/fglt/ - Friendly Guhnoo Slash Linux Thread

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2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or Mac.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

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This is my thread now. I'm claiming it.


What is apt and aur exactly. Can arch install apt and have access to all the"Ubuntu" software?


apt is debian/ubuntu's package manager.
aur is arch's user repository.
you can't install ubuntu packages directly on arch, but pretty much every ubuntu package is also available in arch's package manager, so it doesn't really matter

Technically you could do that but it would break everything
and this

what gnu linux distribution does he use?


I know, but what distro is on his leemote or whatever it is

I'm about to install Gentoo for the first time. I'm scared, Sup Forums.

I'm somewhat tech-savvy but I'm a normie who's only ever used Windows and the extent of my coding is Second Life. But I'm going balls deep on this. The install CD is currently DLing.

Trisquel Linux

>I use a Thinkpad X60 computer, in which the FSF installed a free initialization program (libreboot) and a free operating system (Trisquel GNU/Linux.)

user no, you are getting memed, install an Ubuntu flavor as your first distro instead.

When a developer makes software, can he make it general to Linux or does he have to remake it for all the distros?

I was told Ubuntu is a meme for babies

besides Gentoo is almost done downloading

>>I was told Ubuntu is a meme for babies
You know what, yea I think Gentoo is perfect for you, user.

Your logic is flawless, I am now downloading Ubuntu.

Dont be memed, install a more usable linux distro first. (like debian)

Use systemrescuecd instead. That way you can read along to the guide on the live cd while you do it. It's better. it has tons of tools too.

disregard idiots like there's literally nothing hard or "pro" about it.
and this one isn't just an idiot, judging by his use of debian he has something more serious possible severe and irreversible brain damage
like what? everything you could possibly need is on the livecd. could be wrong though since that's the only way i've ever done it.

cool buzzwords
it it perhaps more lightweight and enterprise friendly as well?

I'm not really picky

I'm just trying to Frankenstein a garbage broken -hard-drive PC into a working one.

Oh, I guess that would work too. I thought he was downloading the minimal install cd with just a console.

honestly if you let yourself get memed by gentoo you deserve your fate

well, gentoo doesn't really care
it'll work for you
just avoid debian if you don't want to lose your humanity
choose something like ubuntu instead if that's what you need. debian is literally the shittiest of shit

i would suggest gentoo though as its literally the best.
explain in what way gentoo is a meme.
you have 30 seconds. im waiting!
inb4 long compile times
im sorry if your a 3rd worlder and you don't have a good cpu
""""""""argument"""""""" discarded

Gentoo is actually one of the best distros, though.

what this guy is saying is true. just cross-referenced it with my data and i can verify with 100% certainty that what is said in this post is true

I know nothing of Linux, but I'm not too much of a normie.

Really, anything is a step up from the usual. I have to use an electron microscope with fucking DOS.

just use one of the best distros (gentoo) right away then.
following the gentoo handbook shouldn't be hard at all if you aren't literally mentally disabled as most debian users seem to be.

avoid shite like debian at all costs. use something like ubuntu if you just want most things to work out of the box.

that's pretty much all you need to know for now. the rest you will have to learn on your own


>tfw distro hopped everywhere
>every linux distro is buggy, broken, or has zero google results for problems. Every DE is fugly out of the box
>MacOS is a buggy, bloated mess that requires expensive shit hardware, but it is decent to look at every day
>haven't tried Ubuntu Unity
Is it the only decent *nix OS with decent support, software, and flexibility?
all I really need to do is use the internet, and occasionally play OpenMW and minecraft

have you used gentoo?

Do I have to spend an hour recompilling my kernel every time I have to upgrade ffmpeg?

How do I make Katawa Shoujo accessible from my Applications menu? I don't want to have to dig through the file explorer whenever I want to play it. Using Cinnamon.

says he "distro hopped """"everywhere""""" and hasn't used literally the best distro aka gentoo
nope, that's not how it actually works.
if your cpu is from this century it shouldn't take you an hour to recompile your kernel.
and no, ffmpeg updates can't possibly trigger the need to recompile your kernel as far as i know
idk mate, try not playing crap first. that should solve every single problem you have

any GNOME 3 or KDE distro is actually very nice to look at.

>nice to X
if X != not use/uninstall
pick 1 (one)

intended for five7926257
>opens up his css code to look like a cool "programmer"
you are living meme

>falling for the gentoo meme

Why did you even feel the need to post this shitty screenshot?

it is the css for the start page you are looking at

>falling for the "falling for the meme" meme
copied from a previous post:
"explain in what way gentoo is a meme.
you have 30 seconds. im waiting!
inb4 long compile times
im sorry if your a 3rd worlder and you don't have a good cpu
""""""""argument"""""""" discarded"
yeah, that looked so fucking cool. you must be a programmer or something. did you learn programming at /r/programming too?

to show how nice looking gnome 3 is

but you just did the exact opposite. you also discredited yourself by trying to look cool with all that mysterious code and a literal link to reddit on your homepage. you guys don't even try to hide it anymore.
fuck off back to your home website reddit.com

why are you so upset?

