/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

Previously: Welcome to /fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread.
Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

*** Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly GNU/Linux Thread. ***

Before asking for help, please check our list of resources[*].

If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine.
1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything.
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or Mac.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

* Resources:
$ man
$ info
$ help

Your friendly neighborhood search engine:
Try to use a search engine that respects your privacy such as qwant, searx, ixquick or startpage.

Check the Wikis (Most troubleshoots work for all distros.)

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Try GNU GuixSD:

/fglt/'s website:

/fglt/'s copypasta collection:

/t/'s GNU/Linux Games:
/t/'s GNU/Linux Training Videos:
/wg/'s GNU/Linux Wallpapers:
Part III: Part II: archive.nyafuu.org/wg/thread/6767536/
Part I: archive.nyafuu.org/wg/thread/6743571/

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literally lmao'ing (laughing my ass off) as i'm watching this image.
why did he feel the need to do this?
im literally going to post my celebration of it here the very day he dies.





and bestmotherfucking.website/
are good

this one is a good example of why the first one were invented.

is this the "pepe" meme? iv heard a lot about it

it's the "helper helper", it helps people who need help to get help

What? No that's sad frog.

>he doesn't know his memes

Sup Forums is pretty slow with memes, you're lucky when you actually get a Sup Forums meme instead of a googled thumbnail ;_;


who here //fglt/oldfag/?

I was one of the co founders of the chocked meme


My only claim to fame is the sortie meme on DJT on Sup Forums.

GTK user here, what's that on your pic

that retarded place is on Sup Forums now where it rightfully belongs.
*applauds to everyone who helped kicked it off Sup Forums once and for all*

>being unable to empathize with someone having a bit of fun
t. Sup Forumsentooman

Desktop threads should come back


shitholes like /fglt/ and /djt/ should be moved to the shithole known as Sup Forums where they all rightfully belong kek
when did you leave /djt/ by the way?

i dont think so tim

Go to 4keks irc and tell them.

I'm the one who started forcing the Windows users = Hindu/Indians on Sup Forums.
Pajeet and the likes of it.

Feels good

I hate you. You turned Sup Forums into Sup Forums.

is genkernel cheating?

why did you post this as a reply to my post why do you think it was a remotely relevant reply?
I like you though, you turned Sup Forums into Sup Forums. Which is much appreciated since this place really needs at least a counter balance.

no. it's fine for your first time. do learn manual configuration though when you get a working system. it's a fucking pain in the ass to chroot again if you fucked something up so just stick to genkernel for your first time.

other co founder reporting in.

british memes are so fucking shit

I've started using fedora for the first time ever in my 7 years of linux and I'm loving it. After Ubuntu, then Debian, then Arch, then Gentoo, then Debian again, and now to Fedora everything just seems to work. yum/dnf works as well as apt, the default programs pull my email/calendar into gnome and its notifications nicely, bluetooth JUST WORKS, and everything has sane defaults. The installer was quicker than any other distro I've installed, default disk mounting is easy to manage, and my t420 has never run a distro better.

I've installed i3 in case I need to do some productive work with a workflow and environment I'm used to, but I'm going to try this gnome thing for a bit. Anyone else using fedora and have any tips or tricks they've learned during their time using it?

my friend! you were the one who animated my edits?

wow this thread is shit

I get a problem when i am trying to run mpd
Dec 11 23:20 : socket: Failed to bind to '[::]:6600': Address already in use [\code]
what can i do to fix it . And this is my mpd.conf file

music_directory "~/Music"
playlist_directory "~/.config/mpd/playlists"
db_file "~/.config/mpd/database"
log_file "~/.config/mpd/log"
pid_file "~/.config/mpd/pid"
state_file "~/.config/mpd/state"

bind_to_address "::"
port "6600"
metadata_to_use "artist,album,title,track,name,genre,date"

audio_output {
name "PulseAudio"
type "pulse"

audio_output {
name "FIFO"
type "fifo"
path "/tmp/mpd.fifo"
format "44100:16:2"

I'm on Arch if that's relevant

is that ponyfag who made the debian script still around here?

systemctl mask mpd.service
systemctl mask mpd.socket
Both as root.

Then reboot and report back

try changing the port

then do sudo pacman -R systemd

>do i fit in yet Sup Forums XDD

What? i don't understand this post. i was just trying to help him.


