Let's discuss this text editor

Let's discuss this text editor.
Atom.io is so hated or so loved
do you hate or love it and why?
also what is your current text editor (needed to see from what perspective your opinion comes)

fuck off with your gay ass editor

old electron version uncompatible to the one in the arch repos.
I just use kate as my text editor, and vscode for the c#, dotnetcore thing

don't care for it, electron is bloat and js is cancer

sublime text 2 & visual studio 2015

>using a whole web browser just to edit some files

not even Emacs is that bloated

emacs is like reversed

webbrowser in an editor = emacs
editor in a web browser = atom

This, with the new ability to have a browser engine in emacs it's finally as bloated as a normal web browser.

VSCode is better in every shit gargling way.

but I love emacs though.
I even used emacs as my OS at a time
I booted into it and lived so for a while


>I even used emacs as my OS at a time
>I booted into it and lived so for a while
And if you were a productive member of society instead a NEET on Sup Forums that would almost be a compelling argument.

It's the best text editor. Nothing comes close.

it's free, but doesn't work anywhere near as well as sublime out of the box

It looks okay. Haven't seen or tried anything on it that would convince me to switch from my Sublime Text setup.

What the FUCK

It's shit because it can't remember tabs without saving to a file. There's a plugin for that but it's broken.

Notepad++ is better in every way except maybe the UI.

Code Artisan plugin made by a Sup Forums user :^)

I haven't used np++ since I was in uni 6-7 years ago, and I have fond memories of it. Bit dubious to say it's better than Atom, though. I mean yeah Atom is shite but in terms of feature set? Nah.

VSCode all the way.

The problem I have is it takes long to load. Spacemacs is like a f1 car compared to Atom.

Spacemacs is the best editor second only to Gvim.

Does it come with SFX and music?

because why would u use anything else when vim exist

Bloated as fuck

It's fine.

I don't hate it, I just don't care for it

Vim does everything I want in a text editor and then some and it's very light and fast and can open any large file. And the quickfix list, make and grep integration and omnicompletion are very handy.

Why should I switch to a text editor that is more bloated, has less features and it's still not an IDE?