for that you would have to show a screenshot of KDE and lie

how can you hear my voice? i don't even have a microphone
you still failed to explain in what way exactly is gentoo a meme
please don't use words you don't even understand, that's not appreciated on this site.

i am the desktop poster not the gentoo is a meme poster

Need some help Sup Forums, bigtime! I need to undo the 'systemctl disable foo' commands that I typed in, I don't know if there is a command to delete those entries. I made the mistake of following a guide written by an Indian and my system is tucked netctl and dhcpcd were disabled

because your salty enough about it
>muh use flags
>muh optimuzation
cancer please go

It's not that hard. I've found the Gentoo Wiki to be much clearer and beginner-friendly compared to the Arch Wiki (despite what most people say).

Gentoo is pretty comfy too, good luck and don't forget to configure the kernel manually.

Create a .desktop file for it and put it on your /usr/share/applications folder or ~/.local/share/applications if you prefer to have it there for your user only.

I got my mom and girlfriend to use Linux. My crusade continues.

gnu linux

Go away attentionwhore

im upset because your kind feels the need to come here and shit this place up
please stay on your shitty "website"
im not even against immigrants, but please leave your shitty "culture" behind when you decide to post here.
just close that website and never visit it again.
if you feel the need to do so then you have a choice before you.
use it or use this site.
there is no third option.
i hope i've made myself clear enough.
i wish you'll become a better poster, either way, just fuck off if you wanna visit that site.
>using reddit meems like "m-" and "s-"
literally kill yourself mate
nice "arguments" though
prepare something better next time you decide to make a shitpost
that's what i found as well.
genkernel is fine though for his first time. i think manually configuring it from an already working system is better.

how does he even know the in and outs if he has never installed it? does he know what a swap is?

systemctl enable example.service

symlinks should get remapped

Not attentionwhoring, I just think it's funny that my mom asked and wants Linux.

Do you mean from the start menu? Right click the menu button, hit configure, then go here.

>is here for two months
>decides to shit this board up

I have been using Sup Forums since 2009

reddit is a good news aggregator, and it's free software. I will continue to read reddit and use Sup Forums unless happily reddit refuses to comply with the FSF's requests to free their javascript.

His main day to day stuff is writing for magazines, co-ordinating FSF business over email, and writing speeches. He probably has some drafts of GPLv4 or something he is working on as well.

>reddit is a good news aggregator, and it's free software
different user here, but i'd say reddit's aggregation quality has gone downhill since it started getting infested with your average chucklefuck
new.ycombinator is nice, and slashdot is good enough for rossman

fuck off if you've been here only for 2 months
lurk for at least 1 year before posting, that should be enough for your retarded mind
if you decide to post before that then it sure as fuck shouldn't be a post of your screen with epic css code in it to show everyone how cool you are.
by the way, here's the link for you to fuck off to reddit.com/r/gaming/
lmao, sure. i've been using it since the 20s right after the war

you're "memes" aren't lifted straight from reddit and your definitely the first immigrant i've seen here using the exact same tactics.
you should use every single website that is free software then if that's your only criteria.
there are other news aggregators which aren't complete shit. if you still continue to use reddit then read my other post.

>can't read greentext
>clearly frightened and confused
you poor thing

is that what you call it on reddit?
how can you possibly claim to know my state of mind just via text? seems like an absurd proposition to me
im not a "thing" though since i don't visit reddit

Don't listen to and I love gnome3 and they're just babies who whine about "muh resources" and "itz different!!!1"


>i love Gnome 3 therefore it isn't shit
I wonder which website this guy came from.

this isn't how we actually link on this website. I guess it's different on reddit
On this site you prefix the post number with two symbols in quotes right here ">>" (leave out the quotation marks)

no thanks, I don't like tablet design elements
the only KDE distro I know of is OpenSUSE, which nobody seems to care about, unfortunately
I would probably like arch if pacman was a bit more user friendly
But from everything i've seen, Unity seems like a decent looking choice, and ubuntu has all the developers

Come up with valid criticism of gnome3 that doesn't revolve around it being heavy on system resources (which doesn't fucking matter on a practical level as everyone's got more than enough ram for it) or about it not being similar enough to a traditional desktop metaphor.

Whatever you say, I'm sure it applies to multiple DEs or that the ones you think are superior have issues as well. None of them are perfect. It's nothing more than personal taste, and I'm ready to see you try to make a retarded "objective" argument.

I mean, there's Kubuntu, which is technically a distro.

