires retarded backticks

pick only one

lol, i don't even save as a format if its plain text

Plaintext passwords on the server!

>You were too good for this world.


I hope you are not one of those faggots that turn off the fridges at night.


Ranger: Great concept, using an image preview is a step forward. Needs a rewrite in C with less dependencies.
MOC (Music On Console): Fast, lightweight, many features. You can add a custom layout and a custom theme with custom colors. If it were a way to make available album art like Ranger does for image previews (w3mimg) would be a killer.

Oh I do latex for uni stuff (full of math and similar shit) and simple plaintext for everything else... schoolmates laugh at my autism but in the end im the one they beg notes for

But if I were tell my boss to edit in latex, he would just laugh at me, get mad because he would be too stupid to edit it himself and would just replace me with someone who stfu'd and did what he told so... and the company otherwise is cool, they pay mad cash, all I have to meet is a hour quota per week and they don't care when (24/7) which is perfect for a student