I want to escape Google, but I own an android phone, my browser is chrome, I use gmail, google drive, maps...

I want to escape Google, but I own an android phone, my browser is chrome, I use gmail, google drive, maps, and a bunch of other services... What is the best way to escape? How did you escape?

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delete your google account, install another browser, find replacements and so on, install cyanogenmod without gapps, what is so fucking hard?

You get the idea

Do those services have tracking as egregious as Google though?

Nowhere as near, the downside is that it's not all in one ecosystem but it's worth it for peace of mind

Is there really any escape? Is hotmail really a good alternative to Gmail? Plus I use google hangouts for interviews sometimes and would use Skype otherwise, so you're either with the Google botnet or the Microsoft one. Google maps is better than Apple's maps app too. I don't understand the appeal of cloud storage though, unless it's for work in which case I don't give a shit about it being there. If I need to show someone a file, I'd bring a laptop or a flash drive or just send it to them via email as an attachment

physical media and a actual map?
commit suicide.

what do you lose if you just stop using all that shit?

Embrace the botnet

I use microsoft for everything (except coding on linux).

You can install Cyanogenmod and not install gapps
sucks that that limits your phone's usability, though.
Most free mail providers are selling you as the product, not much luck to be had there, since the rest is protonmail which doesn't do non-webmail, meaning no app to use it with
there are plenty of better browsers, i use lightning and qutebrowser and firefox
maps is irreplacable
drive is avoidable if you can manage just uploading a bigass encrypted partition, although that would only work with dropbox because bitwise change uploads are all that make that feasible

Just drop it all you botnet cuck. Get a linode or something, switch to duckduckgo, and bite the Apple for maps.

what is a yamatee

Framasoft. Take a look.

>what is a yamatee




someone pls rotate it so it points towards dubs


Buy a Nexus phone (JEWGGLES)
Install Cyanogenmod latest version. Do not even bother installing GAPPS (google apps). Go and get F-Droid and there's all your phone apps.

For shit like Signal, you can just build the APK yourself and sideload it. To avoid gmail, use Yandex or whatever else prismbreak website recommends prism-break.org/en/

Use Icecat or Firefox or w/e version, but sandbox it with Firejail to get equivalent chromium sandbox.

Use openmaps.

>tfw I almost escaped but I'm still using Nexus with google project-FI

>what is the BEST way to escape
What the fuck were you thinking when writing this?

>Android phone
You can run Android without Google, this is piss-easy.
Well, change your browser then!
Assuming you're not tech literate (if you were, you'd have switched a long time ago), you're not going to create your own email server. Look around the internet.
You can use the site, or use OSM

>1 GB cap

Buy a small server an self-host an owncloud box and an email server

I used to use so many Google services it's not even funny, now I just use search. It wasn't even an attempt to escape the botnet or anything, I just either have used or have switched to non-Google products and services
>Open Street Maps

No, but you own webpackage (domain,ftp,email) costs ~4$ and has zero maintainance.

Root your phone and install f-droid and afwall. We have this same thread yesterday.
Install Osmand
>google doraiwu
Buy big sd card for 10 bucks

>escape google

nobody on Sup Forums has, Sup Forums uses google analytics

just accept that Google is the big scary internet company it will make your life easier. Google is the biggest innovator of the world wide web, their dirty fingers are in every crevice of it... it's okay, they are an awesome company

look at google maps, earth, self driving cars, best search engine... it's the best

just use it, don't be a fuckin schizo

Every single thing that you listed you can change to and configure a non-Google-based alternative, and get it all done in a single afternoon.

Irony is, 10 minutes searching Google will tell you all the steps you need to accomplish that.

chance consecutive digits
>mfw no get

Why escape though?

It's like buying something with a card and trying not to let them have your details.

I bought an iPhone+Macbook Pro
It does not come with any google apps by default

They're an unaccountable private corporation. They know every search you make, every website you visit, everyone you talk to, every email sent and received, and your real-time location. This is all tied to your real-life identity and they keep this information indefinitely.

You don't think this is the least bit creepy?

Even if you think Google is benevolent and has your best interests in mind, which I wouldn't agree with for a minute, do you trust them to be benevolent in perpetuity? You trust that a malicious party will never get hold of their complete record of your life? Google doesn't forget, if you trust them with something, you're trusting them with it forever.

Firefox, duckduckgo

I still use Android, Gmail, and Hangouts. The other stuff was easy to escape or never use. Trying to move my group chat to Wire so we can ditch Hangouts.

On Android you could just install CyanogenMod without the playstore and be pretty safe. I'm still using it, but plan to free myself someday.

Install Gentoo

What are you hiding?

Death desu

You're right, it's worse than that.