He watches porn in between programming his programs

>he watches porn in between programming his programs

fucking degenerates.

>he judges people
only god can judge, enjoy your fast pass to hell.

idk I've watched porn while programming but not when I was serious

All humans judge others, the point is to not be self righteous and holier than thou. Basically, don't be a cunt.

>programming his programs

actually no judging at all, simply stating degenerate behavior.

>jerking off

As a programmer, why aren't you fucking whores with all that money?

>tells people not to judge
>immediately tells them theyre going to hell

That's YHWH's judgement, not his

>programming his programs

choosing to believe in a religion

can you answer this. where the fuck is the afterlife located? religion btfo


In your mom's cooch you fucking cockroach.

>He can't program without his cup of coffee drugs


Terry, please

I spent $500 on strippers and $120 on a prostitute this week. Rate my degeneracy.

Just because his wrinkly old mom's pussy is the closest you'll get to heaven doesn't actually mean it is.

you spent too much on strippers and too little on a prostitute

He is judging, God has not judged him to hell. Maybe God has forgiven him

Nonsense, humans can judge and there are tons of rules in the Bible, Qur'an or whatever that states what judgements should be done and the punishments for them. It is explicitly stated that it is a sin not to judge evil and not to judge if someone is doing good

Judging means 'analysing if someone does something' if you notice that someone does something degenerate then you have judged the action to be in the category of 'degenerency'

>he watches porn