That's me :)

i don't do anything its someone else
and i didn't post that i use debian btw
and this fix the problem with the port one more thing i have set me music directory to ~/Music but when i am run ncmpcpp and make a db update with the u it doesn't sow anything

>tfw still on 4.8 kernel
>tfw I still call the whole platform Linux
>tfw my distribution follows the GNU/Linux nomenclature

Try doing sudo apt-get purge systemd
It should solve your problem.

>and i didn't post that
He did that to me yesterday too. Hilarious, isn't it

>tfw I still call the whole platform Linux
As you should.
Switch to based gentoo.

>one more thing i have set me music directory to ~/Music but when i am run ncmpcpp and make a db update with the u it doesn't sow anything

Look through the ncmpcpp man page and see where an ncmpcpp configuration file should be and what should be in it. I believe there is a setting in that config file to set your library location

Yes. You can set that by doing sudo apt-get purge systemd.

Can we now say that systemd definitively proven it's superiority and earned widespread adoption through its technical merits? stop the undue hate and the spreading of fake news. systemd IS the current best init, and by far.

it's not an init system though. its a bloated piece of garbage.
also, why post this "image" if you don't understand 80% of it?

Install freetype-freeworld and change your fontconfig settings to enable rgb and lcdfilter default.

Do you really think anyone's falling for this stuff? How new are you?

Can you help me redo this shit

>also, why post this "image" if you don't understand 80% of it?
Why would you say such a thing? Do you know me? I actually have a very good understanding of linux (kernel) and the bottom layers of the user land (excepting with android).

These thread have become utter cancer

Fuck you all

really? what's an r*p? (masked the second one here so you can't google)
this isn't related directly but its all i need to know from you.

I'm just helping the guy for fucks sake
Do sudo apt-get install openrc

>not reporting
I've been telling you niggas for almost 5 years now. It's all your fault.

why isnt the Start key bound to anything in linux?
could it at least open the start menu like in windows ? why isnt it set to do that by default ?

im actually writing a kernel module to handle this as we speak
what do you want it to do? open the windows start bar?

do you ever get bored of whining?

Fonts look beautiful now. Thanks a lot user

what? none of my keys bound in linux?
i running arch btw

why can't FEH open .svg images?

that really sucks

No problem.

Nah, I'm European

of course you are. if you were american, you would be rioting

Go to another imageboard then. There's plenty of smaller communities with much more technically talented people that haven't fallen to the ever-growing tide of loud newfags on the left end of the Dunning-Kruger curve. There's no use complaining here when you're outnumbered

At the very least (2*4)chan's /tech/ is somewhat better than here.

/tech/ is the worst

That's managed by your window manager. For example in the most recent version of gnome the "Super" key is mapped to a start menu of sorts so you can search or get a view of all your open windows.

>2^3's /tech/
got anything better bruh?

so how is fedora with gnome these days


back to Sup Forums you go

So, I installed a package running Mint 18. Now what? I searched the package name in the "start menu" area on my desktop, but I have no idea where to begin looking for the program.

Xubuntu is so fucking fast holy shit

well. in gnome, XFCE and MATE it could open the "apllications" bar at the top left, instead of having to click it.
and in KDE and LXDE it could open the "appications" bar in the bottom left instead of having to click it
im not sure why this hasnt been done.
"Super" key means Start key?

you what?

What package did you install?

If it's an application then you can just type the application name in the terminal and it will run.

svg isn't an image format, pleb


I've already tried that, but it says "visualboyadvance: command not found.



Even though it's the Arch wiki, it's good documentation for most Linux distros.

visualboyadvance is deprecated
use mGBA for GBA
Gambatte for GBC
more info here emulation.gametechwiki.com/index.php/Game_Boy_Advance_emulators

This is not an accurate representation of Windows audio system

see just in cased you missed it the first time. waiting for the answer since you seem to know so much about linux.

How does linux handle windows malware?
What will happen when plugging a USB flash drive infected with windows malware into machine running linux with wine installed?

It's some of these programs which aren't lowercase. VisualBoyAdvance

So I installed .net 4 onto my linux install via wine and every .net program I've tried to run works fine except for gnomeria which claims I don't have .net installed even though I do. Gnomeria is rated as platinum on WineDB yet when I try to run it it claims I don't have .net 4 installed even though I do and other .net programs work fine. Does anyone have any suggestions?

who is this qt?


unless you run said malware and the malware was designed to target linux hosts running wine then it could destroy user files

It can't do shit.

Will /fglt/ ever recover?

kys fgt


friendly thread, friendo