If Android has more users, why does iOS always get best apps first and why do apps on iOS always work better?

If Android has more users, why does iOS always get best apps first and why do apps on iOS always work better?

What's the reasoning?

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iOS is easier to develop for, then just port it over to Android with second hand code

IOS devices are only made by apple and only apple users can be stupid enough to pay for softwares.

>then just port it over to Android with second hand code
is this why most of the android apps are so shit? they're just conversions from iphone?


I dare you to try the Android version of robot unicorn attack.

>find it in play store
>install it for nostalgia from my old iPod touch
>laggy piece of shit no matter what I do

Pirate it, not worth the 99c they want to charge.

Because Android Studio is fucking garbage and only curryniggers can put up with using it

But which (((apps)))? You just shitposting without giving examples.

it's easier to develop for iOS because it runs on iphones only, that's my understanding

still don't give a shit my android phone cost 150 bucks and the only game I play on it is chess

i am of the opinion that touch screen phone games are not fun at all, wish the things came with buttons because they are powerful enough to play real games

Android uses a certain piece of shit called Java that no one likes developing for.

Snapchat for example.

Because the Android poorfags can't pay for their apps

>it's easier to develop for iOS because it runs on iphones only, that's my understanding
You understand wrong.
It runs on iPhones, iPads and iPod Touches.
If you mean it doesn't have a severely fragmented hardware layer, you are correct.

android is almost exclusive to shit colored skins


>Because the Android poorfags can't pay for their apps
^^^^ THIS. So much this! Every fucking Android app has to be free because if it;s not, you'll get tons of 1 star ratings from africans and indians. Just look at the fucking Play Strore... .99% of reviews are from black & brown people.

when I brows that shit, it's like I'm in Bombay getting assaulted by the smell of open-street sewage.

all of the office apps (that are not just webviews wrapped inside a java container)

1. Download some open source android apps source
2. Download android studio
3. Compile it with said Android Studio (or whatever other IDE you special snowflake use)
3.1. Hueg lol btw
4. Understand why iOS always gets the best apps first

>best apps
>shitty mobile game

iPhone users are more willing to pay for apps and the review process means your app won't be buried under 12 tons of bullshit


>need to have a constant internet connection to play it

does this take into account ad revenue?

Apple's review process is fucking shit, they still let a fuckton of spam apps onto the app store.
Also their search is shit so all you can find is popular stuff, it only matches terms by app name, not give you relevant results for a general term.

better than looking at the blank screen, Tyrone/Pajeet.

what the fuck lol that's super racist

Android phones all break Android in some subtle way that requires per-device fixes, and don't even get me started on what a shitshow OpenGL is on certain chipsets.

I'm looking at you Samshit and Mediatek.

iPhone users aren't broke like android users.

because it's easier to make money on ios store. people are used to paying money for things here, plus piracy is difficult. It's better to set 0,99 cent price and give people proper app than give it away for "free" and put commercials absolutely everywhere. Not to mention Android store is overflowing with shit, so even if your app isn't shit, it gets buried in other shit. You need to put some effort and start advertising it properly, while on iOS there is a chance that any "niche" app you'll write (this is, not music player #4363263) will be absolutely unique on entire store.

what a load of bullshit, idea-powered android studio is totally okay. sure, xcode is better, but new android studio has nothing to be ashamed of.

can we stop with the racism guys

>can't play on the subway
>can't play on a plane
>still pays $10 for it
lmaoing at your life applecuck

>stating the obvious fact that certain group of people misbehaves in certain place
>boo hoo racism
evil shitskins are evil, sorry user

>Super Mario

Garbage.. You;re not missing too much

>lmaoing at your life applecuck
at least you can play it, Pajeet. you can take that piece of cheap chinkshit and look at it all day long and install whatever the fuck you want you STILL won;'t be able to play it.

Having options is good. Being a poor andronigger is not.

I mean.. you literally just said "shitskin" lol
you can't possibly try to argue that you're not being racist



actually not.
iOS users are easier to monetize.
also Android is so fragmented that it is a pain in the ass to support all fucking devices and Android versions because only a small percentage of the users are running a new version and the others will never get an update to their old ass cheap phones.

