Reminder that if you bought open headphones that aren't in this picture, you're a retard

reminder that if you bought open headphones that aren't in this picture, you're a retard.

Which of these are better?

>sennheiser meme

I don't see the ath-ad900x in your pic, bitch nigger.

> le 3D wing system
> nigger bass
> dogshit build quality

kill you're are self.

Reminder that nobody gives a shit about your opinions and you're the insecure retarded loser here.



600 if you want a neutral sound, 650 if you want warmth

>audio technica

Fidelio X2 > Sennheiser shit.

The akg k712s aren't in the picture? Sorry for your shit taste user

Also I do have HD600's, but I ultimately use my DT880's more, both seem worthless when compared to my studio monitors though

>nigger bass

Either a liar or a complete retard.

Seincuck detected.

This is what people who made poor audio equipment choices tell themselves.

Even $50 Sennheiser IEDs sound great.

My sennheiser IED didn't sound good at all I am now deaf in one ear

What are your studio monitors?

My hd555 is cracking like all the others

HS8 but I've had them for a while and they were old to begin with, I should get new ones soon. I used to have mackie MR6s but they couldn't hold ALL the frequencies well when it was turned up too high (I'm assuming because only 6"), and before that I had KRK rokit memes
Still, almost all my monitors beat almost all my headphones all the time, the monitors just have to be really loud to match headphone loudness

X2 are quite honestly the worst highly-regarded headphones I have ever listened to. Greatly elevated out-of-control bass, weird artificial-sounding treble, and total absence of mids.

I still can't believe Lachlan liked these.

>opean headphones


>posts a picture of owned shit
>if you don't have these, you're retarded

i cant believe we are 20 replies in to this shitty bait

Do anyone in these threads even do any mixing?
I have a pair of ATH-M50's after going through about 3 pairs of Sony 7506's

Poor troll 2/10 almost replied

I work at 8 different venues and mix bands for a living.
If you're just listening to music go with whatever but mixing we need fairly flat response

Then surely you've seen that almost all mixing booths in the world have mdr 7506 as a first pair of headphones and only shitty third rate tracking booths still use athm50s
If you want to argue for those shit tin can fart buckets go ahead but you're objectively wrong

No, explain.

10/10 made him reply

>Paid $99 for ATH-R70x

Yeah, I can agree those are decent but I'm not a retard for getting a great deal

HE 400i's

Alessandro MS-1i's > * for the price, imho.

Koss Porta Pro >> Any Grado/Alessandro

porta pros has no highs or mids

ATH AD1000x. Better by far. Stupid niggers who know nothing of what bass is really supposed to sound like always diss the AD line. You're not supposed to hear bass, you're supposed to feel it.

Jokes on you. Most peoples hearing is not good enough for it to matter. Expensive headphones are a meme.

What the fuck are you going on about?


cant ride a bike with cans familam

Sorry OP, but i've already got these trusty fuckers. May not be as good, but I love these to death.

Why, are you retarded?

Better soundstage, basically the sound disperses a little more nicely and sounds less like music directed straight your ears. It's more like the sound is just happening. At least that's what it's like for me

cans dont work with helmets - helmets which are compulsory in oz - give me iems any day.

Those didn't exist when i got my HD558 and I'm still very happy with it.

If isolation is not needed, open > closed

Speakers are better than both but you pay a fuck load more for speakers then you do for headphones.

the 600 seriese are a fuck load older than the 558

but not the 598, which i got for 100 on BF.

Planar magnetic hyper responsiveness

I like my akq q701's they have pretty good sound and are pretty comfy

Is it worth buying a pair of HD650 drivers from Sennheiser parts store where I live for $105 US? I have the HD600.

mah nigga

I mix at home and I'm kinda annoyed by the HD600 sounding high.

Everybody says it's flat enough but I can't fucking hear the bass in it.

I wonder if a HD800S would be better for mixing.

I own the 650 and regret not getting the 600 instead

I hope you also bought thirty replacement pairs of cables since they crack every three weeks at the earcups.

>Didn't spring for audeze
Try again since you ended up with euro-beats.

>HD600 sounding high.
>I wonder if a HD800S would be better for mixing.
HD800, S included, is way screechier than the HD600.

Someone's opinion of you does not have to become your reality.

I'm talking about how your piece of shit headphone is built like shit sounds like shit and doesn't even stay on your head. not even a removable cable lmao

Sounds like you need an HD650 then.