Certain combinations of 1s and 0s are illegal

>Certain combinations of 1s and 0s are illegal

Certain combinations of you and women aren't yet you're still a virgin for some reason

>Certain combinations of atoms are illegal

So are certain combinations of atoms what is your point

I've banged 23 girls


Sure you have.

>certain electron collisions are illegal

>certain rapid expansions of gases are illegal

>certain points on the body are illegal to stab

Illegal is a label. Of course it only applies to "certain" things, as all labels or descriptors apply to "certain" things. Like "old" or "young" or "happy", etc

>certain things really make you think illegally

>certain collapses of wave functions lead to a state which conscious beings have decided through a hierarchal system of authority should be classified in a manner that beings with or without this authority cannot interact with.

>certain chemical combinations are illegal

No that's wrong.
Get your facts right and try again

Which points are these?

>Certain combinations of electromagnetic waves are illegal

Mostly the neck and or genital regions. Any arterial points are probably rough going as well. Also spine probably. Oh and the face of course eyes are sacrosanct

Thats a cute pup. I'd like to get it to lick peanut butter off my balls.

>certain combinations of chemicals is illegal
>certain combinations of neural impulses are illegal
>certain money that wasn't obtained through proper means is illegal

really makes you think, huh

gets the grey matter moving dowesnt it