Also :3

>no longer viable to ever ship an Android version of anything as it's an absolute waste of our time and money

So I'm not the only one.

Now fuck off, redditor

Android is a pajeet-coded, fragmented, security nightmare that runs like ass. It's not hard to imagine why devs won't touch it with a ten foot clown pole.

Maybe if I were writing malware I'd target Android, but for now I'll stick with iOS thanks.

And the thing is: developing for iOS is by no means pain-free. In fact it fucking sucks. Android somehow manages to be worse.

>actually not
>second argument, fragmentation, supports the claim
i was writing both for iOS and Android, i'd say it's significantly easier on iOS. And it's not only Android versions fault, fitting app for three-four phones and testing it throughly on emulator is easier than praying for it to work on gorillion different resolutions and specs.

I wrote an app for Android once and there was a stupid layout rendering bug which was making some of my layout elements invisible, but only on certain resolutions (for example in fullhd, but not in hd and not in higher 16:9 resolutions). meanwhile on iOS, properly set up layout basically guarantees proper work.

>you used bad words therefore you're racist
if i'd call you an idiot, would it be racist as well?

i'm not racist, i'm reasonable and maybe itty bitty rude. i never said that evil shitskins are misbehaving because of amount of pigment in their skin.

IOS apps doesn't always get better apps because iOS itself lacks many features.
But in general IOS apps works better because there is so few iOS devices. On Android you can choose from tons of various phones from various companies, they all differ and it makes it harder to create an OS and then apps that will work on any hardware configuration.

This has nothing to do with anything.

>i was writing both for iOS and Android, i'd say it's significantly easier on iOS

depends on your app dude.
I was doing native driver shit.. that was no fun on ios... but that was maybe 4 years ago.

I hate to admit that i'm almost tempted to buy an iPad to play a few things... Like FTL on the go,

But i suppose i could save money by just getting a Windows Tablet.

Drivers are a special kind of hell on any Apple device.

Only Mac OS Classic had a good driver system, it worked very good. There were even drivers for ATI (AMD) cards that allowed overclocking. Since mach driverwriting is hard. No matter what device you want to write drivers for or what platform you write drivers on.

Just recently Apple fiddled with the USB drivers again, for literally no reason - other than being gay, probably. Still mad about it.

>The amount of people willing to pay for my product in a platform has nothing to do with my decision of developing for that platform or not.

Are you mentally challenged?

iOS users are more likely to pay for stuff.
It's more consistent platform to develop for. There's a comparatively finite number of devices to test for with known hardware features, and they're all likely updated to the latest supported OS version.
Also, this is more on the peripheral & accessory side of things, designers know the cameras, data connection, power, headphone port, etc are in set places, and the device shape to be a particular size. With Android devices, the cameras and ports can be all over the place from one to the next.

holy shit! these indie devs are getting fucked by curry/nigs hard :(

Is it true? Should I buy an iphone to emphasize the superiority of the white race?

it's the other way around: you're not part of white race if you don't have an iphone

reddit is the best porn aggregator, and has the best topic-specific boards.

The fuck off right back to it and close this tab, nigger.

Good luck pirating on iOS.

Most games, apps and services are made in frameworks that support both platforms or have significant back-end that is platform Independent.

Only in USA.
I live in Europe and know literally one person who owns iPhone.

I don't get it. Please try to speak english.

Was super easy on my iPod touch running ios 6.
What's changed?

Used to be able to just manually add a pirated game through itunes.

There's nothing wrong in that post, you must be new here if you don't understand what he posted.

applefags spend more money on things, that's just a fact of life

I've built apps for both.

iOS is quite tricky to develop for actually. The important things are
1. Once it's implemented things don't tend to break suddenly
2. You don't need to test on 984 different devices and tear your hair out when shitty huawei chinkphones keep killing your app... if it works on an iPad, the latest iPhone, and an older/smaller iPhone, you're generally good to go. The simulator is fine for testing other screen sizes, which normally justwerk if you've written your constraints properly
3. You can actually make money from iOS, because it's much harder to pirate apps and people with iThings are more likely to be first world adults with disposable income.