I don't like that it's touch screen oriented. Because of this design it has giant icons in its menus and it's pretty ugly. But, I do love how it looks on the desktop, the curved edge does look nice and the animations are good. I just feel like I can be more efficient with other de's that have a generic approach that are similar to Windows ui.

it's just total shite from every single perspective imaginable.
nah, not every de uses the buggy and retarded piece of shit that is gtk3
a buggy, retarded, "tablet", "touch screen" piece of dogshite can't even be called a de as far as im concerned
nope, kde doesn't use gtk3 therefore it doesn't have more than 90% of the issues gnome has.

i don't fucking care about resources since i have 16gb of ram but i wouldn't imagine someone with 8gb would care either.
even shittier than gnome, and that is pretty hard to achieve.
do whatever you want, just avoid unity and gnome.
you could try them for testing purposes but you'll just waste your time since they are both very retarded "DEs"


>heavy on resources
When have you ever fucking seen this "argument" mentioned? It must be a common one on your home website.
I suggest you fuck right back off to it.

>ubuntu has all the developers
not really, it has a lot but not much more than Debian or Fedora

I used unity for a year and a half and it's just fine, the HUD is really neat. The problem that I had with it was that the dash isnt really as nice as any other DE's launcher, and it was kind of ugly.

For KDE you can choose Kubuntu, OpenSuSE, Debian, Mageia, Linux Mint(semi insecure), Gentoo, Arch or Slackware if you want a difficult to maintain system.


Also, gnome does not really have tablet design elements. GTK header bar takes less vertical space than KDE's window decoration and toolbar. The only thing really tablety is the gtk3 tabs are full width

>even shittier than gnome
finally a response
that's a shame, i guess i'll stick with Xfce for now
>inb4 some weeb tells me to rice openbox

I wonder which website this image came from.
Xfce is pretty good. Also try out MATE, you might like it even more.
>gentoo or arch
>difficult to maintan

name one gtk+3 bug

Titlebars are fixable by a small edit to a .css file in the config folder, except for the in-house gnome ones which rely on having those over sized buttons. It's my only criticism of gnome3, and one that doesn't matter that much on higher resolution displays, but under 1600x900 you feel how much wasted space that is.

okay lol, terrible argument but you tired. Also, unity while not as good as gnome3 is literally also fine. It's one of the least buggy DE's I've ever used. The only thing wrong with it is how fucking intent they are on making you NOT able to customize it.

In fact, them removing the ability to move the titlebar buttons is what started my switch from unity to gnome3.

Literally all the time here on Sup Forums. Any time you mention KDE, Unity, or Gnome3, people bitch about system resources. Sup Forums is my only home. I have no place else to go but here.

Uhh.... Uhhh.....

"New Item" isn't doing anything.

>I'm using a DE reccomended by a redditor
It came from Know Your Meme, faggot

this thread is not very friendly at all

> Also, unity while not as good as gnome3 is literally also fine
yeah, wouldn't expect less from a gnome fag
anything you write after this point is literally worthless
> It's one of the least buggy DE's I've ever used
yess.... the objective quality of software and its bugginess is negated by your feelings i get it.
didn't even fucking read the rest of it.
don't even bother writing a "response" if you feel like being this retarded
and please don't try to fool anyone here that you aren't just off the boat

>okay lol
I wonder which website this poster comes from.
But I'm not even using a DE.

It's the reason why linux hasn't taken off
some salty retard says Gentoo or GTFO and everyone gets scared away

Stopped reading right there.

I don't know why people get angry over this shit. It's pretty retarded.

Accusations of being from reddit are one of the more obnoxious things people on Sup Forums try to do to make themselves feel more superior.

There's literally no way to prove someone is other than them making a reference from reddit which would require YOU to also frequent reddit, or through finding it open in their browser.

>some retard says Gentoo or GTFO
post the exact quote of this
i'll wait.

Its always something along the lines of someone asking what should he install and everyone suggesting something different while engaging in an endless loop of insulting the other choices

but i don't need to feel superior to anything. i am by definition superior to ANYONE who visits or has at any point in time visited the website reddit.com since i don't do it myself.
here's an example - you don't need to feel superior to a dog since you by definition are.
>There's literally no way to prove someone is other than them making a reference from reddit which would require YOU to also frequent reddit, or through finding it open in their browser.
there's another way, interacting with hundreds of fucking immigrants and knowing how they talk
you can literally tell if someone is from reddit merely by the "memes" they use or how incorrectly they use memes which have become popular elsewhere but were originally from here.
a good example would be "REEEEEEEEE" i've seen it used incorrectly here in this very thread dozens of times.

i just hope you overlooked this point and you aren't actually so retarded as to think that you can only obtain information on a certain "people" by actually going and living in their culture.

Really? Nothing pops up when you click New Item? Right click your panel, restart Cinnamon, and try it again.

If that still doesn't work then I recommend doing what this user suggested:

Culture doesn't exist in a bubble. There's a reason why aspects that would have once been considered foreign in American culture become domestic. Get enough redditors on the website, and even non-redditors will start to pick up on how they speak.

To assume that anyone who uses a certain "word" ignores that fact, as well as ignoring that very few websites have lingo that is entirely unique and not shared with other sites.

No, it's because someone recommends the distro that takes hours to install and then proceeds to shit up the thread
>The only thing wrong with it is how fucking intent they are on making you NOT able to customize it.
well, that sucks