Have you ever used anything other than GNU/*?

Have you ever used anything other than GNU/*?

I've just installed OpenBSD after reading the handbook, and i must say that I'm impressed. I really enjoyed how the configuration file for a network interface was marked insecure and automatically fixed (I edited it with vi and forgot to set the correct chmod bits)

I've been able to install bash, mpv, openbox, and the xfce4 applications very easily with pkg_add

The only issue I had was with my network card which uses the iwl driver. I knew that I would have issues, and I thought I'd have to run the firmware updating command in order to resolve it. Turns out, after installing it with my Ethernet cable, all i had to do was reboot and iwl-firmware was instantly installed.

I accidental wiped my MBR in the installer and decided to go balls deep.

Other urls found in this thread:


I'm using Windows 10 right now.

>I accidental wiped my MBR in the installer and decided to go balls deep.
they really need to fix that, same shit happened to me

Why do you use a server OS on a laptop/desktop?

Because he can?

>installing bash on openBSD

might as well just kys

The same reason you use a botnet os on a laptop/desktop.

OpenBSD has really good support for Intel hardware. So if you've got a Thinkpad or Dell Latitude it'll run great.

I've used FreeBSD many years ago. I know things have gotten better, but BSD will always pick stability over speed. This is very respectable, but my needs are different. OpenBSD makes even more sacrifices for the sake of security. Again, very respectable, but I don't worry about CIA spooks getting past my aes encrypted partitions to get to chinese cartoons roms and traps.

Yes I currently use SmartOS which is BSD/solaris running OpenBSD in a KVM vm.

Problem with OpenBSD is:
- you need AMD/Intel vidjya cards if using X
- you need to realize W^X is now strictly enforced by default, so a lot of programs won't work (because they were badly written to begin with). So for desktop use, you may have some issues but my own desktop is Emacs + shell so I haven't run into any problems yet.

OpenBSD is awesome to hack around with too for making tiny embedded OSs. It will never crash, and run until infinity without any maintenance or reboots needed

>you need to realize W^X is now strictly enforced by default
can't you get around that using wxneeded in your fstab?

Sort of

Note the #2, the violation logging part. This causes some programs to crash basically any other C program where the lazy devs used mmap to allocate and init memory.

Something else you probably want to do is roll with --current snapshots once you get used to OpenBSD homing-on-code.blogspot.ca/2015/02/rolling-with-snapshots.html and sign up to all the user/dev lists. A typical linux distro list is eleventy billion posts of bikeshedding but the BSD ones are pretty good

>Have you ever used anything other than GNU/*?
Been using Windows for the last 20 years.


are there any *bsd guides? i installed freebsd on an extra machine but felt handicapped as hell.

if you want freebsd only, their handbook is a good place to start

Get the book Absolute FreeBSD (or AbsoluteOpenBSD) from Nostarchpress (google it).

Can also pie-rat them from libgen.io

thanks friends

In terms of major BSDs it rolls like this

Can use ZFS, jails, and for this reason heavily deployed by Facebook and exclusively by Netflix. Need to manually enable many things to get it to enforce W^X and other kernel protections.

Can use it as dom0 Xen host, is used all over the place even in Apple's airport hardware. They do lot's of experimental shit with this BSD and by default not many protections are on, but more than FreeBSD.

By default all protections are installed on. Written for sanity and correctness, so you expect high uptime, no complexity and security focus with the focus being correct code. High dogfooding meaning developers all run --current on their laptops and eat what they make daily so expect shit to work as advertised

I literally understood like 6 of those words.

>Have you ever used anything other than GNU/*?
>proceeds to install 286 packages and replace the shell and probably more with gnushit

Who cares really? None of you do anything productive that would make you money and fill the void so you can live a normal life.

It is just an operating system, a tool to do other things. Just use Windows like a sane person.

Go out and get some pussy, clear your mind.

>what is a hobby

damn maybe i should should stop learning or reading

>firefox on openbsd