About to start learning pic related. What is the best IDE for C++?

About to start learning pic related. What is the best IDE for C++?


If you are retarded enough to use an IDE, you might as well use VS.


why would one not?

Because VIM and makefiles are objectively more productive.

If every part of your workflow is handled by a unique program it makes each step simpler, easier to customize for specific situations, and teaches you wtf you are actually doing.


Bloated, unstable pile of shit.

Just use the text editor that came with your OS

Yeah, codeblocks or visual studio. I've used eclipse before and that was pretty good too

Actually I take that back

Just use a text editor that has syntax highlighting (like Vim, notepad++, sublime etc)

>doing more manual work is productive

Your not me


Either Vim or Visual Studio, nothing in between.

....although before I learned Vim, I really liked CodeLite. But that's because I'm a retard and don't understand what any of Visual Studio is useful for.

Less bloat, no useless menus and features, tailored compiling options. Much more productive.

>Recompiling your whole shit each time is more productive
>Looking for which button among 100 others to click on in the linker options is more productive than just writing your config
IDEs are an MS-tier meme, user.


Qt creator

I sometimes use kate, sometimes vim, other times neovim, kdevelop, clion
more like IDE hopper amirite


Visual Stduio if you're on Windows, else Eclipse

If you're a student, get jetbrain's clion.

Don't fall for the vim circle jerk unless you want to be a hipster that wastes everyone's time just feel cooler.

clion is somewhat buggy for me, dunno why, I don't recommend it right now

Codeblocks on Linux (Visual Studio Code is okay but not nearly as good even with extensions); Visual Studio on Windows.

Serious answer: CLion or Visual Studio

Or, as opposed to being a complete fucking luddite scouring a large UI for a button for your routines, you can learn keybinds for your commonly used routines.

Sure as shit beats the necessity of learning keybinds for BASIC functionality.

Build eclipse cdt projects with Cmake. It's surprising nice.


Fast work: QT
Real work: flat text